
Epilogue Maker: A Journey Through the Depths of Words and Stories


CosmicFloppa · Fantasy
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66 Chs


"So, where is this place?" I asked, trying to grasp the reality of my surroundings.

"How about we name this space "the Void", where I exist as the Guardian of the Path, and I have graciously invited your soul to join me here momentarily,"

"The Void? Seems kind of full to me," I joked, trying to break the tension that had built up inside me.

"Not in that way, Gustavo," he chuckled. "This Void used to be an emptiness, but we, the Guardians, turned it into a trash bin." He gestured around him, indicating the countless letters and words that floated through the air. "The Guardian of Reality, my master, used to conquer realms beyond your wildest imagination. He sometimes destroyed worlds, tearing their fabric of reality mercilessly, and he eventually threw everything here in this Void."

As I tried to make sense of what he was saying, the man continued, "So, these letters and words swimming here are remnants of other worlds. They represent the memories and histories of countless civilizations that my master has obliterated."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized the magnitude of what he was saying.

"Did I ask?" I felt a sudden urge to say it, but this is not the right moment.

"How is that even related to me?" I inquired sitting on the chair and table that just manifest in front of me.

"Did you forget, already?" he cackled before he snapped "my master gave you an order, didn't he?"

I remember the request he made of me, to share with him a beautiful story. It still puzzles me, as I can't comprehend how the very entity who singled me out from everyone else to show him such a story, is the same being who mercilessly conquered and destroyed entire realities and worlds. This raises the question, who exactly is the guardian of reality? I remain uncertain of how to fulfil his request, but it continues to weigh heavily on my mind.

"Just as he assigned a role to you … guardian of the path" These beings hold the power to dismantle reality and reduce it to mere words and letters, carelessly discarding it into the void as if it were meaningless. Despite this immense power, they chose me for something. I feel an intense urge to discover the reason behind their decision.

"It's good to see you so motivated, Gustavo. Speaking of motivation, what do you know about the concept of imaginary elements?"

"Osias of the draconic humans mentioned that imaginary elements refer to any element aside from the traditional basic elements of Air, Earth, Ice, Fire, and Electricity …"

"Examples of imaginary elements are gravity, blood, darkness, divine, poison, and more. Liam and Ruby are just a few examples of people who may possess unique elemental abilities … you're surrounded by some of the most talented people"

"Considering the situation at hand, I mean seeing letters and stuff, I could consider utilizing words as an imaginary element. However, one important question remains: can mere words be powerful enough to stop a bullet?"

"Ahhhgh … are you f--king dumb? I thought your highest domain is intelligence … oh my lord! What a bad taste in people you have guardian of reality …"

Shouted the calm grey-haired man, the thing I wanted to see, I waited for three months so I can do this at least.

"Sorry, I was just joking earlier … So, I can see the main fabric of reality, however what I was waiting to ask of you is how can I use this power?"

"Just say it!" he declared confidently.

"I've made countless attempts, but every time I try to manifest my speech into reality, the words I utter shatter like glass. No matter how carefully I choose them or how confidently I speak them, they refuse to take shape or form, and I'm just left powerless."

"See, my master may have been unapologetically expressive with his words, even if they were at times embarrassing, but to us guardians, he exuded a sense of coolness that was unmatched … he would sometimes say words like …" then he stood up from his place and took a deep breath before saying

[by the power of the ancient ones, I call upon the forces of gravity to twist and turn, to bend and break. Let the world be turned upside down, let chaos reign supreme. So mote it be!]

As he spoke those words, we both held on tightly to our positions, not moving even a degree as we watched the world around us turn upside down. Being in a void, there was no sense of direction, but the shifting of the letters that floated around gave us a reference point.

The galactic bookshelf behind him groaned and shook as the gravitational pull increased. It tilted and rotated, threatening to spill its contents as the world continued to invert. Every object in the void was affected by the sudden shift, and the very fabric of space seemed to twist and contort.

The transformation was complete, and we found ourselves standing on what had once been the "top" of the void, looking down upon the inverted world. The ceiling, which had been above us moments ago, was now beneath our feet.

The power of the incantation. had reshaped the universe.

"Oh s--t! I shouldn't have said a lot, he only gave me like an authority on two thousand words only and I used more than thirty now if you add it to 1800 words, I used to synchronize with the multiverse I still have … oh no … I forgot the name of the woman I slept with in tsirkova …" cried the guardian of the path like a child that dropped his ice cream.

You still have more than 160, so act your age, old man … and what happened in tsirkova again?

"Letters are often seen as mere symbols on a page, but they hold immense power, capable of shaping thoughts and transforming worlds. you whisper soft and tender messages, yet their impact can be heard across the universe.

Only a select few possess the ability to truly see and understand the power of letters. And among those few, there is one who stands above the rest – Primordial dragons. Master and you are the only exceptions.

"What if others were to learn about this power, won't it be a chaotic situation, all it needs is just spelling it the right way"

"They do spell it the right … They are blessed after all."

"So, what stops them from using it?"

"It seems you have forgotten what I told you about being lucky for not being blessed."

"And you didn't explain why"

"Did I say something similar to spoilers and stuff?"


"What I meant earlier was that you have an advantage by not being restricted to a single elemental blessing like others might be. While those with elemental abilities are limited to using words associated with their specific element, such as fire, flames, lava or earth and metal, you have the freedom to use any words at your disposal, even those associated with imaginary elements. For instance, the order of words I just gave pertains to gravity magic… and Since there is no gravity in this space, my words order allowed me to reshape the concept of gravity's laws, demonstrating the versatility of my master's abilities."

It was a surreal experience standing there, observing the Guardian of the Path calmly explaining my abilities.

Despite the bewildering and disorienting landscape of an upside-down world surrounding me, I felt a sense of peace and anticipation. It was not entirely unexpected, as I knew that soon this power would be mine.

"I have a wealth of words at my disposal, with endless possibilities for combination and expression. However, I'm wary of anything that seems like a free gift. What is the cost, beyond the enjoyment of a good story?"

"That is the price. A good story for my master and for the letters that will serve you …"

"However," he murmured under his lips


"Words can be voracious at times, and a compelling story or scene may not be enough to satisfy their insatiable appetite. They may even consume your memories to satiate their hunger."

No s--t, "So, there is a limit to the number of words I can use excessively? You should have just said the price are the memories"

"No. you have misunderstood something here, my master isn't using you as a powerhouse of memories, he wishes for you to show everyone a good story so that you won't lose your memories, he chose you out of billions so that you can fulfil his wish … and why not your wish too?"

My wish too?

Aha! this bastard made me remember a childhood memory that I really tried to forget so bad

When I was about 8 years old, I came home from school feeling confused. My teacher had asked my classmates what they wanted to be when they grew up, and everyone had given the usual answers like doctor, architect, or soldier. But when it came to my turn, I was relieved that the teacher didn't ask me because I had no idea what I wanted to be. After all my life turned into a living nightmare after that incident, and I didn't have the luxury to enjoy my childhood, all I wanted was to live a quiet life.

One day, when Zagreus was making lunch, I asked him, "What's your wish?" He replied, "Hmm, let's see. How about being a great character in my story? Everyone loves great characters in shows, right?" I asked him, "If I were to lead a good story and be a great character, would people love and admire me?" He responded, "No, no, no. If you were to lead a marvellous story."

"The stars themselves would admire you."