
Erliel the queen of Alatus

Young girl dies due to her bullies. So she decided after reincarnation to become the most powerful entity in the world she is reincarnated into. Will she become god or die? Let's watch how she tries to survive the trials that await her on her way to the top. -Also this novel will be posted on my RoyalRoad account.

Nowgaming_CZ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

What is that liquid in the bottle?!

(??. POV.)

The girl that ran towards my chimera started to fight it. And even though she was blasted by that chimera's paw, she got up again and continued to fight. Throughout the fight, many projectiles of stone and wood flew as if she controlled nature itself. Who the hell is she? She can't be human because she'd already be dead. Is she a monster or beast with the ability to transform into a human? But why would she fight in human form when her original form would be stronger. Suddenly, my chimera was pierced by spikes of stone and wood. It couldn't move anymore. Suddenly, the snake head lost its sight. But the lion's head still had eyes alright, so I could still see. But the silence was broken by a beautiful voice.

"So what now? Where is your enthusiasm from the beginning of the fight, when you cut down the tree with me?" The girl in front of the chimera started laughing. Has she gone crazy? You can see the blood running down her side, but she can still laugh like that. My rage was transferred to the chimera because I was still connected to the chimera by mind.

"What's the matter?" A terrifying smile appeared on the girl's face. "I had no idea you could think. If you had told me earlier, I might have made you my pet." She said as if mocking the chimera. Of course, the remark hurt me. Chiméry byly moje výtvory, takže by mě samozřejmě ovlivnilo, kdyby je někdo považoval pouze za domácí mazlíčky. I almost spoke, but out of nowhere the transmission ended. I guess she killed the chimera.

"Wait, it can't be her.." I mumbled in my room. At that moment, I stood up and walked towards the throne room.

I came to the entrance to the throne room, but the guards stopped me."Stop.Tell the reason for your entry."

"I must tell something to the king at once. While exploring the forest I may have found the possible source of the golden pillar." After I said that, both guards froze. They immediately opened the door to the throne room.

(Erliel. POV.)

It's morning and most of my injuries are already healed. I have pretty fast healing right? But I think that if someone cut off my leg, I wouldn't grow a new one. I don't have that much regen. Oh, and today I wanted to make new clothes. I'll probably have to use Nature magic and make threads out of plants. Maybe if I weaved some metal into the threads it would work, but the only problem is that I don't know which metal is which. Wait, if I could find a plant similar to hemp, maybe I could make something. In a past life, I read something about clothes made of hemp. Or I think it could be made from nettles. And flax was also used. But basically everything is worked with the fibers of the stems.

I stopped at a place not far from the house. I tried to control only the fibers of the stem. I have always controlled mostly whole flowers, so I don't know if it will work. It didn't work, but I know it can be done. I just feel it when I try it. I tried again but it still didn't work and I felt exhausted. It probably takes more mana than I have. What are my stats now anyway?

Name: Erliel

Evolution percentage: 90%

Race: Alatus

Age: 11d

Estimated strength:

Str: 130-⟩135

Sp: 35-⟩36

Dex: 95-⟩96

Hp: 200/200-⟩219/220


Skills: Evolve, Create servant, Book of Knowlage, Polearm fighting style(Semi-Master), Danger detection, Leather Craft, Nature magic, Mana circulation,

Racial skills: Summon Tool(Apprentice)

Titles: Pure-blooded Alatus, Hunter, Mage, One with nature

Oh a little more and I will be able to evolve. Oh, and I have a new title and I don't even know why. One with nature? I'm starting to become something like a dryad or something. I should try to use more types of magic.

(One with natrue)

(A person who was recognised by Spirit for killing unnatural being.)

First, I thought that the creature might not be natural when it had several heads and you could see how some parts were sewn. So I'm not surprised. But recognized by a spirit? That means the spirit must have been watching me when I was killing the thing. Does that mean that that feeling that i'm being watched wasn't just me going mad? Well whatever, btw my mana is almost at the bottom. So I can do it, but my mana is too low for it. For now, I'll have to settle for either low-quality clothing made from whole plants or fur clothing.

After a restful morning. I made clothes out of plants because it's too hot to use fur. I made clothes out of plants because it's too hot to use fur. I also tried using Nature magic on the scales from the bear and it worked. This confirmed that they are made of metal. So I tested what it is most suitable for and I found out that it could be made into a perfect armor. There wasn't enough to make the whole armor so I just made a chestplate, because everything attacks me to the chest. Now all it would take is a spear and I'd look like a knight from manga. Not that I want to be a knight. Maybe sword princess, but not a knight. Things like serving one person all my life etc. are not for me.

Oh, and I almost forgot about the potion or whatever it is that I got yesterday. But when I got to the description of the item, I completely froze.

