
Equipped: Armory of Legends

Park Jae Sung a prodigy of effort and care for the people he loved the most. But, he still lost everything. After 10 years of hard work, he manage to rise up from he ashes. With his self created companion by his side anything can be accomplished. Still, fate is not always as it seems. "Huh? A gift? Armory of Legends?" [Yes. Master will be able to summon legendary weapons from Earth to Etterra, enhance by the world energy.] [Excalibur, Ruyi Jingu Bang, Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident and many more. Master can equip them.] Join in the journey through the world of Etterra and see what happens when a prodigy and his companion crushes through it all.

IPNH · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 45: The Two That He Fully Trust

After everything is settled, Amanda and Malcom get back into the carriage. Ralph return to the driver seat with the maid. Amanda already whisper what she saw to Malcom. Inside the carriage, Malcom stares at Adrian with shock but then it simmers down as seeing his two children are fine.

"Should I say something? 'Good work son!'? or 'I'm proud of you!'? or "Great magic!''?" Malcom felt awkward for a moment thinking of what to say. He then turns to his wife.

Amanda just sends an eye signal and shakes her head. She did not want to ask anything to Adrian. As long as he is strong enough to protect himself and his sister it is fine. Don't need to go into the details. She knows her son's personality. He isn't someone who do something bad or acts on impulse.

While Amanda and Malcom are having their own thoughts, Adrian is actually frowning seeing the results of the magic he cast. It's like he is representing Eve right now. An unperfect spell is a bad spell.

"Sigh… a failure huh? It was supposed to be a 'Lightning blade' not a 'Spark'. I haven't followed Eve's Mana Method yet. Primordials are naturally born loved by mana, meaning mana obeys their command with a single thought. No need to focus or sensed it at all." Adrian thinks back on his first performance using Primordial Magic, feeling very disappointed in himself.

"Eve's Mana Method can replicate that but not as efficient as someone who is naturally born loved by mana. It works by creating 'webs' or 'channels' in the body, like a blood vessel. That means it will be a very painful process but the mana flow in the mana passage will be smoother. I don't know how Grandma Gwen does it?" Adrian still in deep thought.

He still hasn't put Eve's Mana Method to practice yet after Grandma Gwen give it to him and it melded inside him, to who knows where but it is still inside his head.

"Or she doesn't?" Adrian thinks back about the time Aria detected killing impulse from Grandma Gwen.

[Responding. No mana pressure is detected from 'Grandma Gwen' in that moment. In truth, no mana had been detected from 'Grandma Gwen' at all.]

"I knew it. The practice is interpreted carelessly and only by the book so the descendants don't understand the true depth of it. They are not like me, having Aria and goes through the life of the Primordials." Adrian felt relived, meaning the other decedents are guaranteed dead so there are no dangers as mana can also extends one life spans.

Average human lifespan in Etterra is 90 years old. That means other intelligent beings with mana like elves or beast kin also have a long life but they naturally had longer lifespans than humans. It's determined by racial difference like monsters. The difference is that monsters or creatures will stop at their limit and reborn like Cassiopeia while decedents of Primordial can still grow, awaiting their lifespan.

[Notice. ARIA is gaining interest in what Master goes through when Master 'fainted' at night a week ago.]

"Oh, oh, oh. Me too! Me too!" Cassie is also voicing out her interest excitedly. She didn't hear her promised song that night.

"Alright, alright. Pay attention because it is a very, very long story." Adrian agrees to tell his 'soul buddies'. It's not like they can tell anyone about it.

Adrian tells them the experience he had gone through in the 'dream' that he experience. He still didn't know whether it is his experience or it's just a dream.

Adrian tells the two of them the full story. How he become both the human Primordials, Adam and Eve. All of it starts from the beginning where the 7 Primodials are kneeling to the 7 Gods.

"Big brother, it's time for dinner." Marylyn's voice calling out his name stops the story after telling 20 years after the formation of Etterra.

"We just getting to the good part…. All of them are good parts if I think back. Such illegal knowledge. Hehehe…" Cassie become excited hearing Adrian's story.


"Alright. Let's eat first." Adrian gets out of the carriage and went to the make shift stump table that Ralph made and sits down to enjoy the food that the maid makes.

"Son, are you tired? You should eat up and rest early tonight. You should prioritize your health first." Amanda became worried after seeing Adrian is able to release magic of that calibre at 2 Star stage.

Yes, Adrian begins to release mana signalling he is 2 Star stage after the Black family departure using the reason, demonstrating magic to Oscar makes him advance a stage.

