
Eros Destroying the Multiverse

Eros the god of Lust is a primeval god whose mischievous meddling in the affairs of gods and mortals caused bonds of love to form and drama to unfold. Feeling frustrated over being with a single wife he begins to make mistakes till the gods are pissed off One thing led to another and Zeus gave him the power Dimensional travel. (the gods wanted him to leave and never come back.) Eros will travel to many worlds not caring about the plot or fate of the universe. (not that he knows it) even if the guy is 'heavens child' (plot armor) he might still take his girl. First world- SAO disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan Discord https://discordapp.com/channels/579757112268161037/579759559011205122

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

So Han'er meet your brother in law

Eros looks at the confused Nie Li and says "No, we're not all equal and no you can't be anything and have anybody you want."

"What the hell are you talking about"

"You should know by embracing our inequalities we're that much more likely to get stuff done, to grow and achieve more. By not trying to squeeze into the same mold we'll not only accomplish more but also feel happier in the process.

"What are you getting at?"

"Right now is where you shine! I'm talking about here and now. It's not about what you've done in the past or who you were within the past. It's about what you're doing. the past should remain in the past and you should just be happy you have a chance to find a new happiest even if it isn't the one you envision but that's life.

Eros begin to walk away and Nie Li tries to get up "wait do you know about my past... who are you?

Eros stops and without turning around.it was like there was only Eros and Nie Li and Eros says" I only know what I know and I know that you didn't travel back in time...you traveled to a new universe and timeline one with me in it. Everyone personality and experience is different so they are no longer who they were as I'm sure you notice. As for who I am it's simple I'm Eros the being with the eyes of truth"

The world returns and Eros goes away and Nie Li begins to contemplate his life and what he is doing. tears fall down on his face as he thinks about his past...

Its been a few days. Eros was going to the Ten Millennium Spatial Array that week so he went to inform the city lord. However, Eros came at the wrong time or the right time. because Ye Han the adoptive son of Ye Zong, came back. For the last two years, he has been traveling with an elder outside of Glory City. When he left he was already a 1 Star Gold rank demon spiritualist and the constant life and death battles should have made him grow a lot stronger.

Shortly before his return Ye Ming the elder dies while traveling with Ye Han. Ye Ming was Ye Han's master and his greatest supporter to become the City Lord.

It is later revealed that he died before Ye Han's return to Glory City. Ye Han claimed that he died protecting him and that after losing the strong support of Ye Ming he knew that he could no longer become the City Lord.

Right now the City Lord's Mansion is holding a banquet to welcome back Ye Han.

***City Lord's Mansion, Reception Hall, Banquet***

Ye Zong and the higher-ups of various major and noble families were in the upper hall talking in low voices. The youngsters were in the middle of the hall chit chatting. Young masters and young ladies from various families arrived, amounting to a total of fifty to sixty people.

Among the youngsters, Ye Han was undoubtedly the one with the most attention focused on, being surrounded by a crowd.

Chen Linjian had both of his arms on his chest, looking at Ye Han, he said, "Ye Han, long time no see!"

Although he's a little younger than Ye Han, he's the only one here whose manner wasn't any weaker than Ye Han's.

"Indeed, it has been two years!" Ye Han politely smiled back.

"In these two years, you have raised from 1-star gold rank to 3-star Gold rank. hmm, I guess that's not bad with the low cultivation technique but you should train harder..." Shen Fei says. Thanks to his training with Eros he has reached the peak of Legend rank. He is taking a while to understand the law of fire with Zhurong (god of fire) holy energy.

Eros provided for the clans a center point in the mansion where they can break through to Heavenly Fate realm

'what?' Ye Han thought he was confused but thought young master Fei was just kidding

"oh yeah I hear that your sister is about to marry his Fei'er brother"

"huh" he frowns"you mean young master Shen Yue"

"oh, you were gone while it happened its Shen Eros. They call him the hero of Glory city.

"yeah big brother is strong... but he forced me to take responsibilities and take the girls I got pregnant as my wives...having multiple wives is a pain...well its fun too"

"What? who prince of glory city?"

They tell him all the great stuff about him when the door opens and the person they were talking about comes in the banquet on a flying cloud with a girl in his lap that girl was Lanruo"

Everyone was thinking. Why does he always have a different girl with him every day.

"Eros over there is little sis Ziyun brother"

"hmm ok I'll greet him before talking to pops are you going to stay for a while?"

"Yeah, I should catch up with everyone. I'll come by your place tonight"

"yeah no problem" She got off the cloud and went to talk with her girlfriends

"Yo little bro "

"big brother I am surprised to see you here"

"Oh I wanted to let the city lord know that I intend to go on the trip soon"

A glint hit Shen Fei eyes" I'm going to "

"Nope you have to take care of your daughters now.."


"mom would be pissed if you left them to play"

"it's not play"

"would she see a difference"

"....Oh this is Little sisters Ye Ziyun brother Ye Han this is your...brother in law" he said awkwardly

"WHAT HEY YOU I..AM happy to meet you, little brother"

"call me big brother I am stronger"

"...yes big brother" surprisingly Ye Han who had hidden feelings for Ye Ziyun stoped those feelings and started to like only old men...

Ye Han and Eros became close and Eros imparted some techniques and told him to come to seek the elder ****for guidance... strange he seemed to be Eros teacher who interrupted him while he was flirting...

Eros told the city lord that he was leaving but

"No you should hold off next week you start classes and having you in the genus class may motivate people a lot"

Eros reluctantly agreed"

Eros told him he'll stay for a week after the Class started. His girls weren't coming with him. He told them to study for a bit and make a breakthrough

During that week Eros notice a girl was following...no she was stalking him. She would glare at him... Eros thought at first she was in love with him. She would run away awkwardly whenever he turned around. Eros knew he had to do something.

oh in case your wondering Ye Han had a huge crush on his adopted sister. He fell for her the moment he met her but it would never work. So Eros gave him a nice love life

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