
ero stories

just some anime sex stories

EroChanger911 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

pokemon 7

Route 1 – Unova Region

Thunder clouds circled above a harbor in the distance. Flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder could be heard. A fair distance away, a man watched on as he stood on a large tree branch near the top of a towering tree. His gray eyes had a bit of a glow in them and it was easy to tell that there were many questions behind his gaze. He stood close to six feet tall, with black hair and a fair complexion that was lightly tanned from being out in the sun. His outfit consisted of black pants, a dark blue shirt with a black jacket over it that had silver lines across the hems and along the sleeves.

"What are you doing, Zekrom?" The man muttered to himself; his eyes able to perceive beyond the clouds to the Legendary Pokémon within them.

A massive bolt of lightning fell upon the harbor area, but didn't seem to cause much damage. Instead, a return blast reached up into the swirling, black thunderclouds. The man almost cocked an eyebrow at the phenomenon, but the rapid disappearance of the Legendary Pokémon made him sigh. The Dragon/Electric Type rarely ever appeared like this. As a Dragon Master, he made it a point to check in on situations involving Dragon Types of all kinds. When Legendary Dragon Type Pokémon were involved, it was even more important to be there in case any assistance was needed.

"Probably for the best." The man felt the tension in his body that had built up from preparing to intervene against Zekrom if necessary. He'd need to find some time to relax and unwind to deal with the tension though.


In a different part of the same forest, a young girl, freshly started on her own Pokémon Journey, watched the electric display from her own tree top. A small green Pokémon stood beside her, looking on at the swirling thunderclouds with interest. "Check that out…something great is going on! Axew, let's go!" She smiled at her Pokémon companion with a grin.

"Axew!" The little Dragon Type nodded before hopping into her long, thick purple hair.

Without a hint of hesitation, the girl leapt from the top of the tree. She grabbed a vine on her way down and swung through a space between the trees, eager to see what the source of the amazing show of power was. Her instincts told her it was related to a Dragon Type Pokémon!


"Hmm?!" The man whipped his head around in surprise. The swirling thunderclouds had reappeared again out of nowhere! "Why? What is causing Zekrom to act like this?" He had been headed away from the area around Nuvema Town since Zekrom had disappeared earlier, but seeing the sudden reappearance had him sprinting back through the forest towards the hidden Legendary Pokémon. "I may have to get involved after all."

Not too far from where the man was running, the young girl from before looked on from her place on a sturdy tree branch. "That again? I thought I missed it!" She was a little more wary this time, seeing it closer gave more of an impact to just how much power was being thrown around by the strange thundercloud. "What do you think, Axew? Should we get closer?"

"Axe…" The small Pokémon poked its head out of her hair and looked almost frightened by the swirling cloud that was raining down lightning. A particularly loud crash of thunder sent the Dragon Type back into hiding within the girl's hair. "Axew!"

"It's okay! It's okay!" The girl assured her frightened Pokémon. "We don't have to go!" She tried to soothe the young Pokémon even as another crash of thunder rumbled through the sky.

Several moments later and the lightning and thunder ceased. The swirling black thunderclouds dispersed unnaturally fast too. The man stopped in his sprint to stare up at the sky in confusion. "Again? What in the world is Zekrom doing? Is something around here aggravating it?" He sighed, feeling the tension in his body having built up again. "I got prepared to intervene and it was unnecessary." He grumbled a little at the strange behavior of the Dragon/Electric Type. Not sensing any trace of the powerful Legendary Pokémon anymore, the man exhaled and turned back to leave Nuvema Town again.

A short time later and the man's sharp gray eyes looked to his left as he walked. A new presence had appeared, and from the feel of it the person was similar to himself. Not expecting such an encounter, but not opposed to it either, the man stopped walking and turned to look at the presence. What he saw was a mass of purple hair behind a berry bush. With a raised eyebrow, the man coughed loud enough for the person foraging to hear him.

"Huh?" A young girl stood up from behind the bush. She was average height for a girl her age. With long, voluminous purple hair that she kept clipped into two side ponytails with the rest of her hair in a thick ponytail down her back. She was thin, with dark skin, a medium-brown complexion, and reddish-brown eyes that almost looked orange in the light. She wore a cream-colored long-sleeved top with a pink collar and cuffs, a pink puffy sarong-like garment was around her waist with a large bow on her left hip. She also had white leggings with yellow colored ends at the legs, and pink and white yellow-strapped shoes with no socks. "Oh, hello." She greeted the man with a smile.