"I do feel tired. Okay mom, I will sleep early tonight. Sorry Mary. I can't play some games with you tonight." Adrian agrees with Amanda while apologizing to Marylyn. He didn't sing to Cassie when travelling. He did bring his guitar but only mad men make noises at night in the wilderness.

"It's okay big brother, Mary will read some books tonight. Mary asks mom to cast Light to help Mary read in the dark. Mary wants brother to be well so we can play more. Big brother can rest tonight. Thank you, big brother. For protecting Mary." Marylyn puts down her spoon and hugs Adrian who is next to her. Adrian puts on a soft smile for the first time in a week while patting Marylyn.

At night, only Malcom, the maid and Ralph are on night watch. Malcom takes midnight, the maid takes late night and Ralph takes early morning. Ralph is still following his routine. Adrian don't need to check his progress, only efforts make you stronger.

The men sleep outside in a monster skin sleeping bag, Amanda and Marylyn sleeps inside the carriage and the maid sleeps at the coachmen seat. It was winter but magic made it comfortable.

Adrian already tucks in his sleeping bag and continue the story while pretending to be sleeping. From ##### involvement to the time Adam and Eve spread rough knowledge to human decedents on how to use magic after sealing The Armitage and The Valentine family. The story ends until the sound of Ralph light huffing can be heard, the two Primodials die together of old age at 2500 years old and buried themselves together under the sea.

"That is a story with a lot of questions. Who is #####? That is amazing. I can say it but don't understand it. Why is that?" Cassie is amazed at the logic of it.

"It's one of the 7 Gods he disappeared a long time ago. It must be when his records and existence are erased. When? Even I don't know. Although the existence is erased, the memories about the god is still there. I have been wondering when I was reliving the lives of the Primordial, whether I'm Adam or Eve or Adrian." Adrian answers back to Cassie.

[Responding. Master is always Master. Other influence or experience are just 'additional gains' to Master. Master just needs to embrace the knowledge and don't need to think on who or why.]

"That is right, Adrian. There is no need to think about it so much. Look around you. You had such a blessed family here. Also, that magic you used earlier, it is Primordial magic, right? You already had an amazing potential. So, enough with the with the unnecessary thoughts." Cassie cheering up Adrian.

"Okay. I will just take it. For the ones I want to protect. Thank you both of you." Adrian takes it all together, the experience he got from Adam and Eve into reality. His reality. A second, no, a third chance in life.

[Notice. Master's story is more detailed than the information recorded in the Akashic records. ARIA will begin updating the data to align with the more accurate version.]

"How long will it take, Aria?" Adrian asks his partner in action. He hopes that it won't take too long. Adrian felt 'empty' when he doesn't have Aria by his side.

[Responding. It will take 10 hours to arrange all the data to fit together with the existing data using the information that Master provided. ARIA apologizes as the process will take long.]

"That is fine. It should be around noon. I will be hearing from you again at lunch Aria. I trust you." Adrian replies back to the AI.

[Responding. ARIA appreciates Master's trust. ARIA will still enable the following features:

Parallel thought, Mind palace, Analyse, Hyper memory, Lie detection, Map, Mana reading and Reality into numbers.

ARIA will be partially and temporary OFFLINE.]

Then it became quiet. In front of Adrian shows a holographic screen stating Aria is 'offline'.

"She is weird. Well, the world is weird after hearing your story. It seems being a spiritual lifeform isn't that bad after all." Cassie begun to see the benefits of following Adrian.

"It depends on the master though." Adrian rebukes back.

"Yes, yes. Adrian is a good master. So, tell me about your other world. I like travelling stories and songs." Cassie become demanding after praising Adrian.

"How did you know that I came from another world?" Adrian opened his eyes from fake sleeping and beginning to feel suspicious of Cassie.

"Eh? Uhh…. Well…. Ah yes! It's like this. Since I am in your soul, I caught a glimpse of it. Ah yes… that's it. Well, it's not like it is anything special to me. Look at me, I die and reborn many times all alone and lose some of my memories. You still guarded about it. Humph." Cassie activates a 'Trap card' to dodge the question while attacking back.

"Okay, okay. You don't have to be that mad at me. I tell you next time. I'm a bit tired right now. Next time, okay Cassie?" Adrian felt guilty for the fate of creatures like Cassiopeia.

"Humph… as long as you understand. I give you time to sleep first." Cassie replied and letting Adrian go to sleep.

"Phew…. Ouch" Cassie sighs with relief and felt a sudden pain after Adrian fall asleep.