
Era of True Immortals

Tian Shen who had live a life of misery due an illness that left unable to do what a normal child should experience, However, even with his fate was cruel had kept living to the fullest until finding himself in a new world where only seen in the work of fiction. Now he desire to live to the fullest that soar through the sky and grasped the boundless stars!

ChesterCure · Eastern
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21 Chs

Chapter 6 - Zenith Celestial Star

Tian Shen opened his eyes to find himself within the endless void once again, However, this time he had a body and not a shapeless soul like before. He was baffled to be once again in the place where only the dead should have been. It made him wonder if he had died in his sleep but thought it was impossible.

He came conclusion his currently in a dream and shifted his head trying to see anything like the brilliant light that had been absorbed by his body. Tian Shen question where that light had gone due unable to sense it ever since coming to the new world but place it aside from his head for the time being.

Deciding to not stand around began to walk aimlessly without a direction nor an end goal. Tian Shen ponders how everyone in his family is doing and if time flows differently due to being another world. He thought that his family had long had died before regaining his memory due to spending an unknown amount of time in the endless void in his formless soul.

Perhaps, time had stopped in his previous world and given him chance to return. Whatever that may be Tian Shen vowed to become powerful enough to returned to see his family even how long and impossible it may be.

Tian Shen knew it might never come but the mere thought would not let him drift away in the desires of seeing his family who loved dearly and gain the second chance to be in their embrace. Tian Shen felt the endless void was akin to his future journey where it has no end yet kept aimlessly walking unsure if there will be an end.

'I do not know why I'm walking but as long I am doing something then it is enough. This is better than remain stagnant wishing for the best. A single step leads to a million steps if one is willing to move.'

Tian Shen each step in the endless void began to ring a symphony of sound, despite the impossibility of sound vibrating through nothingness, however, it was loud and clear akin to a single drop of water rippling through the boundless ocean. The simplicity of each step had begun to become profound that the Tian Shen figure had turned into an Immortal unshaken by the path he had chosen.

After an unknown amount of time had passed by, Tian Shen ripple in the endless void had created an infinite shimmering star. He remained oblivious to the strange occurrence and continuously moving in a gentle manner unaware of the impact from his steps.

Tian Shen halted for a moment was when his eyes saw a figure hovering in front of him sitting on an enormous lotus flower while his hands held a grain of sands falling like a river. He observed every detail but could not fully register the image before him and was only able to vaguely see his image. It causes him to hold his breath from shock seeing the person before.

It was an old man sitting on the lotus flower undisturbed by the world wearing extravagant robes that shimmer in golden lights in the endless void with a white glossy hair and long flowing beard gave him the air of a great sage. The old man appeared to know the boundless profound truth of the universe and remain still unshaken by the world.

Despite everything, Tian Shen was unable to have a clear picture of the old man with only his lips was visible that chanted that appears nothing more than gibberish, However, He was able to piece together a few words from the old sage began to sit in a lotus position similar to the old man and close his eyes missing the person before him smiling softly.

Tian Shen knew this was the same person illustration from the ancient booklet and understood that he was passing a powerful Qi cultivations methods. He understood the intention of the old sage, therefore, accepted everything given to him and began to chant the words spoken by the old sage.

He spoke the first words instantly cause boundless light to appear around them that began to burst into endless stars and the two being the center of it all. Tian Shen remains unaware of the shocking incident unbothered by the mesmerizing formation of worlds before him.

Tian Shen was barely able to notice anything continuously chanting the profound words that came from the old man. It was then his body began to radiate miasmic darkness that bewildered the old man yet remain calm while Tian Shen began to devour everything from the boundless stars to the infinite worlds. Nothing escaped within his grasp consuming everything into his body.

"You would truly be going to shake the whole Ancestral Immortal world…..I hope one day you be able to meet me personally.

The old sage muttered while staring at the young boy who was being nourished from the countless stars and worlds into his body. It was beyond comprehension the young boy who had not reached [Body tempering] stage was able to absorb the enormous amount of energy that shocked the old man. A normal mortal would have already died from the quantity he was engulfing into his body which meant Tian Shen had a unique property that was able to gain more than usual.