"Good afternoon." The man greeted the young girl. His gray eyes saw her, but saw deeper with a dim glow. His senses had been correct, she was similar to him. "Are you foraging?"

"Yep!" The girl nodded with a grin. "We were hungry, so we stopped for a snack." She held up a Sitrus Berry with a few bites taken out of it.

"The Axew in your hair, I take it?" The man mentioned just before Axew popped out and took the partially eaten Sitrus Berry.

"Hey, how did you know about Axew?" The girl walked out from behind the bush and onto the path. She leaned forward a bit, curiously eyeing the man up.

"I could sense him." The man replied simply. "Call it an instinct." He shrugged, but noticed when the young girl perked up at the word 'instinct' specifically. "By the way, those Sitrus Berries aren't fully ripe yet. They still have a green tint to them instead of the yellow of a fully ripened berry."

"Oh," The girl looked at the berry that Axew was eating. "They seemed good enough, so we ate them."

"It's no big deal to eat them at that stage, they just haven't reached their full flavor." The man informed calmly. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kai, a Pokémon Trainer that has been recognized as a Dragon Master."

"Dragon Master?!" The girl's eyes widened and lit up with sparkles. "That's amazing! I'm on my journey to become a Dragon Master too!"

"You have a long road ahead of you then, Miss…" Kai led on, reminding the girl that she hadn't introduced herself.

"Iris!" Iris introduced herself with a bright smile. Clearly excited to meet a Dragon Master.

"The path of a Dragon Master is long and full of harsh trials, Iris." Kai spoke from experience. "But if you work hard and persevere, then you can reach your goal." He gave her a smile, full of belief and a bit of amusement at how excited she was.

"Thank you very much!" Iris beamed at him for the encouragement. She knew that she had some skill as a Trainer, her previous practice battles in the Dragon Village had proven that over the last couple of years. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, how about a battle?" She requested with a grin. It would be great to see how far she still needed to go.

"Alright," Kai shrugged, perhaps a short battle would alleviate some of the tension he was carrying after two near-incidents with Zekrom in less than a day. "I have a newer partner that could use some exercise."

"Great!" Iris hopped up and down a bit. "I saw a clearing over there that was big enough for a battle!" She pointed into the forest to show the direction.

"Lead the way." Kai chuckled at the excited girl and followed her as she headed into the forest.

It wasn't too far from the path before they found the clearing. Not that it wasn't a good distance either. But when you were as used to traveling and roughing it in the wilds for days or even weeks on end like Kai, this walk through the forest was nothing of note. Once they were in the clearing, Iris rushed over to the other side.

"Okay, Axew, let's do this!" Iris called and Axew dropped from her amazing hair and ran in front of her, ready to battle.

"One quick thing, Iris," Kai palmed his Pokéball but didn't send out his Pokémon just yet. "Since you're a licensed Trainer now, this is an official battle." Iris nodded her head in understanding. "Do you have the required money to pay out if you lose?"

"Uh…" Iris opened her mouth, but closed it and looked sheepish a second later.

"I see." Kai chuckled at the beginner's situation. It was common enough for a newbie Trainer to spend all of their money before they thought about it. Winning battles or taking on some odd jobs were the easiest way for any Trainer to make some cash. Apparently, Iris hadn't done that yet.

"Does that mean we can't have a battle?" Iris looked down and even Axew seemed put-out by the news.

"We can, but it would have to be a practice battle." Kai assured her with an understanding smile. "Winner gets a favor from the loser?"

"Deal!" Iris agreed instantly, the bright smile returning to her face. Axew perked back up again too, ready to give it his all in battle.

"Agreed." Kai tossed his Pokéball and in a flash of light a familiar Pokémon, to Iris at any rate, appeared.

"Fraxure!" The Dragon type roared out. The evolved form of Axew was a bipedal creature with dark-gray skin, thick green scales that formed a carapace-like armor over its head and upper body, it had a long tail with a red tip, red claws on its hands and feet, and two long tusks on either side of it jaws that had red tips.

