
Epic of the Rising Miracles

The Honkai have plagued the Earth for a very long time, but their origin is way older and dangerous than the current humanity realizes. In secret, the Master of Mankind’s plan waits for his heir to come and lead humanity to glory. All crossovers: 1)Honkai Impact 3rd 2)Elfen Lied 3)Crysis Series 4)Prototype 5)Warhammer 6)Assassin's Creed 7)Halo 8)nIER Automata 9)Bioshock 10)Fate Grand Order 11)Kidou Sentai Iron Saga 12)Arkknights 13)Akame ga kill 14)Hellsing 15)Titanfall 16)Girl's frontline 17)Azur Lane 18)Kantai Collection 19)Aldnoah: zero 20)Neon Genesis Evangelion 21)Code Vein

God_Child · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter - 37

Anti-Entropy Yellowstone Base, USA. 57 hours 50 minutes before Sirin's ultimatum

Siegfried was sitting inside one of the hangars of the base, looking at the news channel...

"It has been confirmed that the newly born Imperium of Man had warned the Pentagon about the impending attack of Los Angeles, this rumor initially received by the CNN 15 minutes before the attack was initially denied by the government but a few minutes ago the President has admitted that to be true, we quote 'Me and my colleagues thought that it was a way to scare us and keep us from intervening in South America...we picked up the signals of a formation of the same ships that appeared in Rìo and attacked them even though they communicated that they were there in order to stop the catastrophe...We had received the reports from the Brasilian army before its fall about the firepower carried by those ships and we couldn't allow such things to enter our airspace let alone hover one of our most populated cities...' After this declaration, the president announced that when the emergency will be over he will resign from his position...now onto the international news..."

The Kaslana sighed as Welt made his way towards him with a bittersweet smile on his face "It's time" he said as he crossed his arms.

The two men had already talked about the plan both A and B. The sovereign had already made all of his preparations and so did Anastasia on the other side of the world. The Imperial Fleet which kept the moon within sight had retreated to allow them to go there.

Siegfried had already contacted his wife and daughter to give them a last goodbye in case he would die during the mission. Welt talked one last time with Tesla leaving her in tears.

The two of them walked out of the hangar where the Mech Arahato created by Tesla and Welt was. The sovereign grabbed the communication device and activated it causing it to start beeping along with a blinking red light.

After a few seconds, the Eternal Protector seemingly teleported itself above the base causing all the Anti-Entropy personnel to stare at it in awe. A Space Marine landing craft and a Stormbird descended on the two men, the transport grabbed the container and flew back to the ship while the Stormbird landed in front of them and opened one of its lateral doors.

Welt and Siegfried saw the Crimson Slayers waiting for them to get inside which after a few seconds of hesitation they did. Tesla and Einstein watched with worried expressions as the giant aircraft took off and flew back to the massive Imperial Ship.

The journey was a short one and Welt and Siegfried soon found themselves in the aircraft bay of the Eternal Protector, Anastasia was there waiting for them along with Samus and Akame. Welt was absolutely stunned by the proportions of the things inside the ship, everything was bigger and covered with all sorts of weapons. Siegfried didn't know where to look first, he was overwhelmed by the amount of cool-looking stuff around him.

"Giving you a full tour of this ship will take days and we don't have that time" Anastasia said approaching the two followed by Samus and Akame "We'll be at a safe distance from the moon in a minute, I would recommend you to be prepared since after that you'll be alone"

As she said that, the ship commenced a jump into space and was now withing the moon's vicinities. Welt slowly nodded as he walked to the Arahato and got inside along with Siegried.

"Are you sure we shouldn't go with them?" Samus said with a saddened expression

"The Herrscher must return to Earth before getting defeated" Anastasia replied with a sigh "the world needs to see her or we'll be blamed for the attack...You have to prepare for the battle, your missions were successful but it's not over yet, do we have any info from Esdeath?"

"She should be in the city by now, she must see the queen of the revenants yet" Samus replied as Anastasia nodded "asseylum should also be recovering the Sangvis"

"I heard she chose to let the G&K commanders taking care of making sure that everything goes smoothly" Samus spoke looking at Anastasia to see if she was surprised

"I told her to do that" The Empress said with a sigh "G&K and SF have a beef with each other, they need to dissipate the old grudges if we don't want problems in the future"

"And that...how she was called? Elisa?" Akame asked getting a nod "Is she okay with all of this? Wasn't she the one who struck a deal with Merlin?"

"She is already connected to the moon cell" Merlin said as he bowed to the three women "She agreed to be G&K's punching bag as long as she can see M4A1"

"sounds fishy" Samus stated raising an eyebrow

"Don't worry...she just wants to speak to her and she will join our ultra-firewall no matter what direction the conversation goes" the mage replied shrugging.

Revenant's underground nation, Queen's castle

Esdeath was standing in front of a massive door, supposedly, behind it should be located the Queen, the most powerful revenant that lived. During the Honkai Apocalypse of this civilization, people were genetically modified to fight the Honkai beasts with something called the BORS parasite which granted them some sort of immortality at the cost of becoming some kind of vampires, the strongest among them was the 'Queen' as they called her which back in the day protected them from the Herrschers, unfortunately, due to the death of most humans of the world, the revenants lost their primary resource of food making their combat effort weaker and they were eventually defeated. The Queen took upon herself the task of protecting the revenants after coming into contact with Merlin Since then, both of the queen and the revenants were on a dormant state in order for them to neither decay and fall to their bloodthirst.

Esdeath pushed open the giant doors, revealing a massive throne room where the Queen resting on an oversized throne. The Legio Astartes and the guardsmen carefully approached the women while Esdeath casually walked right in front of her before noticing that the Queen was made of stone.

"You" Esdeath called as she looked at one scion "give me some of your blood"

The scion immediately nodded and walked up to Esdeath before removing part of his gloves and grabbed his combat knife before making a quite deep cut in his hand, he let the blood drip on the Queen's statue

"I would advice you to get back now" Esdeath said as the stone of the statue absorbed the blood before slowly turning into skin.

The scion quickly nodded and run back to his squad as the sound of something cracking came out of the Queen's figure. The woman's body returned to normality but wasn't awakened...

In a blur, the woman launched herself in the direction of the scion but Esdeath caught her and pinned to the ground effortlessly before creating a small ice cage that blocked her hands and legs. She felt a burning sensation coming from the back of her neck as a huge grin appeared on her face.

"My Primarch" One of her Winter Predators Space Marine called Esdeath "The Empress wants us to return as soon as possible"

"Fine" Esdeath as she got up and looked at the Revenant Queen "tell my daughters to gather all of the dormant revenants and start collecting blood from regiments...our new friends need something to drink" she said before picking up the restrained woman in front of her "I'll take her with me"