
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


Hello everyone, a lazy person here.

I finished this big chapter, it's 5283 words. Whoa. I'm tired of translating. Spent three hours. HAAA

Warning: This chapter is not intended to offend anyone's feelings. If you don't like it, skip the first half of the chapter.

I warned you right away.

Enjoy reading.


Sunny morning, soft sun rays fall on the earth and illuminate the world. All signs of a wonderful, long-awaited day.

In fact, this is a beautiful day, the birds are singing a beautiful song, a pleasant wind is blowing, the sky is blue without clouds, and, of course, the cries and groans of men. Excellent.

Well, every morning at any time of the year I hear the screams and groans of struggling men. I'm used to it and it's scary.

Now I am at the training ground, but not for the daily routine and training, we were gathered here to prepare for the hunt. Now I am watching the equipment being brought to us. It's good that they didn't make us carry it, they probably still have some remnants of conscience. For ten minutes now I have been watching men with boxes walking here and there.

Why do I only talk about men all the time, but not about women?

No, I'm straight. I like women.

It's all about the terrible rule of this place. On the territory of the church, in the city of Henet, there are no women, not a single one. This place is like a male monastery, only there is no rule to maintain integrity.

There are so many same-sex relationships. I saw boys of fourteen kissings in the bushes when I went to the toilet and there were other similar cases.

To be honest, I found out about same-sex relationships here, only four months later while I was here. Yes, I'm a brake. Never interested in living here. And, it happened by chance, when I was returning from the library, I heard incomprehensible noises behind one of the buildings. There were the sounds of blows, heavy breathing, and light moans ... I think there is no need for an explanation to understand what it was.

I am also concerned about other situations that I have seen. Now children are going through a transition period, from the age of twelve, and hormones are playing pranks. I have witnessed several scenes when a child calmed his "one-eyed snake". At times like these, a good memory is disgusting. I want to burn my eyes.

Awkward situations.

The most interesting thing is the reason for the absence of women here. This is all for a silly reason, superstition.

In the Middle Ages, superstitions, legends, and other things were taken seriously, few did not believe in them. And if to this we add that this is a magical Middle Ages, of another world, all superstitions become a more weighty argument and are taken even more seriously.

For example, this superstition, due to which there are no women on the territory of the church, is associated with the history of this city. The city of Henet was named after the woman of the warrior Henet Kner, who saved this city from the hands of the enemy and brought victory to the country. This woman is described as an incredibly beautiful and noble person, she was fair and hated evil. She is said to have personally executed over a thousand criminals who have committed horrific atrocities.

This story was long ago, and there is no confirmation of the true identity of the warrioress from reliable sources, and it was on this that the superstition was built, probably the bards came up with it, and it spread too much.

In short and without much embellishment, the superstition sounds like this: "On the verge of death, the warrioress handed over the will to the heir. The heir will be a woman, she will accept the will, intention, and purpose of the warrioress, she is the one who will become a great knight and destroy evil. A just hero will be born within the walls of the church, in the city of Henet, will carry the light of God, and dispel the darkness of the world. "

Something like this.

It doesn't take a genius to understand the essence and reason for the absence of women here.

I repeat people here are very superstitious, terribly superstitious. The church, in this world, is rotten to the ground, there is nothing more to rot. If a just hero appears and goes to dispel the darkness of the world, the church will receive the first blow. The hero brings the light of God, people will follow this light, and the church will not be able to do anything. They will fall under the mass of the people and the apostates of the church. This is precisely what the heads are afraid of, they do not want to lose their power, which they have now. For me, the funniest thing is that the church itself understands that it is rotten to the core and is doing everything to prevent cleansing. It's incredible.

Because of this decision, to prohibit women from being on the territory of the church in this city, there are so many same-sex relationships. Guys from the age of twelve must live with each other, fight together on the battlefield, and in such a situation, some find solace in each other. But this is a small part of that, most of them go to a brothel to calm down, and another normal part starts a normal family.

Like so.

But now about another, the main event of this day, this is the hunt. We will be used for free labor and meat extraction. It is not known whether I will get a piece of meat from all my prey, they may not give me anything.

