
Erogelic Physique Immortal Cultivator

THIS STORY IS ON HIATUS!!! —WARNING!— • THIS STORY IS NOT FOR KIDS! • Author's English Writing Skill sucks! • 1 chapter/day (longer chapter to celebrate a special day.) • Feel free to pledge either one of [ EPIC ] or [ Exclusive! ] Tier to get early access to advanced chapters on: www.pa treon.com/FapEmperor — — — — — —SYNOPSIS— A dying young man received a chance to be transported to a world based on a hentai anime! He also obtained a physique that could be cultivated to help him reach the apex of his dimension! With a new life as a hentai protagonist and a physique that suits his new status, he will reach the apex in no time while drowning in pleasure! Follow his steamy tale!

FapEmperor · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 14 - Intrusion of C*ckblockers!

Author's Note:

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Merlin decided to hear Llusse's words.

"How should I put it... She's ridiculously obsessed with the concept of the hero. Although people say she's all prim and proper and whatnot, she has caused some bits of trouble, and then, because of her excessive desire to meet the true hero, in another word, you. Like, just recently, she got her hands on some incantations to use in some shady summoning ritual of sorts," Llusse explained.

All the while, Merlin feigned a pensive expression as he listened to her carefully. He finally spoke, "That sounds bad, doesn't it? I also felt something is amiss with her."

"So, you have your suspicion, too. Anyway, now that you have appeared, who knows what sort of antics she will up to. So, be on your guard, you hear?!" Llusse warned.

"I got it. I'll try to be careful," Merlin replied, nodding his head all the while.

"Don't just try. Do it!" Llusse was annoyed.

Merlin waved his hand to placate her. "Okay! I will!"

"All right. I'll try to visit you. Be safe, Merlin." After giving off her farewell, Llusse left Merlin and Mila behind.

"What do you think, Mila?" Staring at Mila behind him over his shoulder, he asked.

"It's not good to speak ill about royalty, sir." (Mila)

"Just where is your loyalty lie, girl?" (Merlin)

"My loyalty is yours, sir. But, we have to be careful. Even the wall can listen to our conversation." (Mila)

"I understand your concern. Whatever, let's drop this matter for now. Lead me to my chamber, please." (Merlin)

"I respectfully obey!" (Mila)

After that, Mila led Merlin to his chamber.

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"This is where you will be spending the next few days," Mila explained dutifully as Merlin inspected his room.

It was a spacious and luxurious room with a soft carpet, a big bed with a canopy, a study desk with a comfy armchair. There were windows covered by curtains and picturesque paintings. Overall, this room gave off a different vibe from the room that I'd used in Natalia's inn.

Merlin sat on the bed, bouncing as he tested the springiness. Mila suddenly spoke, "I will be in the room opposite yours. Should you have needs that need addressing, by all means, do not hesitate to—"

"Since you offered, let's get to it and have you take care of my needs now," Merlin interrupted and grabbed her hand.

"Eh? Ex-excuse me? You mean, right now?" Flustered, Mila asked. Her face was turning red. The implication of Merlin's needs wasn't lost to her. But, she didn't resist.

As Mila had said, her loyalty was his. She had sworn herself to him when he claimed her yesterday night.

"Of course..." Merlin pulled her to the bed and made her lie on her back. He went on all fours on top of her.

"But, we already did it as much as did today... Mayhaps you should rest instead," Mila tried to reason, but Merlin had none of it.

He cupped her chin and spoke, "Come on. You don't seem against it. Besides, it's just the two of us. We haven't done it with only the two of us after I claimed you in the previous night."

All the while, he could hear Mila's fierce heartbeat. His Empathy also told him that Mila wasn't really against this. However, she was still trying to maintain decorum.

"A-Are you sure about this... sir?" Mila asked hesitatingly.

Merlin poured his attention to Mila. He stared into her misty eyes and saw her rising desire. He decided to answer her with action.

He pressed his lips on hers.

"Mhh~♡!" Mila released a muffled moan, approving.

However, the door to his room swung open suddenly, producing a loud *wham!* as it hit the wall. Marie and several female knights entered the room.

"Hello!!! Pardon our intrusion!" Marie said loudly. She didn't seem to be sorry at all.

Merlin and Mila jerked in surprise. They turned to see who had interrupted them and saw Marie and several knights.

He also saw Annie and Tatiana. They and the new knights that never saw him before were getting charmed by him, blushing deeply with dazed eyes. Only Leonora seemed to get a grip over her emotions, but she was clearly struggling.