"This is the youngest and newest Pokémon that I currently have with me right now." Kai informed Iris with a lop-sided smile. It wouldn't be too much of a battle given the sheer difference in strength and development, but it could serve as good experience for the new Trainer.

"Amazing!" Iris gushed at seeing the Dragon Type. "Axew! That's what you'll evolve into next! Isn't it cool?!"

"Axew!" Axew agreed, eyeing up his evolved form.

"You can have the first move." Kai offered to the young girl.

"Alright, Axew, I know we still have trouble with this move, but if we want to do any damage at all, then we have to go all out! Use Dragon Rage!"

"Axew!" Axew opened his jaws and a swirling blue energy formed from within his body.

'It's unstable.' Kai instantly saw the problem with the forming move. "Fraxure, use Protect." He didn't think that unstable Dragon Rage was going to hit, but better safe than sorry.

"Frax!" Fraxure growled, a transparent green dome surrounding him.

Axew built up all the power he could, but just as he went to release it at Fraxure, his jaws snapped shut and the Dragon Rage detonated. A boom went off, kicking up dust and smoke. Fraxure dropped his Protect and just stared at the young Axew in confusion.

"Axew!" Iris worried and rushed over to the clearing smoke.

"Ax…ew…" Axew was laid out in a small crater and had wisps of smoke rising off of him.

"I'm sorry, Axew, I know we still have a lot to work on with Dragon Rage." Iris gently picked up her Pokémon and cuddled him softly.

"His Dragon Rage is unstable." Kai explained as he recalled Fraxure back into his Pokéball before placing the ball back on his belt. "Axew is still young, so he'll need plenty of practice building up his Dragon Aura and controlling it properly." He kneeled next to Iris and easily pulled a case from inside his jacket pocket. "Here, little one, eat this." He pulled out a large spherical pill and gently placed it in the Dragon Type's mouth.

"Axe…" Axew munched on the pill and seemed to enjoy the flavor.

"What type of medicine is that?" Iris looked at Kai in interest.

"I made it myself." Kai put the case back in his jacket pocket. "It's made from a mixture of Sitrus, Haban, Roseli, and Yache Berries, with some ground up Revival Herb to hold it together. It's good for Dragon Types and helps them recover, but it does make them drowsy, so they usually sleep off their injuries."

"You made that yourself?!" Iris exclaimed in awe. "You really are a Dragon Master! Able to make natural medicine for them and everything! That's so cool!" She noticed Axew was already looking better, even as the little Pokémon yawned. "Take a nice rest, Axew." Iris smiled at her partner and recalled him into his Pokéball for a nap.

"Axew will be back to full health in a short time, Iris, no need to worry." Kai assured the girl as they both stood up.

"So, what do you want?" Iris asked, making Kai look at her confused.

"Huh?" Kai raised an eyebrow at the question.

"The favor, for winning the match." Iris reminded the older Trainer of their pre-battle agreement.

"Oh, right." Kai had almost forgotten due to the near self-destruction of Axew's Dragon Rage. "Hmm…" He thought about it for a moment while looking at Iris. "How about you show me your body?"

"Oh…" Iris blinked at the request, her cheeks darkening a little as she blushed. She wasn't dumb, she'd learned about Sex Ed in school after all. As a licensed Pokémon Trainer she was considered a legal adult too, despite her young age. So, the two things kind of went hand-in-hand. "Wanting to see my body as a reward for winning…" Iris undid the pink sarong-like garment and let it fall to the forest floor. She pulled her pants and panties down in one motion, leaving them around the middle of her thighs and exposing her smooth little pussy. Then she pulled up the hem of her shirt until it rested at her neck, showing off her just beginning to swell little breasts. "Kai is a pervert." Iris remarked, though there was no heat or recrimination in her words. If anything, Iris sounded like she was trying not to giggle as she let him see her nude body.

"You're very cute, Iris." Kai complimented her genuinely after taking a long moment to admire her little form. "You can cover up now, that's all I wanted."

A sudden snapping sound made Kai spin to face it, while blocking Iris from view in case it was a person. Not seeing anything, but feeling a presence, the older Trainer carefully walked towards the tree line to check it out. He looked around the trees a bit, his eyes glowed slightly as he scanned the area to perceive any life that he couldn't directly see.

