
chapter 2: levi and eren first date

It was 2 mouth after christmas. Levi was going on a date with Eren he was happy and scared at the same time. Levi did not know how the date was going to turn out. A few hours later Eren went to Levi room and knocked on the door. "who is it?" said Levi "Eren Jaeger" said Eren. Levi then walked to the door and opened it and seen Eren standing there all dressed up and ready to go. "are u ready?" asked Eren "yes" said Levi smiling. They both walk to a fancy restaurant the waiter came up to them and sat them down at a table."good evening may I start y'all out with drinks" asked the waiter. Eren looked at Levi and nod to tell him he can order first. "can I get tea please" said Levi. The waiter nods and turns to Eren. "and for you sir" asked the waiter "can I get some water" said Eren "okay is that all for you two?" asked the waiter "yes thank you" said Levi and Eren. Then waiter walked away. "are you nervous Levi?"asked Eren "yeah kinda I never been on a date before"said Levi nervously "it is okay Levi this is my first time too" said Eren " hehe oh really" said Levi smiling "hehe yeah" said Eren. The waiter came back and gave them there drinks. "now what would y'all like to eat?" asked the waiter "spaghetti" said Levi "okay spaghetti and now what about you sir?" asked the waiter "the samething he is having"said Eren "okay do y'all want the couple spaghetti?"asked the waiter. Eren looked at Levi. Levi nod. "yes" said Eren. The waiter left and Eren and Levi looked at each other and smiled. Eren felt his phone vibrat. "hold on one second Levi I going to text Mikasa and tell her I am with you okay" said Eren. Levi nod then Eren quickly texted Armin and Mikasa super fast and the waiter came out with the food. "enjoy" said the waiter. Levi and Eren started to eat together. An hour later Eren and Levi were done. Eren payed the waiter and hold Levi hand and walked him home. "thank you Eren" said Levi " your Welcome" said Eren. When Levi got home he kissed Eren good night and Eren kissed him back. Levi went in the house and closed the door then walked to his room and fall asleep. meanwhile Eren was walking home when he got home. He closed the door and got ready for bed and then call asleep.

I am going to make a part 3 too this and it not just Christmas

Eren_jaegercreators' thoughts