Tian Shen gradually felt the warm feeling from his body, realizing that he was cultivating, and resumed doing without stopping, continuing to chant the profound words that were given to him by the old sage. It was then a sudden crack was heard and he was able to reach [martial bone stage]. He could feel his body denser than before, However, it was obvious to be more than a normal type of [Martial bone].

He opened his eyes where a shimmering light akin to the boundless stars of the universe glowed before returning to his normal black eyes who stared intently at the old sage who smiled softly while nodding. Tian Shen didn't hesitate to kowtow before the old sage and showed his respect to t person who parted him powerful cultivation despite having countless questions he wanted to know.

"Thank you for everything, Senior! I, Tian Shen vowed to repay senior by hundred folds, and may the Heaven strike me down if I unable to fulfill this oath."

It was then the Heaven shaken from the vow he made. Tian Shen had read about taking an oath under Heaven and once it is broken then one would die or be crippled by the heavenly tribulation. He did not care about his well being knowing the debt was incomparable to the gift parted to him.

The old sage nodded in acknowledgment and was pleased to find a young boy who isn't blinded by power not greed remaining humble and kind knowing how to repay a debt. Tian Shen doesn't know his fate once he began walking the path of cultivation but knew it was a place with no return and he already decided to take a step into becoming powerful enough to grasp what he wanted.

"Hahaha, this one is pleased to have chosen you to use the [Zenith Celestial Star] methods. Perhaps it is your fate to be yours and even surprise that you have a unique physique."

"Senior it may be rude of me but why choose me to inherit this powerful method and having a unique physique?"

The old sage narrowed his eyes becoming more intrigue at the young boy who didn't question who he was and instantly asked his reason for being gifted by his booklet. The expert had seen a myriad of people who would act differently and won't question their qualification quickly believing they are worthy.

Tian Shen however was different than anyone he had seen much more mature and wise than the people who gain boundless knowledge. Those people who receive a wisp of power become arrogant and blinded thinking they had become a god that can do anything.

"I do not know, for what you see is merely an illusion created by the true body and only he knows the purpose. Nonetheless, I know that your path shall be full of torn and bloodshed yet heed my words to never waiver and persist until you are able to meet my true body. As for your physique, it is a mystery even for me and only knows by my true body."

Tian Shen nodded in response being grateful for the old sage even it was mere coincidence that he was able to gain the mysterious booklet and meet the old sage before him. He set another goal to meet the true body of the Old sage to personally show his gratitude if he was able to ascend.

"Well, Junior Shen our time has finally come to an end may your journey remain unyielding and pure until you ascend. I am unable to give you more information due only being a wisp of an Intent to pass down the [Zenith Celestial Star] method. Once you awaken from your slumber then the whole method shall transfer into your memory. Farewell, Tian Shen."

Tian Shen wanted to know about the Era of Immortals and everything about ascending to the higher world but know it would be impossible due to the Old sage was nothing more than a mere illusion made from the power of the true old sage. Nevertheless, this gave him vital information and that the immortals are not truly dead only ascend into the heavens.

However, this left him wondering what truly causes the Era of immortals to end and humanity to fall into this state. The old sage spoke about his true body being in a higher world unknown to be alive or dead but the highest possibility is the former. Tian Shen won't know unless he gains more strength and explores the whole Draconic Godland.

It would take him a while to reach that level of power but with the parting gift of the old sage would be able to shorten the time by several folds. Tian Shen is currently an ant right now compare to a true expert and would die in a blink of an eye for trying to fight one. He lacks several things from knowledge, power, influences, resources, experience, and many more that he needs to gain.

"Wait senior please tell me your name!"

"Call me Celestial Ming."

Tian Shen gradually saw the Old sage disappearing before telling his name then faded into blinding light overwhelming Tian Shen then gradually open his eyes that shimmer in starlight gaining the information about few things from celestial ming, afterward, gave a determined expression finally began his journey in cultivation but disrupted by the sudden foul smell.

"Wait what is that smell!?"