
Chapter 40 Results

Exiting back into the main hall he looked at his friends worried which went unnoticed due to the happiness of the two.

"Guys I didn't get first." Jack whispered to his friends.

"Really?" Xiao asked in worry as his happiness also disappeared.

"Don't worry guys I got first." Ryan said to the shock of the two though quickly they sighed in relief since their plans weren't ruined.

"What did you place at?" Ryan asked looking at Xiao.

"Third." Xiao replied with a smile on his face.

The friends reacted with smiles across all their faces as the rewards were being announced.

"Congratulations everyone who is still here as that means you have passed the exam and will be progressing to 11th grade. Now besides the progression our principal held a little competition after the exam in the form of endless mode. The top ten students will receive rewards according to their ability and a member of the top three will be able to go to the super freshmen camp." The head teacher announced.

"The 4th to 10th place will each receive a common 5star card while 3rd will receive a uncommon, 2nd will receive a rare and 1st place will receive a epic grade card." The head teacher finished to the excitement of everyone though most didn't win a reward the fact it existed just tempted them.

Though to the surprise of the group maybe even everyone the ranking this time wasn't announced.

With the winners thinking of the cards to redeem this time as rewards the head teacher once again announced something.

"The first stage of this final exam has passed. Congratulations to the students who stayed. You have successfully advanced to the second year of high school. Next is the ranking assessment. It will determine whether your second year will join the ordinary class or the elite class."

"This final exam will be held in a plane controlled by our school. Relatively speaking, the risk is not high, but it does not mean that there is no danger. So next you need to sign an exemption agreement, and then you will be sent to the number AX- No. 191 crystal wall series, plane No. S-451574, the specific test content will be passed to you later."

"Before that, I need to emphasize that because the task is dangerous, although there are teachers to follow, you may not be able to see everyone. So this final exam allows you to choose to give up the ranking exam, but as a price for giving up, no matter who it is If you give up, you will be automatically assigned to the last class of the ordinary class, and you cannot be promoted to the elite class."

After no one said anything the teachers disappeared as a prompt appeared in front of everyone detailing the plane they would be invading.

The plane is located in Outland. The main activity of the school is numbered AX-191 crystal wall system, a medium-sized plane in a small crystal wall system.

According to the introduction on the side of the map, this medium-sized plane has an area of ​​several million square kilometers, about 3,000 kilometers from east to west, and about 2,000 kilometers from north to south. It has a wide sea area and a land that occupies about 40% of the plane is located on the left side of the plane which is the west and the remaining east is all ocean.

This plane has several subsidiary mini-planes, a considerable number of demiplanes.

There are no humans on this plane, and no common races such as elves and dwarves. One part of the wild continent is occupied by orcs, and the other part is occupied by a considerable number of centaurs, boars, goblins, kobolds and other savage races.

The orcs established an orc kingdom in the western part of the mainland, believing in a deity called the beast god, the beast god, in fact, this is only a high demigod.

The barbaric races formed a joint tribe in the eastern part of the continent, and they believed in a deity called the barbaric god, which was also a high-level demigod. The two forces divided up more than 70% of the entire continent.

The ocean is occupied by the mermaid. They believe in a high demigod called the sea god. With the help of the sea god, the mermaid rules all the seas of the world and established a huge mermaid empire.

Three high-level demigods rule the world, plus several ordinary demigods and divine beasts, forming the upper power system of this medium-sized plane.

Of course, their final exam task will not be for them to kill the gods. This is impossible. Their task is very simple. To complete any task issued by the school with a score of 60 points or more, the higher the score, the higher the ranking.

Each task was color coded according to difficulty and with about a day to prepare the group of friends excitedly discussed their options and their cooperation. With three missions per person and three people in the group they had a total of nine missions to share.

Lots of loot would be spread between them as they targeted high level missions since they would be together.

Looking over the highest missions which were impossible for them since they required killing a demigod they looked at the missions at 80 and above trying to find good missions quickly so they aren't picked by others.

Selecting more missions than nine since they could still get loot from the plane itself and if they failed a mission they would still pass three missions.

With each of them taking four missions in relative close proximity so they can regroup for the harder missions. Due to limited time if they spend time sitting around they might not finish every mission.

Agreeing to group up for the hardest missions they waited and talked about there plans and strategies trying to help each other before they separate.