
ero stories

just some anime sex stories

EroChanger911 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

pokemon 5

Route 101 – Hoenn Region

Riding a bike down the dirt path of Route 101 was a slim girl of average height, for her age, with long brunette hair with a single fringe in the center that was secured by a red and white bandana. She had blue eyes with long eyelashes and wore a red short-sleeved shirt with a navy blue semi-circle on it around the collar, a small yellow pack around her waist, white gloves with navy fingertips, a white mini skirt over dark blue spats, and black ankle socks along with red shoes with black and yellow stripes.

"Yeah!" May cheered as she crested a small incline at speed and jumped the bike into the air. "If dad wants me to be a Pokémon Trainer, then I'm going to take the chance to travel and see new places!" She declared to herself with a smile as she rode along. She was on her way to meet Professor Birch, the Hoenn Region's top Pokémon Researcher, to get her Starter Pokémon. With her Trainer's License she was considered a legal adult and could go where she wanted to, it was going to be great! "Littleroot Town shouldn't bee too much farther away."

"Skull?" A gray Pokémon with a spherical body and skull-like face floated beside May suddenly. This was a Duskull, a Ghost Type Pokémon, it happened to be passing through the Route and had gotten curious about the girl on the bike.

"EEEYYYYAAAHHHH!!!" May screamed at the sudden appearance of the spooky-looking Pokémon. She careened off the road and down a hill. She inadvertently popped a wheelie as she tried to keep her bike from crashing. The young girl shrieked as she sped down the hill and into the forest. When she finally got the front wheel back on the ground, she immediately grabbed the handbrake. The bike skidded along the grass and dirt for a fair distance before colliding with a tree. May and the bike fell to the ground as she held her head in pain from the small bump she'd taken from the collision.

What May didn't know was that her screaming, aside from scaring off the Duskull, had also gotten the attention of someone else.

"I guess I should've worn a helmet…" May whimpered at the stinging pain.

"Are you alright?" A young man questioned the downed girl cautiously. He stood at roughly 180cm tall, had black hair, and his green-eyes were filled with concern for May. His skin was lightly tanned from being out in the sun and he wore practical clothes for traveling, a pair of black pants, a dark-green t-shirt, with a thin sleeveless light-gray hoodie over it. On his back was a fairly large pack in a beige-brown color.

"I'm fine." May nodded to the man as he approached and then kneeled beside her. Up close she noticed his clothes were from a somewhat pricey brand that she also liked. Her blue eyes also caught sight of the six Pokéballs on his belt, so he was clearly a Trainer.

"That's good then, I heard someone scream and came running." He smiled at May with a sigh. "I thought a pack of Poochyena might've been trying their luck against a person."

"P-Poochyena?" May blinked at the Trainer.

"Yeah, they live around here." The man confirmed. "Normally they're not a problem, but if a pack of them are desperate enough, a single person all alone can present a target."

"Oh…" May felt a slight shiver go through her body at the information.

"Pardon me for asking, but you don't seem to have any Pokémon with you, what are you doing way out here alone?" The man questioned after not seeing any Pokéball belt on the young girl.

"My name's May Maple," May introduced herself. "Today is my first day as a Trainer. I was on my way to Littleroot Town to get my Starter Pokémon from Professor Birch."

"Ah, sorry, I didn't introduce myself." The young man gave a short bow. "My name is Ryo, I'm a Pokémon Trainer and traveler." He helped May to her feet with a smile as he looked over at her bike. "So, you were riding your bike to get to Littleroot Town and get your Starter. That's not a bad idea. It would normally prevent running into a wild Pokémon on your trip as long as you stayed on the road."

"Yeah, but then this Duskull appeared out of nowhere and startled me." May huffed as she moved over to her bike. "I didn't even know Duskull appeared on Route 101."

"Ghost Types sometimes wander from their more common habitats if they're curious." Ryo shrugged as May pulled her bike upright. "At least it didn't attack you."

"True." May agreed, the thought giving her chills. "Oh man, my bike!" She cried out at seeing the damaged front wheel. The tire was flat and the wheel was bent from the collision with the tree.

"Oh…yeah, that's not going anywhere normally." Ryo grimaced at seeing the damaged bicycle.