While this was happening, Iris's mind was filled with thoughts as she lowered her shirt and pulled up her pants and panties. A part of her was still kind of giddy from having her first 'adult' experience. Another part of her, her instincts, were urging her to ask to stay with Kai rather insistently. There was something about him that was familiar and made her feel comfortable around him. Not to mention that Kai was a Dragon Master. That was her dream, her goal on her journey! Dragon Masters often took apprentices if they saw talent in a younger Trainer. This could be her chance! Listening to her instincts, as she often did, Iris kicked off her shoes with a grin.

"I guess it was a Flying Type taking off?" Kai mumbled to himself, not seeing any trace of a Pokémon or a person in the forest. He turned back to make sure Iris had covered up, only to stop and stare at what the young girl had actually done instead.

"Hey, Kai…would you take on an apprentice?" Iris asked with a smile while standing naked in the middle of the clearing. Her clothes were lying on the ground around her as she showed him everything.

"Apprentice?" Kai walked over to her. "Were you planning to ask the first Dragon Master you met? I hope it wasn't your plan to try and seduce them." He eyed her bare body, appreciating the treat of seeing Iris nude again.

"No, but there's something about you…it's familiar, I think?" Iris honestly didn't know how to describe it. It was an instinctive feeling that she was following.

"It's probably your Aura recognizing mine." Kai informed Iris, gently reaching out to cup her cheek with his palm. Iris leaned into it with a warm smile. "Much like any true Dragon Master, you have Aura abilities, one's that're strongly aligned to Dragon Types. I have them as well. They manifest as strong instincts when we're young, and can be developed further over time."

"Can you teach me?" Iris questioned, leaning into his hand more. Her reddish eyes looking up at him with hope and desire.

"It is the responsibility of a Master to teach their apprentice." Kai agreed, giving a smile to the cute girl.

"Thank you!" Iris beamed at Kai, wrapping her arms around him in a hug while pressing her naked body against him.

"You're welcome, Iris." Kai hugged her back. After a moment, his hands wandered down her back and began to play with her butt.

"Kai…" Iris giggled at his roaming hands. She let him play with her butt, happy that he liked it. With a grin, she placed her hands on his pants and traced the growing bulge under the cloth.

"Iris," Kai gently tilted her head upwards. The two locked their eyes on each other before Kai leaned down and Iris closed her eyes. Their lips met and Iris felt something inside of her flare wildly. She pulled back with a mewl and gazed up at Kai.

"What was that?" Iris shivered in pleasure as Kai's hands continued to play with her ass.

"That was your Aura reacting to mine." Kai explained, gently kissing her lips again. "We're very compatible, Iris."

"Mmm, I'm glad." Iris cooed as she leaned in for another kiss. She gasped when she felt Kai's mouth open, but followed his motions as they deepened their kiss and their tongues began to play. Iris found that she very much enjoyed French kissing.

Iris grasped the waistband of Kai's pants and pulled them down, along with his boxers. She stared when his hard cock bobbed in front of her. Iris had never seen a naked man before now, but as Kai shrugged off his jacket and then pulled his shirt over his head, she got her first look.

"Big…" Iris mumbled as she took in Kai's body and then dropped her eyes back to his cock. "Can I touch it?"

"Yes," Kai encouraged her and let out a pleased sigh when Iris's small hands gently began to touch his cock.

"Hot…hard too…" Iris marveled at having a man's dick in her hands for the first time ever. She tried to wrap her fingers around it but it was too thick for her fingers to touch unless she used both hands. She began to stroke it out of instinct and a smile came to her face when she heard the pleasured sounds that began to escape Kai. "Do you like it?" She looked up at him, eager to know if she was making him feel good.

"You're doing great, Iris." Kai leaned down to French kiss her again, making Iris moan while she stroked him.

When they separated from their kiss, Kai laid out his jacket and Iris's sarong to cover the forest floor. Iris cooed as Kai lay her down and began to play with her bare pussy. His fingers teased her, running across her lower lips, playing with her little clit, and slowly delving into her depths, making her pant and mewl at the new pleasure. When his pistoning fingers began to speed up, Iris moaned and bucked her hips into his hand. In only a minute she cried out in climax, her hips rising off the ground as she orgasmed for the first time in her life.

