
Ernst Dawson, a Coiling Dragon fanfic

A depressed guy who lost everything died in an accident by saving a little girl being hit by a truck. Unknown to him, the little girl father is a God. To reward him for saving his daughter, He sent his soul in a fantasy world from the guys memory. What would happen in this world when he awakens? Warning: 1. This novel is set up in a world where strong prey on the weak. 2. This is a fanfic so please don’t expect anything to follow the original canon. 3. English is not my main language so please don’t expect grammar to be perfect. 4. I don’t own characters of coiling dragon.

Finney_Gan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 23-War

In the afternoon of the following day, the joint forces of the Radiant Church and Cult of Shadows cross the Liuyan River.

In a big tent besides the river, that serves as the command center of the joint forces, high ranking members of Radiant Church and Cult of Shadows is on a meeting. They were discussing on how to divide the gemstone mine among themselves. On the Radiant Church side, it was led by Holy Emperor Heidens with the Head of Ascetics, Fallen Leaf, Head of Ecclesiastical Tribunal, Osenno and Zealot Commander, Lehman. On the Cult of shadows sides, it was lead by Dark Patriarch, Affleck with Senior Judge, O'Casey and Fallen Angel Commander, Cramerson. Besides these people, there are still Radiant Angels and Fallen Angels guarding outside the tent and Saint-level magical beast hiding in the vicinity.

"Affleck, I want half of the gemstone mine while you take the other half. How about it?" Heidens opens his mouth and say his demands.

Affleck just looks at Heidens with ridicule while he drinks his wine. "Heidens, are you delusional? I will just send a message to Ernst, saying we will help them get rid of the Radiant Church forces. Do you think Ernst will feel gratitude towards us and reward us with a share of gemstone mine? Don't forget, Ernst has an enmity with you guys. I want sixty percent while you take forty percent. This is our bottom line."

Heidens clenched his fist in anger, but still showing a big smile on his face. "Alright, deal. But you have to help us eliminate Ernst."


"Cheers!" Heidens lift his wine cup and toast with Affleck.

"Cheers!" Affleck raise his wine cup too and drink it. After drinking his wine, he said. "How do you think we should deal with Ernst? As far as I know, Ernst was only a step-away from becoming a Deity. During his battle in O'Brien Empire two years ago, he defeated the first disciple of War God who trains for five thousand years, that is said to be also half-way to promote to a Deity. So, now he is more powerful than two years ago."

Heidens nodded in understanding. "I know what you are worried about. With our Saints ganging upon him. Even he is compelling, what can he do? If Radiant Church alone, we have no chance of victory. But after joining our forces, we have big chance to kill him. After killing him, taking over the magicite gemstone mine will be a piece of cake."

Affleck just shook his head. "I hope you are right, I just feel that there is something wrong in today's attack. However,I don't know what it is. I hope, it will not affect today's matter."

"You worry too much, there is only one opponent Saint. If your feelings turn out to be correct, can we not escape?" Heidens mocks Affleck cowardice.

"Prepare to attack." Heidens orders his subordinates outside the tent.

Cardinal Guillermo of the Radiant Church and Dark Cardinal, Weiss Porter, of the Cult of Shadows serves as the leaders of the joint attack army.

"Guillermo, let's first test the opponent. Why don't we send one hundred thousand soldiers to test the waters? Fifty thousand soldiers will attack each city gate. Let's see how they will respond." Weiss Porter consult Guillermo on their attack plan.

"Not a bad idea. Let's do that." Guillermo agreed to the plan.

In the city of Cod, Ernst, James, Douglas, and Roger were standing on top of the city walls and observing the enemy forces. Douglas, the Grand Marshall of Dawson Duchy, was frowning. "There are so many soldiers, if my estimate is not wrong, there should be more than one million six hundred thousands on the other side. I also feel the presence of many Saints on the back of the army."

"Uncle Douglas, focus on the army soldiers. Leave those Saints to me." Ernst patted Douglas on his shoulder.