"I'm going to have to lug it the rest of the way to Littleroot Town." May seemed to deflate at the thought.

"I wouldn't advise that, May." Ryo shook his head. "Remember what I said about the Poochyena?" May's eyes widened at the reminder. "I'll get you to Littleroot Town safe and sound, if that's okay with you?" He offered as he pulled a Pokéball off his belt and enlarged it.

"You will?" May turned to him with a relieved smile and her eyes practically shining.

"Yeah, it's no big deal." Ryo chuckled at her expression. "I'm not leaving you on your own without even a single Pokémon to protect you. So, I'll help you out. We Trainers should look out for each other in situations like this."

"Thank you, Ryo." May smiled happily at the young man.

"Don't worry about it, May." Ryo released the Pokémon within the Pokéball in a flash of white light.

"Meeeeeh!" The Pokémon that appeared was a large sheep Pokémon. It had white, gray, and brown wool covering its body in a sphere of fluff. The brown legs below also had brown cloven hooves. It had four horns, along with brown and white fur on its face.

"What is that?" May had never seen this Pokémon before, but it looked soft and fluffy.

"This is a Dubwool, they're from Galar normally." Ryo petted the large Normal Type Pokémon. "I got my buddy here in a trade a few years back. He was just a cute little ball of fluff rolling around everywhere back then."

"Meh." Dubwool gave a confirming bleat as he enjoyed the petting.

"Can you give us a ride into the nearest town, buddy?" Ryo asked his Pokémon with a grin. "You'll have to carry the bike too."

"Wooool." Dubwool gave its equivalent of a shrug, clearly not seeing the weight as an issue.

"Thanks, Dubwool." Ryo patted the sheep Pokémon a bit more. He was quick to pick up May's bike and place it on Dubwool's hindquarters. A length of bungee cord wrapped around Dubwool's mass of fluffy wool secured the broken bike in place.

"Thanks for the ride, Dubwool." May smiled at the Pokémon and giggled when it insistently rubbed against her hand until she petted it.

"You need help up, May?" Ryo asked as he patted the top of Dubwool's thick coat. "My buddy is a bit larger than the average member of his species."

"Maybe a little?" May looked at Dubwool's back and compared it to her own height.

"Here, I'll give you a boost." Ryo offered as he held out his cupped hands. May stepped onto his offered boost and was lifted up a bit by the young man.

"It's so fluffy!" May giggled as she sat amongst the bouncy wool.

"Yep," Ryo laughed as he lifted himself up onto the back of his Pokémon. "Dubwool are known for their soft and bouncy wool. He's a great Ride Pokémon."

"Meeh!" Dubwool sounded smug as he began to walk forward, moving up the hill and through the trees on the way back to the road.

"So, what're you hoping to do as a Trainer, May?" Ryo asked as they rode along.

"Umm, actually…" May sighed and pressed the tips of her index fingers together. "I don't really like Pokémon as much as most people." She perked up a little at not hearing any rebuke coming from Ryo. "But the traveling, I just love it."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Ryo smiled at the girl. "I'm traveling around myself right now."

"One of the reasons I agreed to become a Pokémon Trainer was so that I could travel around and see new places." May admitted with a small smile.

"Traveling is fun," Ryo agreed with May. "Take it from me, battling and Pokémon aren't the only things a Trainer can do. I know from experience."

"You do?" May leaned forward a bit as Ryo turned around completely to face her, leaving Dubwool to walk without instruction.

"Yeah," Ryo sighed a bit and rubbed the back of his head. "When I first started, I was one of those gung-ho kids eager to capture Pokémon, train hard, beat Gyms, and then take on the League. But after going through my first four Leagues…I realized that I was enjoying the battles less. My Pokémon always did their best, but opponents that were an actual challenge became few and far between. Eventually it just felt like going through the motions."

"Oh." May blanched a little at the thought of her Journey becoming like that.

"Yeah…I stopped running through the Leagues and took a long vacation to relax and think about what I wanted to do." Ryo looked up at the trees above as rays of sunlight shone through here and there. "Eventually, I decided to travel with all the money I'd earned by making it so far into the Leagues. I've checked out a lot of different things over the last few years and enjoyed traveling with my Pokémon."