(Spirit Water)

(Can heal minor injuries. It replenishes mana a lot. And thanks to its concentration of magical energy, it is often used in rituals. But it's mostly impossible to get this ingredient, because spirit water is defended by spirit. Spirits defend Spirit water so it can't fall to the wrong hands.

*Because the user has Evolve skill, it can be used to boost Evolution level, or can enhance the evolution itself.)

This water is terribly op and Spirit well is full of it!? Well, I'll keep it for a while when I evolve. Because I can get Evolution percent normally by hunting. That's why I'm going on a big hunt tomorrow. I could make a bear skin into leather armor. And of course I could make a new weapon from his horns. I can finally use metal tools to carve a sword out of those horns. I started to carve slowly and I didn't know at all that someone was watching me again at that moment.

(Spirit. POV.)

In the middle of the fight with the chimeras, I noticed that some of them were taking water from the Spirit Well and starting to run away, but it was too late. The other chimeras blocked the way and were still fighting the beasts around the spirit well. I managed to kill some of them, but a few of them managed to escape. But one of the chimeras got to a place I know very well, because that strange being from one of the extinct races lives there. During the days I watched her, I realized one important thing. She has grown extremely strong since she first appeared near the Spirit well. One question flashed through my head. How strong is she? Although the chimera was still in my territory, I let it fight the creature down by the river.

As soon as the girl saw it. A metal rod appeared in her hand. Over the course of a few days of observation, I saw some strange things she was doing. Of course, I understood that it was training, but I didn't know why was she working on stones, etc. Now I understand, it's probably something related to the skill. Knives flew all over the battlefield. The trees cracked under the chimera attacks. And even though the girl was quite injured, she didn't stop fighting. She amazed me once again.

"I seriously need to invite her to work under me." I say with a smile on my face. After a few minutes of fighting, the chimera finally died. Hmmm I probably won't take the spirit water she got because of the chimera. From what I've seen over the last few days, I don't think it's in bad hands. Maybe I'll see a use that I didn't know about yet.

"My curiosity, where will you take me again?" I whispered as I watched the girl limp away with the furs, teeth and other chimera parts to her home. I watched as she treated herself right after she came home and fell into bed. Hmmm I should let her rest, but I will finally talk to her for the first time tomorrow. I'm so looking forward to it.

(Erliel. POV.)

I finally created my new sword. I carved vein-like engravings into it. Which I filled with a special blue metal that I was able to find in the ground. The metal is called Spirigus. And according to the book, it is sometimes called Blood of Spirits, because mana flows through it so well. And the whole bone was reinforced with metals that can be found quite easily, but are still hard. And as armor, I had my new chestplate. It was black in color and decorated with bear fur around the neck. And, of course, I also had a shoulder cover of the same color. The rest of the armor was made out of dark snake scales. Of course, I had clothes on underneath, like my new t-shirt and pants made from plants.

I put my sword under my belt and was about to leave the house to try out how I would move in the armor and try out a sword fight, but when I was taking the knives from the table, I heard a knock on the door out of nowhere. Of course I was surprised. There is no normal person who would go to this forest to visit someone, not to mention if it was someone they doesn't know at all.

I immediately summoned my metal rod. With the rod in my right hand, I approached the door and slowly opened it. I was surprised again by the figure behind the door. A woman with green hair and eyes stood there. The beautiful woman was dressed in a white robe decorated with plant motifs. The robes reached almost to the ground. For a while I just stood there mesmerized by what I saw. But her voice woke me up.

"Hello, I wish you a good afternoon." She said with a smile.

"Uhm... Hello?" I answered uncertainly. "Can i ask, who are you?"

She smiled and answered. "My name is Drea. I am the Spirit of this forest." A mischievous smile appeared on her face as she said. "And you are the one who forcibly occupied part of my territory, and what's your name?"

"I-It's not my fault. There are few beasts that would attack me here, that's why I'm here. Oh and my name is Erliel " I replied feeling a little bit guilty.

"Oh what beautiful name.I understand and I would really like you to stay here. More precisely, I would like you to work for me. You would help me protect my territory and I would give you anything for it, within certain realistic limits." She said with a sincere look in her eyes.

It's not a bad offer, and if it was before I re-incarnated, I'd take it, but now I want to be my own boss. No one will decide what I will do and if I have to give something to someone or not. And that's why I answered. "I won't work for anyone, but I can help protect your territory. If I worked under you, I would have to obey orders, and I don't want that."

"Ohh, I see. So how about cooperation. Helping each other, which would mean that you would decide what and how you would do it." Drea said.

So it's basically the same thing she asked the first time, except I won't be working under her. "I think that's alright."

"Oh, and there are few more things I'd like to talk about." Drea said and then we talked until the night.