"Hah…hah…Kai…" Iris panted, slowly getting her breath back as she came down from her high.

"Ready to go again?" Kai asked, a teasing grin on his lips.

"Again?" Iris looked at him in confusion.

"Like this…" Kai moved down and spread her thighs apart, holding one in each hand. Before Iris could say a word, she felt his warm tongue lick her still sensitive pussy.

"Ah! Kai! No…" Iris was quickly reduced to moans and cries of pleasure as Kai licked her pussy, delving his tongue inside to bring her more pleasure, and making her buck her hips into his mouth instinctively. Kai was relentless, bringing Iris more pleasure as he licked her clit and then gently flicked it with his tongue. "I…I…Kai, I'm…gonna!" Iris couldn't form words anymore as she loudly exclaimed her second climax. She collapsed bonelessly onto the spread out clothing, twitching in the aftershocks of pleasure as she tried to get her breath back.

"Come here, Iris." Kai moved to lay beside her and took her into his arms as she slowly came down from her high. Iris snuggled into him, taking comfort in his presence and warmth. After a short time, Iris refocused and looked up at Kai with a warm smile.

"You're rubbing against me." Iris giggled, feeling his hard cock against her tummy. Her hand drifted down to press him against her soft, mocha skin as his hips moved slowly, dragging his cock up and down her midriff.

"Are you ready to learn something new?" Kai questioned, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin against his cock.

"Uh huh." Iris nodded, her body still hot and tingling while her mind was hazy with pleasure and desire.

"That's good." Kai sat up slowly, stretching his legs out before standing up. "You'll need to be kneeling for this." Iris was quick to comply, getting on her knees and breathing in the scent of his cock as it was placed right in front of her face. "You're going to learn how to use your mouth now. Just like I made you feel good, you can suck my cock to make me feel good." He saw Iris's eyes focused entirely on his dick.

"Is sucking cock something that an apprentice should learn?" Iris questioned, her reddish eyes looking up at Kai curiously.

"It's something that my apprentice should learn." Kai chuckled lightly, making Iris smile cutely.

"I'll do my best." Iris promised, opening her mouth and taking in as much of Kai's cock as she could. "Mmph!" The purple-haired girl stopped when the tip touched the back of her throat. She pulled back a bit before moving forward again.

"Use your tongue, Iris, just don't touch it with your teeth." Kai gave her instruction while gently placing his right hand on her head, running his fingers through her voluminous hair.

Iris took his words to heart, pressing her little tongue against the underside of his cock and beginning to bob her head faster. She was accumulating quite a bit of saliva as she continued to use her tongue on his shaft. The lubrication made the task easier, and Iris felt her pussy practically drooling as she continued to suck Kai off. When his hand on her head gently coaxed her further, Iris went with it. "Gagkh! Mmph! Mmph! Gagkh! Gagkh!" Iris gagged as Kai's cock entered her throat. But she didn't pull back, she wanted to make him feel good! "Mmph! Mmph! Gagkh!" She looked up at Kai, tears in her eyes from the intrusion into her tight little throat.

"Fuck…" Kai groaned and slowly pulled himself back. Iris gasped and breathed heavily for a few moments, but her hands were still stroking Kai's slick cock. "You're amazing, Iris. You almost took all of it." He praised her, and Iris felt a tremor of pleasure pass through her at the praise.

This time, Iris put her lips around his cock and then took him deep all on her own. She gagged again, but seemed to have an easier time now. "Gagkh! Gagkh! Mmph! Mmph! Gagkh!" Iris made sexy noises as she tried to deepthroat Kai's cock again. Her tongue was pressed up against the underside of his cock again as she went deeper. "GAGKH!" Iris was suddenly moved to the base in one move. She could feel her throat strain around Kai's dick, trying to swallow made Kai groan in pleasure. She felt his cock swell more, which she didn't think was possible, and then something hot filled her throat and her stomach.

"Damn…Iris…fuck…" Kai held Iris's head, keeping her lips wrapped around the base of his cock as he came. Iris's feet began to kick about underneath her, and her little hands tried to push against his thighs. Kai pulled back, until his cock slipped from Iris's lips.

