
Chapter 2 School and Friends

So Jack was escorted to his class by his parents who quickly kissed his cheek each before leaving. Though surprisingly Jack's Father showed his first moment of sternness towards his mother as his dragged her away while she was reaching towards Jack like they will never see each other again(Spoiler nothing unusual happens).

Jack entered the classroom noticing no teacher but several kids separated into random groups. Not wanting to be excluded and worry his parents he quickly joined a group of two boys where one seemed to be holding the whole conversation while the other seemed to be uninterested but paid attention to keep it the conversation going.

"Hello I'm Jack what are your names" Jack introduced himself to the two and sat down when they both noticed his arrival and quieted down.

I'm Ryan (for the extent of this novel I will use English names for everyone besides the most important characters) the chatty kid introduced himself with a goofy smile. I'm Lin Xiao the other kid introduced himself as well seemly gaining more interest. Holding in his surprise as he though the name of the school was familiar but tried to play it normal.

The three continued chatting with bits from Jack and Xiao every now and then but mainly Ryan upheld the conversation. He also didn't seem to notice anything wrong.

Jack and Xiao gave each other a look and started quietly laughing when the teacher arrived and organized the class to introduce themselves and organized themselves into groups to get friends though it seemed everyone was in a group of at least three so no more major action were taken before they start friendship exercises.

Jack was released from school and his mother instantly smothered him with kisses after he said goodbye to his friends.

Jack continued going to School with his friends for the next 6 years.

Learning more about each of his friends that they have similar family situations of demigod parents but no gods though Xiao had a large family with an ancestor as a god but that wasn't really a major thing. So thankfully they all had the talent for becoming a god.

As the School keeps the classes the same so as to keep friendships the trio were unseparated until this point. The Trio successfully entered middle school uninterrupted.

Again they were placed in the same class since elementary classes aren't really important more so for practicing social skills. Though not only the trio but their entire year was excited since they will start learning about gods and how society runs on faith.

The trio learned about the basics of society, history, and theory on running a religion. Their friendships deepened as they discussed various strategies about the topics they learned and who they would start with as a race. This started out very basic but with time and more education they refined their strategies but which strategy chosen would also depend on their individual divine powers.

They discussed how they would cooperate with each other and what cards would be chosen for their limited slots. Xiao revealed how he was saving up his gifts from previous birthdays so only Ryan and Jack discussed cards trades depending on their starts. They also discussed cooperating as a team though Xiao said he would go it alone. Ryan was angry that Xiao didn't cooperate with his friends though Jack stood by and consoled him since he knew why Xiao wanted to go it alone since he had a cheat. Jack also realized that he didn't have a cheat so cooperated with Ryan as much as possible.

Though their divinity would truly decide their roles in the cooperation. Ryan and Jack each had 1 card of either 1 star or 2 star for each of their birthdays saved up for their start and decided so see if their were any cards they wanted from others that they could trade. Through the discussions with other kids Ryan and Jack were able to find which kid had which card and what they were willing to trade with in exchange finding some kids that.

The trio in 9th grade prepared more and discussed more in-depth religious teaching and indoctrination and certain tricks to further their followers faith and how to setup their divine realm to be the most efficient for each race.

Ryan and Jack decided that one of their races has to go kobold for the bloodline potential and probably halflings for the other person to have a race of more intellect though a race like goblins is also attractive for the numbers.

Through their 9th grade year they further learned how they would access their powers of godhood on the main world even though powers are suppressed. They will use a machine in which they sleep to enter into divine subspace where their realm will be located. Through this machine they will be able to use the power of cards.

These cards contain powers varying from gifting the race skills, equipment, temporary bonuses, structures, and directly spawn a race in. These cards though have a restriction on use in which only 1 card can be used per main world month for 10th grade, 2 per month in 11th grade, and 3 per month in 12th grade. This restriction is so the stability of the realm isn't overwhelmed by the power of the cards and injures the potential of the divine being's ability to ignite their divine fire which when ignited will turn that person into a demigod and then when a godhead is formed they will turn into a true god.

Cards for under true god level are from 1star to 5star and from common rarity to ancient rarity. In order common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic, and ancient quality cards.

An while inside your divine realm time flows differently so one day in the main world is one year in the divine realm allowing your believers to grow faster.

At the end of the 9th grade they agreed to inform each other of their basic divine abilities when they find out which is done collectively after 9th grade.