"That's what I want to do!" May beamed at him excitedly. "Traveling, seeing new places, some shopping here and there, all of it."

"Well, there's nothing that says you can't do that." Ryo laughed along with the excited girl. "Battling isn't the be all and end all for Trainers. I've seen plenty of other ways to be a Trainer."

"Like what?" May tilted her head cutely.

"Well, there's Coordinators and Contests, Performers and Showcases, you can try the Breeder path, or the Pokémon Medical Field, once your older you can apply for the Pokémon Rangers, or you could try and get into Pokémon Fashion." Ryo listed off some options he knew about. "I've seen plenty of Pokémon that didn't care much for battle and preferred other paths. On the opposite hand, I've seen Pokémon that were very interested in battle and their Trainer just wasn't. Catching Pokémon is better if you find one's that have similar desires to your own."

"Huh, that does make sense." May looked thoughtful as she went over the new information in her head.

"You don't have to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life right away, May." Ryo offered her some wisdom from his own experience as a Trainer. "A lot of Trainers make that mistake and end up burning out before they hit fifteen. I think it's better to start your Journey with only an idea and then work from there. You never know when you'll find something that you fall in love with and want to do."

"Thank you, Ryo." May gave him a gentle smile as she leaned back, her hands behind her on the fluffy wool. Her blue eyes gazed up at the canopy as she thought about what he'd said.

From there the trip to Littleroot Town was mostly uneventful, the two Trainers just chatting a bit and getting to know each other as they traveled. Once they got into Littleroot Town, a rather large town despite its name, Ryo took over directing their path. He read the signs and Dubwool followed his instructions as they rode down the streets. May smiled and waved at some small kids that waved at them. The preschoolers' eyes nearly sparkling at seeing a new Pokémon and people riding it.

"Here we are, May." Ryo pointed to the large building as Dubwool came to a stop. "Professor Birch's lab." He slid off Dubwool's back easily.

"That was almost as fast as my bike." May exclaimed in surprise that the trip hadn't take as long as she expected. "Thank you, Dubwool!" She laid facedown on the fluffy wool and hugged it with a giggle.

"Meeeeh!" Dubwool bleated back happily.

"Do you need some help down?" Ryo asked as May sat up again.

"Please." May nodded and placed her hands on Ryo's shoulders. The young man's hands gently took hold of her waist as he lifted her slightly and then set her on the ground. "Thanks."

"No problem." Ryo assured her as he unstrapped her damaged bike from Dubwool's back. "You did great, buddy, take a nice rest." He recalled the Normal Type in a beam of red light.

"Well, time to pick my Starter Pokémon." May took a deep breath and then released it. She walked through the automatic doors with Ryo following behind her.

"Ah, May, I was just about to head out for a bit of field research, you have good timing." Professor Birch smiled at seeing Petalburg Gym Leader Norman's daughter.

"That's good, I had a small accident coming here on my bike, but Ryo helped me out." May explained somewhat sheepishly. Professor Birch looked to the young man and could tell he was a seasoned Trainer.

"Well, I'm glad you're alright." Birch smiled at the girl and gave a nod of thanks to Ryo. "What made you have an accident though?"

"A Duskull came out of nowhere and scared me." May pouted as she recalled the incident.

"A Duskull, on Route 101?" Birch's eyes widened at the information. "I've never heard of that before!" Anyone that knew the Professor could hear the excitement in his voice and knew he was only a short time from bolting out of the lab to do field work. "Ah yes, we need to get you a Starter Pokémon first!" He reminded himself before he got too excited. "Come with me."

Professor Birch showed them the three Starter Pokémon of Hoenn: Treecko, Mudkip, and Torchic. May looked them over before picking the friendly Torchic and hugging the fluffy chick Pokémon. Mudkip and Treecko were recalled into their Pokéballs and May was handed Torchic's. After being given five empty Pokéballs and her own Pokédex, May was ready to go. Even as she and Ryo were heading out of the lab, they could hear the excited Professor preparing to go out to try and find the Duskull on Route 101.

"I'm not sure how I'm going to get my bike fixed." May lamented the damage to her transportation. A second later and her stomach growled. The young girl blushing and putting her hands over her tummy as she heard Ryo chuckle beside her.