Douglas seems to be reinvigorated and full of fighting spirit. "Carry out our original plan, prepare twenty-five magicite cannons in south and east gates."

After an hour, a rumbling sound can be heard.

"Milord, one hundred thousand soldiers are now charging towards the city gate." A military officer reports to Douglas.

"Carry out my orders. As long as they enter the range of our magicite cannons, give our guest a welcoming present. Don't show mercy to the enemy." Douglas orders.

"Yes, Grand Marshall." The military officer's eyes shown with excitement.

On top of the city wall, Ernst, James, and Roger were staring at the charging armies. One hundred thousand charging soldiers divided them in two towards south and east gates simultaneously.


The one hundred thousand soldiers raise their shields and charge towards the city gates with their weapons in hand. Their angry roars sounded like thunder. Numerous soldiers who are charging forward carrying massive escalades, while in their hearts they were very nervous being shot by arrows by the archers on the city walls.

But what shocked them was, no arrows were fired.


An angry command was heard atop the city walls.

The runes of the fifty magicite cannons instantly lit up, a horrifying amount of elemental essence began to surround them. The magicite cannons emitted a terrifying sound as fifty magicite cannons explosion of light blast the enemy soldiers.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

"Magicite cannons!" Terrified voices of soldiers can be heard.

The balls of fire landed right at the middle of the charging soldiers, and the people nearby the ball of fire turned into charcoal. When the ball of fire landed to the ground, it instantly turned into a blazing ring of fire which expands in every direction. All the soldiers touched by the ring of fire began to scream in pain, as they burn alive.

'Fire-style magic spell-Blazing Rings of Fire'

With just one blast, a hundred soldiers died.

One of the other balls of light was a bluish-white fell down in the middle of the soldiers as well, and the soldiers in the area were instantly frozen solid, then shattered into tiny pieces. The bluish-white ball of light shattered explosively into millions of small ice missiles that shot in every direction. Many soldiers who were struck by the small missiles began to scream in pain before they die.

'Water-style magic spell-Angry Sea of Arrow Rain'

Different type of magicite cannon would use different types of gemstone and produced different type of attack.

After firing the magicite canons, it lit up again.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Almost at the same time, the magicte cannons struck again. The enemy soldiers died horrendously. They are either frozen to death, electrocuted by lightning, burned to death or spike by countless spears appearing from the ground. The fifty magicite cannons represents as a reaper of death. With just ten salvos, the fifty thousand soldiers in each gate were almost annihilated.



Out of one hundred thousand soldiers, only less than ten thousand escapes. They are extremely terrified by the bombardment of the magicite cannons.

"Lord Cardinal, we got wrong intelligence. In the previous report, it did not show that they have twenty-five magicite cannons mounted in each gate. Our soldiers now are escaping back to the camp. Only less than ten thousand soldiers manage to escape alive." The military officer who oversee the first wave of attack reported to Cardinal Guillermo.

"Damn those intelligence officers, why did they not report about the magicite cannons? If this continued, our soldiers will be butchered without even getting into the city gates. Weiss Porter, what do you think shall we do? Do we need to report to the higher-ups?"

Weiss Porter disdainfully looks at Guillermo, but he still replied. "No need to tell them such simple matter. Let's attack them using our elite forces. We will also include eight-9th rank warriors in this attack by mixing them in the army."

"Okay, will do as you said." Guillermo agreed.

Soon, eight seemingly ordinary soldiers appeared in front of both cardinals. "The eight of you, mingle in the center of the army and charge with them towards the city walls. When you reach the city walls, increased your speed and break open the city gates." Weiss Porter orders the eight-9th rank warriors.

"Yes, Lord Cardinal."

On the city walls of the city of Cod, Douglas was busy ordering his military officers. "Prepare all the remaining magicite cannons. The next wave might be more than the first wave. They might include their elite forces in the next wave."

