
Epic of the Rising Miracles

The Honkai have plagued the Earth for a very long time, but their origin is way older and dangerous than the current humanity realizes. In secret, the Master of Mankind’s plan waits for his heir to come and lead humanity to glory. All crossovers: 1)Honkai Impact 3rd 2)Elfen Lied 3)Crysis Series 4)Prototype 5)Warhammer 6)Assassin's Creed 7)Halo 8)nIER Automata 9)Bioshock 10)Fate Grand Order 11)Kidou Sentai Iron Saga 12)Arkknights 13)Akame ga kill 14)Hellsing 15)Titanfall 16)Girl's frontline 17)Azur Lane 18)Kantai Collection 19)Aldnoah: zero 20)Neon Genesis Evangelion 21)Code Vein

God_Child · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter - 17

Anastasia sighed and nodded "very well..."

Suddenly someone entered the room, it was Alatan "My Primarch, we are ready to depart to Mars' surface, the Adeptus Mechanicus are already waiting there " he said getting a nod...


Kallen opened up her eyes and the first thing she saw was an awful amount of around her. The valkyrie immediately started analyzed her surroundings before noticing a massive skeleton sitting on top of a throne which was connected to it through several cables and pipes.

"Ew" she whispered as she got up

"Wow, that was just rude" the skeleton replied with something that was similar to a text-to-speech device. "Nobody said Ew after looking at me"

"Father you are too hard on her" a massive man clad in yellow armor said "She isn't from this universe and skeleton are usually revolting"

"Thanks Rogal" The skeleton replied clearly in a sarcastic tone

Kallen's eyes darted between the yellow behemoth of a man and the giant skeleton "Who are you?!"

"I'm Rogal Dorn" Rogal Dorn said as he then looked at the skeleton "This giant grumpy skeleton is my father, the Emperor of Man...or what remains of him that is"

"Hello" The Emperor said

"Where am I?" Kallen asked

"Inside Anastasia's Stigmata" The skeleton replied "but this is the reproduction of the Imperial Palace on Terra of another universe"

"Wha? HOW?!" Kallen shouted

"Well, the Stigmata is connected to me due to my genes but even then it's only because the Emperor of your universe is helping us having this talk" The Throne Emperor replied

"And why am I here?" Kallen asked

"You are not the only one here" another voice said as a red giant walked inside the room "In this Stigmata, we are all here together" he said as Kallen paled in front of him "I'm Magnus the Red"

"Kallen Kaslana" Kallen muttered

"We know" Rogal said "When this Stigmata activated we saw through everyone's memories including yours...every single moment"

"Yeah we saw your night battles with the woman called Yae Sakura" The Emperor said before proceeding to laugh as Kallen turned crimson red "Oh look Magnus, she turned into you" he added with more laughs

"That is impossible" Rogal said with a serious tone "Unlike Magnus, her complexion is not crimson red and her height is not even half of Magnus' and most importantly she had no d-"

"YOU HAVE TO CEASE AND DESIST IMMEDIATELY" Magnus interrupted his brother as he stepped in front of him.

"Well...you are right Rogal...she has no horn nipples" The Emperor said before laughing again as Magnus sighed

"Is he always like this?" Kallen asked

"N...kinda, his humor is the one of middle-schooler" The Primarch replied

"Shut the fuck up Magnus. You wouldn't be so cocky if you were in a never-ending soul-shattering pain" The Emperor said

"Ooookay then..." Kallen said as she started to feel awkward "So the reason I'm here is that...?"

"Actually" Magnus said raising his hand "We just arrived inside this Stigmata world but since my father's ego is immeasurable he turned the whole place into the replica of his imperial palace"

"How do you expect me to live somewhere where there's no gold?" The Throne Emperor replied "Anyway yes, you were already lying on the ground when we found you"

"So what now?" Kallen asked tilting her head

"Nothing" Magnus said "We are actually waiting for Anastasia to pass by so that we can have a talk with her about psychic powers...you can choose one of the rooms...how big is this place again?"

