
Ernst Dawson, a Coiling Dragon fanfic

A depressed guy who lost everything died in an accident by saving a little girl being hit by a truck. Unknown to him, the little girl father is a God. To reward him for saving his daughter, He sent his soul in a fantasy world from the guys memory. What would happen in this world when he awakens? Warning: 1. This novel is set up in a world where strong prey on the weak. 2. This is a fanfic so please don’t expect anything to follow the original canon. 3. English is not my main language so please don’t expect grammar to be perfect. 4. I don’t own characters of coiling dragon.

Finney_Gan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 11-Four Years

Ernst's return to the institute to meet his dorm mates Randy, Oliver, and Eugene. His dorm mates are now third grade students, while he is on the fifth grade because he has only shown his level as 5th rank magus.

Similar to last year, he shared his experience on the Mountain Range of Magical Beast. His dorm mates listen attentively because they will venture there sooner.

Ernst continued his study and attends class. Subsequently, he will go to the mountain at the back of the campus. He went to his usual practice placed, but to his surprised there is already someone there. He saw Linley doing stone sculpting. Because of his strong soul, he can see an elderly figure on Linley's side, instructing him. He just looks at them and left.

His cousin Yale and he became close after he saw the 'Family of Four' sculpture in their living room. The Proux Gallery continued to pester his parents to showcase his work. But the moment they saw the sculpture 'Family of Four' in their living room, they are mesmerized and report their finding to their managing director. Since Ernst father James and the director of the Proux Gallery are friends, he agreed to exhibit it for three months after consulting him.

The sculpture exhibit of 'Family of Four' becomes an instant hit. Many famous people from Fenlai Kingdom and nearby territories visit the Proux Gallery just to view the sculpture.

Ernst was not concerned about the exhibit of his sculpture, since he is busy with his training and class.

One year past.

After taking their loose ends, Ernst parents are ready to travel to the Mountain Range of Magical Beast. At first, it is very hard to convince her little sister about their journey. But after promising that he would bring many toys for her, she reluctantly agrees.

After days of travel, they reach the mountain cliff where the Foggy Valley is located. Ernst cast Wind-style magic spell 'Soaring Technique' to the three of them then flew downward. Along the way, James and Sarah were astonished by the view and different magical beast lurking everywhere.. They even had the urged to pluck the patches of Blueheart Grass whenever they see one.

The family of three landed on the ground. Ernst calls Nadia through their mind link.



Angry roars can be heard everywhere, making his parents nervous, but Ernst reassured them that they will be fine. Moments later, the roaming magical beast felt the incoming danger, Stop roaring and remain quiet.


In the far distance, the family of three saw a gigantic Velocidragon. Almost reaching five storeys high, bellowed excitedly.

"Master, you're finally back." Nadia wagged her tail like a brat.

"Father, mother. This is my magical beast companion Nadia, an 8th rank Velocidragon." Ernst parents look curiously at the menacing magical beast.

"Nadia, they are my parents. They will accompany us in our training for the following years."

"Roaaaar!" Nadia roared in agreement.

The family of three embarks on the back of Velocidragon as they went to the tunnel.

As they travel, Ernst mother Sarah marvels by the increase in elemental essence. "Little darling, it seems the elemental essence here is about ten times than the outside."

"Mother, this is just the outer region of the Foggy Valley. The nearer we are to the tunnel entrance, the elemental essence will increase."

"Son. There are so many 7th rank magical beast here. I saw Blackbear, Dragonhawks, Pythons, Pegasus, even Velocidragons." James said while observing the surroundings.

"Father, these magical beasts are the residents of the outer region of the Foggy Valley, while 8th rank magical resides on the inner region. The nearer we go to the tunnel location, the stronger the magical beast gets."

They finally arrived at the tunnel entrance. The tunnel entrance seems bigger than before, maybe Nadia enlarged to fit with her growing body.

James and Sarah looked above into the sky and saw a group of 8th ranks Flying Firedragons and Emerald dragons. They also saw two Velocidragons not far from the small hill. They feel a higher elemental essence coming from the tunnel entrance. As they enter, their bodies were greatly stirred.

"Nadia, did the Armored Razorback Wyrm bother you?"

"Master, that stinky lizard never bothers me. He is always inside the cave and never went out."

"That's good then. My parents will stay here to train so, you have to look for them while you trains."

"Master, I understand."

Ernst parents went inside the tunnel. His father James is meditating under the effect of one hundred times elemental essence, while his mother Sarah was madly absorbing elemental essence. Temporarily, he stays outside practicing with his sword. Nadia on the other side was training her tail and claw to crushed boulders.

James and Sarah stayed inside the tunnel for a week. Feeling bored, they went outside and fight a magical beast. James and Sarah work as a team. James serves as main attacker, while Sarah act as support and damage dealer. At first, their teamwork is a bit clumsy. But as time went on, their teamwork becomes flawless as they battle the magical beast every day.

Three months past.

James was beating down an 8th rank Firedragon. The Firedragon is heavily injured.

"Submit to me and become my mount or die." James glares at the injured magical beast. The Firedragon was unwilling to surrender, but also unwilling to die.


The Firedragon roared and bows his head. James tore the soul binding contract scroll. Soon, a pentagram magic formation flew towards the head of the Firedragon.

James was very excited. Last week, he was very envious about her wife Sarah's 8th rank Winged Pegasus mount. Now he also has a mount.

During the past three months. Ernst mother Sarah was promoted to 8th rank magus, while his father James was also promoted to 9th rank warrior. After meditating in an environment with rich high elemental essence and fighting magical beast every day, their strength increase quickly. Now it's time to return home.

