
Chapter 11 Blood Arena

Waking up the next day refreshed and confident Jack entered into his divine realm to begin making changes.

Starting immediately to further his plans Jack as the leader gathered the strongest warriors and began preparing to make changes to his tribe.

The first step was enforcing the fact that the leader was the sovereign of the tribe and his will was law. Though this was partially true already it wasn't to the extent where he could force other kobolds to kill each other without backlash.

Though with the gathering of the strongest warriors and promises of benefits Jack quickly enforced this new rule that the power structure had changed. Kobolds would no longer be equal and a strict hierarchy would be formed.

Jack and his friends planned to create a ranking system for the entire tribe with the leader at the top then commanders and guards. Crafters were a unique position in the tribe that were exempted from fighting so the quality would be consistently good.

There would only be one leader, ten commanders, and 10 smiths. There would be 25 royal guards tasked with guarding the leaders and craftsmen. The other 50 men were regular fighters without special privileges.

The positions also represented blessings. Leader and commanders had both themselves, spouses and their children permanently blessed while guards had themselves permanently blessed every other fighter would only receive a blessing after a successful win.

Women would fight until only 100 woman remained. They would compete for the position of spouse of certain higher ranking officials. If these officials were replaced the spouses of the women would change in response. As a man dominated society women had fewer opportunities for blessings though they would receive blessings on successful fights like the men so the women also could level up.

Men and Woman wanted these positions as they represented both authority and power so they would be sought for.

Ordering the kobolds that were neither the commanders or guards to start building a giant arena of epic proportions that would be according to Jack's planning so this building would be equivalent to a wonder in their civilization. Though it could at most be consisted a highly advanced piece of architecture compared to a construction that is unique throughout the ages.

As Jack planned to face the kobolds off against each other until at least one side died he would have to wait until the population reached certain standards.

This construction though epic was only big enough for maybe a thousand kobolds to fit into nothing extreme as that would take far too long to build. Building the arena any bigger would be unnecessary for the current circumstances as the population won't change for many years to come.

After a few years when the construction finished and the population reached over 100 females and over 86 adult males the first battles began.

As Jack planned for about 300 battles a year he needed 100 kobold females who could give birth while also having less men so each man would fight more frequently. This would increase the chances of the kobolds leveling up as they would fight in live and death duels. As the quantity was limited Jack wanted to focus on quality.

Regular fights without death wouldn't help the kobolds level up. Leveling up would help not only strengthen the tribe but also increasing the quality of the kobold children since even though the growth effect of Jack's ability had no effect on children. The children of higher level kobolds were naturally smarter, stronger and quicker to level up as well.

With the average level increasing overtime the due to the constant death battles and the passing of better genes to the children of higher level kobolds. Eventually the kobolds would reach lv 2 the peak for kobolds unless they awakened their bloodline.

As kobold are known to have a small dragon bloodline that is hidden away if the bloodline were to be awoken many changes could happen.

The kobold could evolve for fighter specialization into a dragon knight and would receive stronger strength and physical resistance. Also evolution in the direction in agility is possible becoming a dragon duelist specializing in weapon mastery and speed. Though the strongest possibility besides directly evolving into a dragon would be to become a spellcaster or what would be called a sorcerer as they inherited their spellcasting from their dragon ancestors.

Dragon spellcasting is considered superior to all other mortal spellcasting. Besides the pure combat ability of the warlocks they have access to all sorts of rituals and ceremonies to help the unlocking of bloodlines further proving their usefulness. Their level cap compared to other awoken draconic beings is also one lv higher at lv 7 compared to lv 6. Though not legendary still plenty strong and their heroes would be at legendary tier.

Jack knew this information not only from his own trials but because of the classes he had took since birth. It is common information the higher the level the better in all aspects including having better children.

Jack planned for every newborn kobold a match would be held where they would challenge one of the current adult kobolds. These matches would be called death battles as without a death the battle wouldn't end.

Blessings after fights would depend on the fight. Death fights were between the new adults and the old adults which were to the death. Fights for upgrading their ranking didn't have to end in death if one side surrendered though some still did.

Also kobolds could challenge each other for honor and this would either result in the death of one of the participants or the challenger surrendered losing his privileges and blessings forever. This challenge can't be denied and can only happen between people of similar rank or the challenger is higher rank.

Winning death fights would award a single day blessing for the old adults while for the new adults would award a month blessing.

As woman have to give birth the battles for them are specifically arranged a couple days after the birth. Children in the tribe are taken care of by their mothers though all the children would be raised by the tribe's specified nannies that many females would take care of as their job.

As the tribe still had many things to take care of to survive every kobold had a job and the higher ranking officials had the better jobs. Slaughtering the boars was taken care of by the commanders while hunting was taken care of by the guards since they could help the kobolds level up.

Though with the lifespan of 15 years on average for a kobold many kobolds had the potential of aging out.

Once someone reach over ten years they are considered an elder and exempted from fights and only take care of the tribe. Once someone reaches elder status the position opens and kobolds have to compete for the position. Since once kobolds reaches 10 years in age their ability to reproduce extremely depletes or otherwise straight is nonexistent.

These elders were held in high regard as they would teach the younglings and lead rituals and ceremonies in Jack's name.

Kids would grow up until they were 2 years old when they would start training for the next year until they finally faced off in their death battle.

Over the next 3 years many bloody battles took place in the arena and with no one cleaning the arena it housed the dried blood of hundreds of kobolds who participated in life and death duels. Just the smell stimulated the bodies of every kobold that witnessed the fight let alone the kobolds fighting.

With the constant battles over the years challenging the kobolds the old adults became more and more difficult to replace and many fighter leveled up to then replace the non leveled up commanders. A couple females also leveled up instantly entering the leader's harem.

As if an unsigned agreement was in place that no level 1 would fight against each other. So though the leader was considered the strongest it was unknown who would win in a fight.

After 3 years the population had stabilized with 300 kids becoming adults each year. Very few new adults challenged guards or commanders since it would be harder to win. Though this year was special as it was the final year for many adults that have lived since the beginning including the leader.

The official positions were being replaced quickly with the higher level though they rarely had deaths due to the obvious winner.

Jack saw a significant drop in faith from everyone besides the leader and commanders who's faith increased. Overtime though the old adults had huge faith as they hoped for his blessings which he gave out frequently with the constant death battles.

This increase in faith and adjustment of everyone in the tribe allowed the faith of the entire tribe restore and also increase past what it was before.

Jack's faith was enough to frequently bless the death battles since every fight was an additional time he received the praise of the kobolds in place of the feasts which are no longer held.

The few remaining initial kobolds including the leader reached elder status and retired leaving several official spots open causing many fights and deaths. This battle for official spots ignited a new blood craze in the kobolds that Jack didn't expect.