"Let's get some lunch, May, my treat." Ryo offered the new Trainer.

"Really?" May smiled brightly at him.

"Sure, it's no big deal." Ryo helped her lock up her bike at the lab for now, before the duo headed off to look for a restaurant.

"So good!" May was ecstatic as she ate. She'd expected to go to a chain restaurant or something, but Ryo had taken her to a nicer local place. The food was delicious and Ryo had insisted that she could order whatever she wanted. Ryo ate his own meal, and chatted some more with May.

"Any dessert?" The nice waitress asked with a smile as she came to take their used dishware away.

"Um…" May eyed the dessert menu before looking over at Ryo.

"Get whatever you want, May." Ryo chuckled and May giggled cutely as she ordered a slice of the homemade cake.

After lunch, the two left the restaurant and walked around Littleroot Town for a bit. May had never been and wanted to see the large town before she left. After checking out the pier, the local shops, where Ryo bought her a few little trinkets that had caught her eye, the two were sitting on a bench at a small park and just enjoying the nice afternoon.

"This has been a great day!" May cheered as she relaxed next to Ryo. "All that's left is to find a way to fix my bike and then I can start traveling around."

"I've been thinking about that, actually." Ryo spoke up and May gave him her undivided attention. "I didn't see any bike shops while we were walking around. I'm not sure you can get your bike repaired here."

"Oh…" May looked down at the ground. "That's not good. I don't want to try and walk all the way back home while dragging my bike along. That sounds dangerous." She put her finger to her chin for a second before her face brightened up. "I know!" She skipped up to her feet from the bench. "I'll just get a ride to Petalburg City! Who wouldn't want to help a cute girl like me?" May posed a little, her left hand on her waist, her right hand behind her head, and thrust her chest out a bit. Ryo would admit that May was surprisingly developed for her age. Already sporting a pair of large A-Cups, bordering B-Cups, that stretched out her red shirt a decent amount.

"While that would probably work…" Ryo spoke after a second to take in her posing. "If you want, I'll just take care of you until we reach Petalburg City."

"Huh?" May stopped her posing and looked at Ryo. "Really? You want to take care of me?" She felt a little heat rise to her cheeks.

"Well yeah, we're friends at least, I don't want anything to happen to you." Ryo explained with a gentle smile. "I'll get you back home safe and sound, May."

"I wouldn't want to impose…it's a two day trip by bike to get back to Petalburg." May poked the tips of her index fingers together again. "We'd have to rent rooms for the night, buy food and stuff…that's a lot of money, right?"

"May…" Ryo was happy that she was being so thoughtful, but it wasn't necessary in this instance. "You don't have to worry about any of that." He shook his head. "Even now, I haven't spent the same amount of money that I initially won during my first League when I placed Eighth. Add on to that the next three Leagues that I competed in where I placed Fourth twice and then Second…money isn't an issue. Especially not with how I have my bank account set up. Even when I spend heavily to spoil my Pokémon or indulge a bit myself, I still make more off of interest alone than I spend."

"…Wow…" May gaped at Ryo with wide eyes. "Ryo…are you…are you rich?"

"I mean, yeah, basically." Ryo shrugged at the young girl. "Placing that highly in the League gets you a pretty hefty check. Doing it multiple times really adds up."

"Are you sure it's, okay?" May wanted to accept, she really did, but she didn't want to seem like she was trying to take advantage of Ryo's kindness.

"May, you're not imposing or anything, I'll happily take care of you." Ryo assured the girl, meeting her blue eyes with his green to show her that he was serious.

"Okay, thank you very much." May showed him a brilliant smile as he stood up.

"Well, with that settled, let's go find us a place to stay for the night." Ryo offered her his hand. May flushed a little as she took his hand. The pair walked out of the park and down the street towards where they'd seen some hotels and stuff earlier.

-Lobby ~ Tall Tree Hotel-

"Whoa…" May gasped as she looked around the lobby of the nice hotel that Ryo had decided on. It was the largest and best in Littleroot Town, easily a Four-Star accommodation. She followed him up to the front desk while still taking in the room.

"A two bed suite, balcony if possible." Ryo pulled out his debit card as he talked to the man behind the desk.