"Ack! Koff! Koff!" Iris coughed and breathed deeply, trying to get air back in her lungs. She felt something hot land on her face and looked up. Iris saw Kai's cock still throbbing as he came, covering her face with his seed.

"You're incredible, Iris." Kai slowly steadied his breathing, stroking himself and letting off a few more shots of his cum to cover her face.

"Kai…" Iris's voice was a little rough, but she tilted her head back and opened her mouth, her little tongue lolling out to catch the last two shots and taste them. "Mmm~"

"You're so sexy." Kai praised the young girl. Iris swallowed the cum in her mouth, and then proceeded to clean her face with her fingers, before popping each one into her mouth to lick clean.

"Hah…so good~" Iris mewled, liking the taste of Kai's seed. "More." She looked up at him with half-lidded eyes, desire pouring from her gaze.

"At this rate, I'm going to make you my wife too." Kai kneeled down to be even with Iris, kissing her lips as he eased her onto her back.

"Okay~" Iris cooed at the idea. Her instincts practically singing at the idea of becoming Kai's wife.

"Are you ready, Iris?" Kai gently glided his cock over her soaked pussy, her little lips looking so small compared to his dick.

"Mmm, ah, yes…" Iris moaned as his cock kept rubbing her sensitive clit. She gasped when Kai slowly eased the head of his dick into her tight sex. Slowly, gently, more and more of his length filled her up. She panted as pleasure flooded her system. Her brain simply wasn't used to this kind of pleasure and she was having trouble processing it all.

"What's this?" Kai smiled down at Iris, his cockhead gently pressing into Iris's deepest spot.

"Aaaahhh!!!" Iris orgasmed powerfully from the stimulation. She shook and twitched as every part of her tight pussy was stuffed with Kai's cock. He remained still, gritting his teeth slightly as Iris's young pussy tried to milk his cock.

"You're a little too small to take all of me, Iris." Kai mentioned once Iris had regained some semblance of attention. Iris blinked as she raised her head to look between them, seeing Kai's words were true as the last third of his cock was still outside of her stuffed pussy.

"More~" Iris mewled, trying to roll her hips, and succeeding in sending a bolt of pleasure into her brain that made her body jolt.

"We'll see if we can make more fit as we go along." Kai promised, kissing her lips once more before slowly, almost teasingly, pulling his cock from within her.

"Aaah, Kai, mmm…" Iris felt like fireworks were going off in her head as the stimulation of his thick cock dragging along her tight sex caused so much pleasure. "Oooh~" She moaned lewdly as Kai reversed right before his cockhead was about to slip free of her pussy. He filled her to the limit again in one continuous thrust that had Iris's eyes nearly rolling back into her head from the pleasure overload.

Words became nothing more than moans, mewls, coos, and groans of pleasure. A chorus of sexual bliss as the two continued to fuck. Iris held onto Kai as best as she could while his thrusts continued to make her nearly delirious with pleasure. Kai continued to thrust into Iris's soaked pussy, she was the tightest he'd ever experienced, but that was definitely due to her young age. Still, he continued to thrust until Iris cried out her fourth orgasm, the silken hold of her pussy finally bringing him over the edge as he buried himself into her deepest spot and filled her with his cum.

"Hah…aahh…hah…" Iris's was insensate, lying back on the clothing as she rode the intense pleasure of their shared orgasm. She felt the heat in her tummy and could only let out a slutty moan from the feeling.

"Holy shit…" Kai had to catch his breath at this point. Iris had been quite the little lover so far, made more incredible by it being her first time. He recovered far faster than Iris though, so while he was waiting for her to regain her awareness, he ran his hands over her young body. He played with her barely there breasts, rolling the little nipples around. His hands descended to her hips as he pulled his half-hard cock from her depths. Once he was free, his hands went behind the girl to once more play with her ass.

"Mmm…Kai, my butt…" Iris cooed, blinking to regain her vision as she came to.

"You have a very nice butt, Iris." Kai assured her, gently squeezing her ass cheeks with a grin.

"I feel good…" Iris giggled as he continued to play with her body. "What now?"

"I told you," Kai gently pulled her into his arms and switched their positions. Now Iris was lying on top of him while his back was on the clothes spread across the ground. "Now we see if we can get even more of my cock inside you." He kissed her lips and Iris mewled at the affection.