
Chapter 33 Versus

Jack watched as the curtain of light fell and the small talk was replaced with silence throughout the base.

Tension was everywhere as the kobolds rushed around to finish preparations. With several on watch duty the battlefield was silent as the defense team waited looking into the dense forest around them for any signs of attackers.

On the attacking team the dragonoids stealthily passed through the forest making their way towards the enemy base. With designated teams for each objective and some for pure distraction there was a total of nine teams of two. Three pure distraction teams alongside six teams that would hit objectives.

The six teams would each target a single objective though in total two teams for each objective. So if one team fails they can distract so the other team can succeed. The leader objective wouldn't be targeted since it would be difficult to pinpoint and to leave it for last.

After the the teams successfully destroy their objectives they would then go after the leader on their own. So time isn't wasted they wouldn't be regrouping or communicating. The only chance they have of regrouping would be if there was a major hurdle in between them and the objective.

As the teams broke up and tried to sneak in the enemy base one of the teams that was distracting started their act. Blatantly attacking the front guards and trying to rush in surprisingly worked incredibly well.

As the teams made their way towards their own objectives and the discovered team was surrounded and fighting back at base the first case of intruders were found.

With a cry of pain and a thud a kobold landed on the ground from the top of the tower with an arrow in its chest. Coughing up blood as its life slowly disappeared the surrounding kobolds quickly readied themselves for more intruders as well as passing the message to the warlock.

After this brief second of communication as a few kobolds started to run off towards the warlock more arrows came out of the woods.

With several missing but a few hitting more kobolds collapsed dying on the ground.

The remaining kobolds quickly hid in cover waiting for what was in the woods to come out.

The silence continued for a short while before a line short dwarfs with shields came out of the forest.

Jack looked on in shock at this as dwarves are normally higher ranking races but quickly noticed the feral look in the dwarves eyes. Realizing that they are feral dwarves who don't have the blessing of the forge, and intelligence comparable to higher ranking dwarves. Though they actually have higher levels of drinking capability than other dwarves.

Though they have high physical abilities their lack of intelligence and eagerness for chaos leads them to be a low level race. They are well liked for starting races since normally the low level races are treated as cannon fodder when higher level races come into play.

Though Jack was confused at why the dwarves seem organized.

As the shield wall advanced and the kobolds looked confused for a second before a cry was heard signaling retreat as the kobolds scurried away behind cover and alleyways inside the base.

Regrouping with other kobolds they readied themselves against the invaders. Organizing themselves into lines they began to ready a charge for the appearance of the dwarves.

As the dwarves rounded the corner and spotted this group of kobolds they were a little shocked to see over a hundred kobolds staring them down. With a charge the first defense battle ensued.

Back on the offense side the two initial dragonoids were able to escape though significantly harmed. With shorter distractions being made by the other distraction teams leading the main defense force in circles.

The monument was easily found and the two teams rushed up to break it almost instantly with their great strength. They quickly fled afterwards to find the leader who they didn't see yet.

The other teams found their respective locations though they tried to create fired to burn the buildings as it would be much more annoying to destroy otherwise.

The fire was made attracting a lot of attention as the buildings were set on fire. The teams tried defending the locations to hold off the defenders who tried bringing water. With the smoke rising into the sky the main force eventually arrived.

Against the few hundred dwarves the dragonoids had little confidence to deal with so the dragonoids swiftly destroyed the main hall in which they arrived at first and when they arrived at the food storage the deed had already been done.

With the dragonoids now searching the base for the leader they had no luck finding such a significant figure. The dragonoids had thoughts that it was a random dwarf but that would depend on luck.

Finally deciding to retreat back to the original base since they had no idea about their objective.

The fighting ensued in this massive brawl as the kobolds and dwarves fought each other evenly. The warlock was watching the fight in the back considering if to help and also watching around him for assassins. Though he had to hope that the other objectives would stay protected since he couldn't watch over them. Though with hundreds of kobolds on each they should be relatively secure.

The dwarves eventually called retreat when they saw that they weren't winning and with the backing away of the armies the calm seemed to return. Though the warlock didn't put down his guard. Looking around him in case of attackers since he was revealed due to being multiple times larger than the kobolds so hiding between them was never really an option.

With nothing happening the warlock ordered his smaller army to move towards the monument to see the current situation. With each step towards the monument the warlock's heart grew heavier with anxiety.

Arriving next to the monument the warlock stared at the broken statue in anger as his blood started to boil and the kobolds around him got restless.