"One second, sir, I'll check the availability." The uniformed man typed on his keyboard for a moment. "Yes, we have that available." He motioned to the card reader and Ryo swiped without a care. While the machine was processing, the man looked over May, his eyes stopping on the swell of the early bloomer's chest for a moment. He looked at Ryo and gave a grin and a thumbs up, he'd worked here long enough to have seen a few older Trainers bring newbies here. "Please, enjoy your night." He smiled as he handed Ryo the key and May refocused on them instead of the room. Ryo rolled his eyes at the man as he took the key and led May towards the elevators.

A lot of people in the hospitality industry had probably seen something like this before. Older Trainers bringing in younger ones for a night of fun in exchange for a luxury hotel stay. But that wasn't Ryo's plan with May. He was going to take care of her properly and they'd probably part ways at Petalburg.

'If she seems alright with it, then maybe.' Ryo thought to himself as they rode the elevator to the upper floor. He wouldn't demand it nor force himself upon her. If she wanted to try, he'd show her though.

"Holy…" May gasped as the door to their suite opened. The young girl happily rushed into the room and explored the large space. "This must have cost a fortune!" She exclaimed as she looked at the large bathroom. "Look at that view!" She laughed happily as she stood on the balcony that overlooked the large town and gave a view out into the distance across the ocean.

"We can eat at the hotel restaurant for dinner if you want?" Ryo offered as he walked out onto the balcony and stood beside May.

"Sounds good to me." May smiled at him before they returned to looking out over the view.

After dinner the duo returned to their room with content smiles. May was offered the bathroom first and the brunette went to bathe with a bounce in her step. Ryo was content to watch some TV, the nice hotel having hundreds of channels to choose from. Some time later and May emerged from the bathroom wrapped in fluffy bathrobe.

"That felt great." May was all smiles as she sat on the bed next to the one Ryo was laying on.

"I'll take my shower then." Ryo rolled over and headed for the bathroom next. His shower wasn't as long as May's bathing, but he took his time to enjoy the shower in the luxury bathroom. He also emerged from the bathroom, in a fluffy robe and ready to laze the last of the day away as the sun was already setting.

"Hey, Ryo…" May got his attention as they watched TV together. "Is there some way that I could repay you for this? Taking care of me and everything."

"I don't need money or repayment like that, May." Ryo waved it off nonchalantly.

"I know, but still, you're already taking me to nice restaurants, fancy hotels, and I want to do something nice for you." May smiled at him cutely. Seeing her smiling in the fading sunlight in nothing but a bathrobe, Ryo decided he'd make the offer. If she said 'No' then that would be that and he wouldn't ask again.

"There is something you could do, now that you're a Trainer and all." Ryo spoke up after a moment to think. "But it may be too soon for you. I won't hold it against you in any way if you say 'No'."

"What is it?" May sat up on her bed. She looked a mixture of curious and eager and Ryo thought it made her cuter.

"Release." Ryo said plainly and May tilted her head in confusion.

"Release?" May parroted back as a question.

"Sexual release, May." Ryo clarified and watched as her eyes widened and her entire face turned red in seconds.

"Oh…" May covered her red cheeks with her hands. She had a hard time meeting Ryo's eye for a long moment, but when she did, he saw curiosity and interest shining in the blue orbs. "I…I've never done anything like that before." She giggled a bit as a smile formed on her lips. "But I am kind of curious…"

"I can teach you, if, you're sure." Ryo's tone was gentle, he made sure of it. He didn't want to scare May or rush her. This should be taken at her pace and only progress when she felt comfortable.

"Do…do you want to see my boobs?" May asked as she held the top of her bathrobe. "A lot of the boys at my school started staring at them not long ago."

"I bet they were." Ryo chuckled to ease the mood some more and May giggled with him. "If you want to show them, you can."

"Alright," May's smile turned bashful as she slipped the top of the bathrobe off, covering her breasts with her hands for a moment. "Here…" She moved her hands and her girls bounced a little from the movement. Each of her breasts was capped with a light-pink nipple and she seemed to know when his eyes were staring at them.

"You're beautiful, May." Ryo complimented her genuinely as he took in her topless form. The young girl blushed but enjoyed his compliment as she showed her tits to a man for the first time.