"Yes, Grand Marshall." The military answers in unison.

Another rumbling sound approached the city walls again. The joint forces of Radiant Church and Cult of Shadows charges again towards the city walls. This time, two hundred thousand soldiers are attacking.

Ernst observes the charging soldiers, with his strong spiritual energy, he had already noticed that eight-9th rank warriors mixed in the soldiers. If these eight-9th rank warriors manage to break the city gates, it will be disastrous to their soldiers. He called his father and Roger. "Father, Uncle Roger, please take care of the four-9th rank warriors charging towards the south gate."

James and Roger were already itching for a fight, were instant happy. They both charge at the four-9th rank warriors heading at the south gate.

Ernst locked the remaining four-9th rank warriors charging towards the east gate. With a flip of his hand, four metal balls appeared. With a flick of his fingers, the metals balls were release as fast as lightning towards the four-9th rank warriors.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The four-9th rank warriors don't know how they die, the soldiers only saw their head exploded like watermelons as they charged towards the city walls.


One hundred magicite cannons instantly lit up, releasing bolts of lights aiming to the charging soldiers.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Agonizing screams were heard around the enemy soldiers. Just one salvo of magicite cannon almost killed ten thousand soldiers. The corpse of dead soldiers laid on the ground as it was step by the charging soldiers.

The running soldiers in front panic again as they saw the magicite cannons lit up again and releases balls of light towards them.


The soldiers screams as their bodies are electrocuted by lightning, while others are frozen solid. The soldiers at the back don't know if they charge ahead or retreat.

In just a few minutes of firing the magicite cannons, countless casualties are lying below the city walls. Those soldiers who escape from the range of the blast were shot dead by the archers atop the city walls.

Meanwhile, James and Roger are having an advantage against four-9th rank warriors. They were not affected by the bombardment of the magicite cannons. Having a peak 9th rank warrior based, James and Roger easily disposed their opponents. They look at each other and laugh, as they charge towards the 7th and 8th rank soldiers. The two of them were like tigers in the group of sheep, killing high-ranking soldiers. Causing the enemy soldiers more disarray.

"What's going on? That's not a sound produced by fifty magicite cannons. We've been trick, the Dawson Duchy hide more magicite cannons. If this continues, our elite forces will all die. Order them to retreat." Shouted Guillermo. He did not expect the defense of the city of Cod to be tough. Their intelligence was wrong.


The joint forces hurried retreated. With one hundred magicite cannons, it's only a matter of time before they were all killed. Out of two hundred thousand soldiers who charge towards the city walls, only less than thirty thousands managed to survive. The soldier's morale plummeted. They all feel that they are sent just to die.

Upon seeing the retreating enemies, the soldiers defending the city walls cheered. They had already killed more than two hundred fifty thousand enemy soldiers without suffering any casualties on their side.

It's a miracle!

James and Roger return to the top of the city wall with blood all over their bodies. It's not their blood but the enemies blood. The two laughs as they walk towards Ernst and Douglas.

"Hahaha. What a satisfying battle." Roger said.

"I feel like I had returned to the time when we are battling the groups of magical beast in the Foggy Valley." James said in nostalgia.

Watching their cheering, Ernst, James, Douglas, and Roger were also happy. Before, they thought they will all die during the siege, but until now, no one die on their side. They look at Ernst and nodded with respect.

Ernst notice their gaze, his lips twitched, "Don't look at me like that, I didn't do anything." He helplessly smiled, then he turned serious. "The enemy soldier's loss their morale now, and it's time to attack and finish this war. You guys stay here and defend the city. I feel the enemy Saints will a make a move soon after consecutive failures of their army. I want to avoid fighting them in our city, I will take the fight to them. Let's go, Nadia."

Nadia, who was asleep on his master's shoulder the entire time, suddenly open her eyes. She rises in midair, changing her small frame to her original gigantic and ferocious size.