"Nadia, we will be going home now. We will return a year later. Practice hard. When you are promoted to a 9th rank, I will bring you to the outside world."


"Master, reaching 9th rank for me is like drinking water. See you next year." Nadia bragged.

The family of three with 8th rank Winged Pegasus boards the 8th rank Firedragon and returns to Fenlai City.

After a few days of flying, a considerable commotion happens in Fenlai City. A huge Firedragon were seen and landed in the city. The people thought that magical beast are attacking the city.

People were surprise to know that the giant Firedragon is a mount. They speculated on whose the owner of the huge Firedragon was.

After landing on the back garden of the Dawson mansion, the family of three disembark and were greeted by Roger, Douglas, Steward Greg and Andrea. They were astounded by an 8th rank magical beast famed for their ferocity, and not just one but two.

Her sister Anna was scared seeing the ferocious Firedragon, but fell in love with the beautiful appearance of the Winged Pegasus.

After settling the magical beast, the whole mansion celebrated for the return of their masters. Due to the breakthrough of Ernst parents into higher ranks, the atmosphere in the mansion was very joyful. Who did not want a powerful and kind master?

The following day. Ernst returns to the institute. He catches up with his dorm mates. His dorm mates are already numb, hearing his dangerous encounters.

After the chat, their group went to the Huadeli hotel to eat and celebrate Ernst return.

A few months past, Ernst is sitting on a rock near a lake inside the campus. He is playing music with his flute. He is not a training addict. When he is not training, he accompanies his dorm mates to roam around different establishments in the campus. He believes that training should be mixed with relaxation because training all the time is boring and unproductive. When he have a spare time, he will play music with his flute. Hearing the sound of his flute, his feels very calm. He was still young and should enjoy his childhood more.

One year past.

Ernst and his parents return to the Foggy Valley again. His parents have benefited a lot during their last visit. After a bloody battle they experience last year, the husband and wife becomes excited again upon their return.

After arriving at their destination, the family of three disembarks from the back of the Firedragon. They did not bring the Winged Pegasus since her sister will not allow it to part with her.


They were greeted by the enthusiastic Nadia and follow them to enter the tunnel to meditate under the presence of high elemental essence.

During their stay, Ernst explain his parents the reason most peak 9th rank warrior can't breakthrough Saint-level. "The first reason is their insights and understandings of utilizing the forces of nature known as 'Impose'. The second one is insufficient battle Qi." This was based on 'Stehle' of the Radiant Church of the original canon.

James and Sarah nodded in understanding, while Nadia just roars.

Since Ernst parent returned, the life of the magical beast becomes miserable. A 9th rank warrior James is fighting head on while Sarah, an 8th rank magus, serves as support and damage dealer.

While his parents were fighting magical beast, Ernst was also busy picking attribute bubbles. His parent's teamwork is very efficient.

Ernst is observing his parents while thinking; he wants his parents to have a battle experience as much as possible. He wants his family to accompany him to travel the higher planes. For this to become reality, he told them everything he knew about becoming a Saint-level. Even bringing them in a dangerous place with high elemental essence where they can be attacked by the Armored Razorback Wyrm anytime.

After three months of training, His parents got a more profound understanding of wielding weapons. His mother Sarah, after warrior training for more than two years is now a 4th rank warrior aside from being a magus. His father James has a more in-depth understanding about 'Impose' level.

The benefited the most was Nadia, she is now a 9th rank magical, beast making her happy.

His father's mount, the Firedragon named Brad, is also taught by James on the principle of wielding weapons and allowed to enter the tunnel. Making the Firedragon Brad felt fortunate as many magical beasts can only stay outside the tunnel entrance.

Due to picking up so many attribute bubbles, Ernst has a large accumulation of battle Qi and high level of understanding 'Impose'. He was already promoted to 9th rank warrior. Practicing in a place with one hundred times elemental essence, making him steps in the ranks of an 8th rank magus.

Ernst and his family decided to leave the Foggy Valley. His parents board on the Firedragon while Ernst embarks on Nadia's back. Ernst had promised Nadia before that if she promotes to a 9th rank magical beast, he will bring her with him, making the huge Velocidragon roars in excitement.

When they return home, the people in the household were delighted for their return. Because when they went back, they carried a lot of magicite cores, and they can get gold coins after selling it. They are very curious about the new magical beast Velocidragon roaring, making them nervous. His mother Sarah introduced Nadia as Ernst magical beast companion.

After a few days of rest, Ernst returns to the institute. He did not bring Nadia, because she was too massive and intimidating. He left her in the back garden with the other magical beast.

Two years past.

Ernst is now is fifteen years old with a height of 175 cm, lean body and handsome looks. For the last two years, they return to the Foggy Valley, including Douglas and Roger. Douglas and Roger are now both 9th rank warriors. They have also tamed a magical beast to be their companion. Douglas got an 8th rank Blackbear named Horus, while Roger got an 8th rank Dragoncat named Alger.

His father James is now a peak 9th rank warrior, while his mother Sarah were already a 9th rank Arch Magus and 6th rank as a warrior.

Ernst and his parents were discussing his incoming graduation.

"Son, just show them your 8th rank magus spell. Don't show your real strength. Leave some trump card for yourselves." James advised.

"I know father."

"Little darling, many powers will seek and ask you to join them. Just refuse them. If they threaten you, ignore them. Although our family is not powerful enough, we are not afraid of them. I know you will kill those guys who plan to harm you and our family. Just don't make overboard. Okay." With a wink, her mother laughs.

"I know what to do, mother." Ernst left and went to the institute to apply for graduation.