(Ah, I forgot about this! How could I forget! This is important!) Merlin scolded himself silently.

"Y-your Highness!?" Mila was flustered. She was surprised because Marie had brought several knights into Merlin's room out of the blue.

"Oh, dear~♪. Did I just intrude on your merriment now?" Marie tilted her head and put her head on her cheek, acting cute. However, she didn't really feel sorry at all.

If Merlin didn't know what would happen, he would be angry at the troublemaker princess because she'd interrupted his time. However, he grudgingly forgave her because she was bringing a lot of new girls for him.

"But you see," she continued, winking her eyes playfully, "There is something that I would like you to assist in whilst you are here with us. And I assure you it shan't inconvenience you in the least. I just need your help."

Deciding to play along, Merlin feigned his confusion and asked, "My help? What kind of assistance do you need, Your Highness?"

He and Mila were sitting on the edge of the bed, facing Marie.

"Ohohoho~♪!" Marie laughed triumphantly. "Quite simply, all I want is for you to have sex with every member of my private guards!"

Merlin raised his brows, feigning his bemusement. "Could you explain...why?"

Marie approached him and leaned ahead, pushing her face close to him. Surprisingly, her eyes were wavering and her face was slowly going red. It looks like she had a hard time controlling herself because of Merlin's charm.

Inwardly, Merlin praised Marie's control over herself. She was quite dedicated to her scheme.

"Is it not obvious? I want the Hero's ability to enhance every woman's powers~♪," Marie elaborated in a singsong voice.

Maria straightened her posture and turned to the group of knights, pointing at someone. "Besides, they all understand what it is they're getting into. Now, Leonora! Introduce yourself!"

Marie's voice snapped the knights back to reality. However, they were still flustered and affected by Merlin's charm. Leonora, who had a hard time controlling her emotions, stepped forward after hearing Marie's order.

Leonora stopped before Merlin and introduced herself, "I'm Leonora Ofallon, the Commander of the Royal Guards under Her Highness, Princess Marie, and a proud knight of Lesdea. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir Hero."

"Nice to meet you. We have met in the throne room before, but this will be our first time getting acquainted with each other. I'm Merlin Pendragon. I'm summoned as a hero, apparently," Merlin introduced himself politely to get some browny points with the stoic Knight Commander.

As Merlin expected, Leonora's cold eyes softened slightly after he introduced himself politely.

Merlin turned his head back to Marie after completing his introduction. He spoke, "However, the effect of my power only lasts for a day. Won't it be pointless?"

Marie nodded and smiled sweetly. "Of course, I have considered that. Still, this is but a single step towards my research!"

When she mentioned her research, obsessive glimmer appeared in her eyes. She passionately spoke, "I wish to understand the basis of such power! If I figure that, I can apply it on our soldiers at will!"

Although her passion looked genuine, Merlin didn't believe in her. There was a discrepancy in her words and emotions. It's as if her obsession was with something else entirely, and her words were nothing but bullshit!

"So, you want me to sleep with your private guards?" Merlin closed his eyes and feigned a troubled expression. But inwardly, he was cheering, (Hell yeah! More cute and sexy girls for me to cultivate my physique!)

"But of course! This is for the betterment of the world!" Marie stated righteously.

Merlin almost lost it. He quietly retorted, (Don't give me that 'for greater good' bullshit! I have enough of it from that old wizard, dammit!)

He turned his head to the knights standing in line before him. He seriously asked them, "Are you sure about this? I am not the type of person who does it with unwilling participants! I'm a principled man! If you have a second thought or actually don't want to, please tell me!"

Leonora just stared at Merlin silently, as if she was seizing him. The other girls didn't seem to mind it. In fact, they seemed eager to do it. We're they already hopelessly charmed by our charming protagonist?

"We know what we're getting into, Sir Hero. We have prepared ourselves for this," Leonora calmly replied.

Inwardly, Merlin smiled wryly. He was kinda amazed because Leonora could spout those words with a straight face despite her being a virgin herself.

"Well, you heard them." Marie smiled sweetly, but inwardly she was anticipating what was happening next. "Now, as we had planned!"

"As you wish..." Leonora and the other knights responded, and with several *clank!* sounds, they took off their armor, displaying cute and sexy bikini under them.

"All right. If you're sure, let's do this!" Merlin exclaimed seriously.