Ernst was already promotes to Saint-level Grand Magus two months ago while staying at the pocket dimension. He cast 'Earth-style Forbidden spell-World Protector' towards Nadia and 'Wind-style magic spell-Windshadow' to boost her speed. He boarded atop Nadia's head, and they flew towards the enemies command center.

The soldiers watching their young lord riding the Saint-level magical beast Velocidragon were all stunned. They were surprise that there was another Saint on their side. Knowing that their young lord had a magical beast on his side, they cheered more happily.

James, Douglas, and Roger watched Ernst and Nadia leave. They felt their weakness. They want to help Ernst too, but without enough strength, they cannot participate in such battles. James taps Douglas and Roger shoulders and said. "We need to train harder from now on."

"Yes Milord." Douglas and Roger both answered. They understood what James means. They want to avoid being a burden to Ernst.

As a huge and ferocious red Saint-level magical beast Velocidragon heading towards their base camp, the joint forces of Radiant Church and Cult of Shadows stops their attacks on the city of Cod for the moment.

Feeling the strong aura of a Saint, higher-ups of Radiant Church and Cult of Shadows moves out from the command center. They saw a Saint-level magical beast Velocidragon and Ernst standing on the head of the magical beast with relax attitude.

Upon seeing the opponent's line-up, Ernst chuckles. They stop two hundred meters from the joint forces of Saints. Ernst smiles at them, uses his battle Qi to amplify his voice. "What a strong line-up, twenty-nine Saints and three Saint-level magical beast? To bring such a strong line-up, are you here for magicite gemstone mine or you are here to deal with me?" Ernst slightly teased the opponent's Saints.


Hearing Ernst little provocation, the Saints of the joint forces laughs as they think Ernst was good at making jokes.

"Ernst, we are not afraid of you anymore. If our Radiant Church alone, we might fear you, but thanks to the Cult of Shadows, your doom is near. Make haste, handover the gemstone mine." Holy Emperor Heidens sneers and give orders to Ernst.

"Not just the magicite gemstone mine, all your forces must leave the city of Cod. It was our territory, after all." Osenno also added another condition.

Ernst just smiling at their shameless demands. He looks at the Cult of Shadows Dark Patriarch Affleck and said. "What about you guys? Do you also have some demands?"

Affleck's look at Dark Judge O'Casey with known meaning, then to Holy Emperor Heidens with a look of disdain. He shows the white of his teeth and opens his mouth. "I don't know, you are very understanding, Ernst. With our combine power, you have no chance of winning. Our demand is simple, allow the Cult of Shadows to build churches and preach in your duchy."

"Damn!" Holy Emperor Heidens curse Affleck in his mind. The Cult of Shadows was one step ahead of them. Not just they will take a considerable portion of the mine, they will also have new believers.


Ernst and Nadia laugh that their side get hurts. After laughing so hard, he turned serious again. "I don't know where you guys get the courage to ask me with such shameless demands? Because you have many Saints on your side? If you have the ability, you can attack at the same time." With a flip of his hand, the Blackshadow sword appear on his right hand.

"Nadia, can you take care of the three-magical beast, Saint-level Hellfire Phoenix, Saint-level Black Dragon and Saint-level Two-Headed Silver Dragon?" Ernst send his message through their mental link.

"Master, don't worry. I can take care of the three Saint-level magical beast. With my added armor and boost in speed, they are no match for me."

"Alright. Take care of yourself. Finish the fight quickly."

"Yes Master."

Ernst plans to deal with the opponent Saints is simple, kill the weak Radiant Angels and Fallen Angels first. Interrupt Affleck and Heidens while they chanted their forbidden spells. He doesn't want to be hit and affected by their soul attacks. With Affleck and Heidens disrupted, the remaining Saints will halt their attacks after seeing the angels dies. With his increase in strength now, defeating these Saints was just like child's play for him.

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Affleck begins to talk. "Ernst, we just want to build churches and preach. You can rule your duchy. I hope, at this moment of no return, you will reconsider." Although he said it, he already drew his magistaff and gives signal to the joint forces.

