
Era of Players: Death God

Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! °°°°° In a distant future, seven centuries after the cataclysmic mana storm, the world of Gaïa transformed into a realm infused with magic. The fabric of reality shifted, revealing the manifestation of stats, skills, and levels through ethereal windows, visible to all. A new era emerged, where humanity awoke to the concept of Classes, bestowing upon them unique abilities and the potential for greatness. However, only the truly exceptional would ascend to seize the Throne in this extraordinary Era of Players. Noah uttered profound words, his eyes shimmering with an unearthly force. "Life itself is akin to a prison, but fear not, for I, Death, shall set you free.'' °°° Discord: https://discord.com/invite/qxK8vcpF

Nickaido · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Unique Class and The System 1

Noah picked up another dagger and threw it, and another goblin fell.

However, the Goblins kept backing away shivering, Noah watched them for a bit and then sighed.

"If you're not coming, then I'm coming to you."

Instantly, he closed the distance and unleashed a flurry of sword moves.

The green blood splattered in all directions.

As soon as he defeated the last goblin before him, Noah was met with a flood of notifications.

[You have defeated a goblin!]

[Experience points +16%]

[Experience Points:100%]

[Level up!]

[Mission progress: Goblin 100/100]

[You have perfectly completed the assigned mission during your advancement class!]

With a hundred goblins defeated, Noah was enveloped in a translucent column of light, the sight of an advancement, he was about to get a class, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed ready to celebrate.

Noah who was about to celebrate because he succeeded in completing the advancement class's mission froze.

He waited for a moment still nothing, it was then the robotic voice rang out.

{Error detected. Unable to proceed further. Assistance requested. Asking for assistance.???? Unable to??? Error????}

Noah was shocked by the stream of notifications, it was almost like spam, he couldn't understand what had gone wrong, why this was happening, it was almost as if something was interfering with his advancement class, it was then something shocking happened.

The moon-shaped pendant he wore under his armor abruptly became hot.


Naturally, Noah hurriedly tried to remove his upper armor to throw away the pendant burning his skin when he heard the sound of something breaking.


His body froze, it was as if someone had doused him with a basin of cold water. His brain froze, unable to proceed with what just happened and anxiety began filling him.

It was why he didn't feel the cool energy entering his burnt flesh, coursing through his body, blending with his cells before starting to regenerate his burnt flesh. Everything happened in a second.

[Ding! System initialization: 1%...5%...15%....40%....]

A sudden voice rang into his mind, jolting Noah awake.

''Am I hallucinating?'' He voiced his confusion but was forced to face reality.


[System successfully Initialized. Running various checks]

[Host's identity:... Verified!]

[Compatibility with the System:..100%]

[Host's Status: Healthy and ready for the first mission]

[Ding! First Mission: Kill all of the Goblins (?) inside the forest.

Rewards: Unique ability, system's interface, functions unlocked, and a message left by the system's creator.

Penalty: System termination!]

[The system suggests commencing the mission immediately!]

''What?" Noah was struck dumb by what had just happened. He thought once maybe he was hallucinating but a pinch of his skin told him he was not.

He regained his calm and being someone whose brain works well, he was able to quickly pierce things together, the tower's system being blocked, the pendant left by his late mother as a gift for his twelfth birthday breaking then these notifications, everything fits together perfectly like a puzzle and he understood the general gist of the situation.

''Eh! Seriously, let's do what that thing told me first. The rewards are enticing anyway.''

Noah's eyes shone, at best he was hoping for some powerful Elite class but the prospect of acquiring a Unique Class was too appealing for him not to gamble, he held the belief that whatever was currently happening it must be because of his mother's arrangements and he trusted her.

''But first, some cookies to boost our morale and strength.''

The boy addicted to cookies couldn't stop himself yet again.

Noah who brought a bunch of cookies didn't immediately eat them, he observed them as if engraving the image in his mind one last time.

The cookies are more peanut than flour and dotted with chocolate chips. The surface was crackled as the earth was in late summer, softly golden and awaiting the rain.

''Let's dig in.'' Noah immediately devoured the seven cookies like a starving hyena and after he was done he wiped his mouth clean, then he readied his weapon, and checked his backpack.

It was at that moment he remembered his injury, he quickly checked his chest and was shocked to see no injury, it was perfectly clean.

''I guess, it's the system whatever,'' Noah murmured. Although, saddened to have lost the pendant he didn't let it get to his head, it had served its purpose he decided to believe.

'Time to move.'

Noah kicked his feet on the ground and leaped on a tree, he started jumping from one tree to another, his goal: search for his next prey. There must be a whole bunch of goblins inside this forest, a village if the assumption was right, it was what he was aiming for.

He was not worried about meeting the others because, the first floor was super vast, beside each student was sent to different locations so they wouldn't meet. He could take his time.

You can only go out if you complete your mission and get a class.

Noah continued searching for goblins as he leaped from tree to tree. He didn't immediately encounter them as if they were hiding now that he decided to eliminate them all.

The fruitless search continued for half an hour before Noah finally encountered four goblins, three were together as if they were discussing something, and the last one was a few feet apart.

Noah's eyes became cold, he had switched to his killer mode again. He ran a few scenarios in his mind before finally picking the right one after a moment of consideration.

He immediately jumped from the tree he was hiding on. He threw two daggers at the goblins while still in the air.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

One accurately pierced through the head of one of the three goblins while the other pierced the lone goblin's left thief.


The injured goblin cried, the other two were alarmed and readied their weapons.

Noah happened to land perfectly in the middle of the two, his blades danced and the two goblins died before even they knew it.

Everything happened too fast, Noah was quick and accurate, not wasting any movement, only going for the kill.

{Three goblins killed}


Noah ignored the robotic voice, focusing his attention on the scared injured goblin trying to flee.

Noah lowered his body toward one of the goblins, this action confused the injured goblin.


Noah ignored it and retrieved his dagger from the head of the dead goblin, meanwhile, the injured goblin immediately escaped into the forest leaving a green blood on its trail.


Noah revealed a smile when he saw this, half of his goal was achieved, the other half would depend on the runaway goblin.