

A doll suddenly turns into a beautiful princess, watch as she meets the love of her life, however facing multiple struggles before her wish of love comes true.

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My fated encounter, pt 2

Well going back...

"Stella are you alright? *place hand on Stellas forehead* Perhaps you are feeling unwell, now that I clearly see that your face is so red." mother asked

"I am alright mom, maybe I am just tired from reading books all day." My immediate reply to mother, though I knew it was only an excuse.

"Well if you say so" she said

Seconds passed and my heart still beats erratically. Experiencing this new feeling within me, I stated

"Mom, I shall go ahead...."

"Alright but no reading, just rest for today. Understood?" Mother asked to which I nodded to

I ran as fast as I could, and entered my room.

*Thump thump

"What is this feeling? somewhat similar to that I felt when I first saw my mother's face. Is it adoration? Wish of friendship? Rather, do I wish for an older brother? Arghhh I should just snap out of it" I thought to myself


"I guess its due to my lack of company that I think this way..." I muttered

*Knock knock

"Excuse me, princess are you in?"

"Huhhhh?! what should I do? Should I just keep quiet and wait for him to leave?" I thought

"Princess, it is me, Hail. The queen asked me to bring you the books which we have brought from our place. You could read it after you are done resting." He added

I slightly opened the door and reached out my hand

*Hail pulled stella's hand, then bumps to his chest

*Thump thump

"Ah sorry, are you hurt?" I worriedly asked


"I should be the one saying sorry for suddenly pulling you out. Princess are you alright?" He mused upon

*Stella looks at Hail's eyes and pushed him lightly after

"I am fine.."

"At last, you have directly looked at me, I thought you were scared of me that caused you to hurriedly go back to your room" he uttered

"uh uhmm*blush*, It's not that, its just that it was my first time seeing... I mean meeting someone close to my age so I-ii was really nervous that made me run back to my room" I said embarrassed

"Phew, so that's why. Princess Stella, would you give me the honor of being one of your closest and most trusted friend" He asked

From his words I felt deep joy, then I smiled while replying him

"If that would be alright with you"

Then our palms clasped with each other, while feeling confused and interested at the same time