"Attack!" Osenno shouted.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

The Radiant Angels and Fallen Angels charged towards Ernst. They were instructed to entangle Ernst and not to let him escape. While the rest of them will build up their power and prepare their most powerful attacks.

"Roaaaar!" "Roaaaar!" "Roaaaar!"

On the other side, Nadia was already separated from Ernst and is now fighting the three Saint-level magical beast. With Nadia's defense and speed boost and understanding of the Laws, she is unmatched in this battle.

Seeing the twenty-two Radiant Angels and Fallen Angels charging at him at high speed. Ernst imbued his sword with black battle Qi and locked the charging angels with his spiritual energy. He swing his sword and chop it towards the angels.


Twenty-two sword beams appear out of nowhere heading to each target. The sword beam was five meters long, it was like a homing missile that locks its target. It cannot be dodged. Every path of the sword beam was destroyed, the space itself was cut, creating a long line of space scar.

The Radiant Angels and Fallen Angels, seeing the incoming sword beams, they wants to dodge, but they can't as the sword beam hit them.


They intend to say something, but they can only muttered a simple word of helplessness as they die instantly. The sword beam cleanly cut them in two, from their head to bottom.

Before anyone could react, Ernst flip his hand and two metallic balls appear on his left hand. He flicks the two metallic balls with imbued battle Qi towards Affleck and Heidens, who are chanting their forbidden spells.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Heidens and Affleck had noticed the incoming metallic balls. They feel the power imbued in each ball. They immediately stop their chanting. Affleck blocks the metallic ball with his magistaff, but with the massive force behind the metallic ball, he was still hit and thrown faraway.



Affleck was injured. His two arms holding the magistaff to block the metallic ball were broken and was bleeding. He was coughing out with fresh blood due to internal injury.

Ernst uses his 'Profound Truth of the Earth-256 Layered Waves' on his attack, using the metallic balls as a medium. Though its loss some power but it is more than enough to heavily injure the opponent.

On the other hand, Heidens was not so lucky. He was missing an entire arm. His right shoulder was almost broken. He vomits fresh blood continuously. His elegance as the leader of the Radiant Church was now gone. He looks more of a beggar now.

The battle between Ernst and the twenty-two angels happen only in a split second. His attack towards Affleck and Heidens also happened within a blink of an eye.

Seeing the death of Radiant Angels and Fallen Angels, and injuries of their two leaders, Osenno, Fallen Leaf, Lehman, O'Casey and Cramerson who are building up their most powerful attack, suddenly stops. They are in disbelief. It happened so fast, in just a split second, twenty-two Saints on their side are now dead, and their two leaders are injured. They look towards Ernst, who mysteriously smiles at them. Their hearts skip a beat, their hearts felt chill and their foreheads were now covered with sweats. Knowing they are no match for Ernst, they run towards Heidens and Affleck to pick them up and escape.

Suddenly, they heard a voice, making their body shivers.

"Don't think about escaping. With my ability, do you think you can escape? Stay here for a while and watch my magical beast companion finish off your Saint-level magical beast." Ernst said to them while he collects the interspatial ring of the dead angels and the transparent attribute bubbles. He did not absorb the attribute bubbles and just put them in his ring.

The remaining Saints of the joint forces could only follow and remain silent. If they make a wrong move, they might die anytime. It was a big contrast to their high and mighty attitude earlier. If they know this will happen, they will not claim the magicite gemstone mine and provokes Ernst, this killing god. They thought their combine forces were more than enough to kill Ernst, but reality slaps their faces. With just an instant, twenty-two Saints died, and their two leaders were heavily injured. Escaping was also impossible.

Affleck and Heidens looks were sour, and made a heavy sigh. They made a wrong decision, because of these, their two forces will become weak. Heidens blames his impulsiveness. He really regretted it. He heals himself and waits for Ernst punishments.