"The Imperial palace encompasses 147,181 square kilometers with 4,029,854 individual chambers in both the inner and Outer Palace" Rogal said

Magnus remained silent before looking at his father "Did you really need to recreate THE WHOLE IMPERIAL PALACE HERE?!"

"Yes" The Emperor replied "Just pick a room like that Prophet guy and the other one did, it doesn't really matter since there's no one else besides us"

"Why is that?" Kallen asked raising an eyebrow

"Well, that is because this link between universes is already pretty weak even if both of me, my father and the other father are supporting it, bringing all the minds of all the inhabitants of the Imperial Palace would have been disastrous and would have destroyed the link" Magnus said

"And if not that, the connection would have caught the attention of the Chaos Gods who would probably try to fuck things up...again" The Emperor said

"Who are the Chaos Gods?"The Valkyria asked

"None of your concern since they don't exist in this universe" Manus replied

Kallen slowly nodded "uhm...I don't know where to go though?"

"I will guide you to a room where you will be able to return here in little time and have sexual interactions without us hearing you" The Primarch of the Imperial Fist said

Kallen turned crimson red but she realized something "Wait Sakura is here?"

"Well, no" Magnus said "She returned inside Theresa's stigmata but due to the strong connection between Anastasia and Theresa and the fact that the guy called Alex Mercer consumed a bit of the 12th Herrscher, the two stigmatas are connected so I wouldn't exclude the possibility that when Anastasia and Theresa meet again you will be able to see Sakura again"

"Sob such a heartbreaking love story" The Emperor said

"Father, are you really moved by their love story?" Magnus asked

"Well you know, It wouldn't even bother me if I was told about it but since we all re-lived those memories, I can't help but feel a bit moved...also probably because sitting on this fucking throne made me a bit more emotional" The Emperor replied

"I..." Rogal started said "felt really moved"

Magnus looked at him and narrowed his eyes "Oh really? I couldn't tell by your always stoic expression" he said before looking around "Wait a second where is Kitten? I thought I also connected his mind to the stigmata"

"Oh yeah, the custodes started sniffing after seeing those memories and went to make some tea" Rogal said

"Probably it reminded him of his relationship with that Tau" The Emperor said

"THAT IS NOT FUCKING CANON!" A scream in the distance filled the corridors of the Imperial Palace as Kallen was already dead inside since some random people saw her private memories and were commenting them.

"Now then, little girl" Rogal said "Let me guide through these empty corridors of sparkles and gold" he said as he walked out of the throne room.

"Well this is boring...when is my new daughter is going to arrive?" The Emperor said

"You are surprisingly excited to have a daughter even though, and I quote, 'girls are yucky'" Magnus replied "By the way, do you know how the Primarch gene-seed produced a female Primarch?"

"first of all, shut the fuck up Magnus" The Master of Mankind replied "unlike my male Primarch, she was born infected by Chaos and got rid of it unlike SOMEONE who instead betrayed me, not only that but she's also protecting mankind on her own and building the Imperium for me" he said "Secondly, I think that Slaanesh changed the gene-stock so that it could only produce female Primarchs if not monsters just to make me angry and there is no way in the immaterium that I'm giving it the satisfaction of seeing me angry for it so instead I'm going to embrace the fact that I have a daughter and will probably get others in the future"

"First off, the destructive instincts were suppressed by that guy...Prophet" Magnus said

"Wrong, I wasn't talking about the DNA Khorne changed to make the Primarch go on a killing spree" The Emperor interrupted his son "I was talking about Tzeentch soul manipulation that pushing her to kill humans as revenge for how they treated her...sounds familiar?"


The Emperor chuckled "I remember Malcador saying that I should have made 20 sisters instead of 20 brothers in order to avoid dick-measuring contests"

"I'm other problems would have popped up sooner or later" Magnus said "like...that time of the month...would have attracted Khorne's daemons for sure" he muttered before getting hit by a mental slap of the Emperor"

"Fucking Ew Magnus" The Emperor said as he tried to remove that mental image from his mind. "Okay fuck this, I'm going to bother her with some spooky voice in her head"

"Wait for me!" Magnus said.