I was taught by my father in archery and was also taught here, so I am confident in my skills, also, due to the improvement of my senses, I have excellent eyesight. I'm sure I can catch the prey.

And during the hunt, a detachment of archers, together with their leader, will look after us. I wonder if this is a help or a watchdog squad to catch those who are trying to escape?

I have too dark an idea of ​​this place, I have not seen anything good for positive thoughts yet.

The forest is a rather dangerous place, there can be different creatures, this can really be support. But, I still have doubts. I don't trust anyone here.

A. Here, by the way, is the head of the archers' detachment. He's coming here now.

This guy looks like an idol or an actor. An excellent handsome man with a good physique, blond short hair down to his shoulders, and the shape of his thin eyebrows are serious, giving him charisma, but the most notable detail about him is his eyes.

His eyes are shaped like those of an eagle, sharp and determined. The color of the eyes also stood out, along the edges of the iris of blue, but closer to the pupil it became green. Interesting eye color.

Dressed in light leather armor over canvas clothing, and has a bow with an arrow quiver on his back.

"Everything seems to be here.

I will introduce myself. My name is Yerye. As you probably know, I am the leader of the archery squadron. Today we will put your skills to the test. Your task is to bring as much loot as possible before the sun goes down. If you do it, you will get a reward, if not, you will be trained even more. All clear?"

Everyone nodded or agreed out loud.

" I almost forgot. You can take some of the loot for yourself. So try. I was also a squire and I understand how hard it is. Good luck.

My squad and I will look after you and help you if necessary. "

All this time, the blond spoke in a gentle and calm voice, with a soft smile on his face.

After his words, all the children soared in spirit and began to discuss hunting or Yerye. At the same time, the blonde did not shout or swear because of the harsh noise, but simply smiled, looking at the children.

But it worries me. Why such a kind attitude?

I'm not a paranoid who believes that the world is against me. I just have a lot of experience in the modern world. Usually, seemingly kind people are either hypocrites who want to use you or who hide their true nature, or they are your friends, or they are kind idiots who love to help strangers.

This guy is not our friend, I see him for the first time and he is not like an idiot. The option with the hypocrite remains. Maybe I'm too worried about this, but I have not met people who show concern for the first person they meet.

There is, of course, the option that he is a gentleman and he has good manners, but I hardly believe in that. In a place where every day you are compared to shit, there can be no good person at all.

While I was thinking and trying to find a catch in everything, the blond continued:

*Clap clap*

"Hush hush. I want to give you a warning. You are still young and don't try to jump too high. The forest is dangerous, be careful. If you hear a strong stomp, a cry for help, or a roar, run with all your might to the exit from the forest. "

This time the joy disappeared from the blond's face, and he began to speak seriously.

Some boy: "W-what should we avoid?"

"Don't you know what kind of creatures live in the forest? If it's a strong stomp, then it's a troll. If it's a cry for help or an incomprehensible speech, then it's an orc. If it's a roar, then it's a bear. It's simple. Don't you know about the dangers of the forest? You weren't taught? "

Some boy: "I-IK."

It seemed that the boy's question upset the blond. Yerye directed his cold, sharp gaze, like at the eagle, on him and the guy shivered. The cry was like that of a gopher.

But that's right, the forest is dangerous, I also don't want to meet a troll or a group of orcs, but the bear is not a problem.

In this world, the orcs are not pigs or testosterone goblins, they are more like the orcs from the movies and books about the great ring and the hole of Sauron. Only here they are a little different, they are all the same freaks, but now they are covered with wool, brains like a bird, IQ = 1, do not understand what a weapon is and how to wield it. In short, they resemble tailless, ugly, stupid monkeys, but they can parody sounds, but even that they do not do well. If these creatures catch a person, they will eat him regardless of gender. Having memorized the cries for help, the creatures will shout this word all the time. It is still unknown why the orcs shout "Help" after killing the victim and why they like this word, although the rest of the sounds or words they get terribly. Orcs are usually found in flocks of five to ten individuals, strong individuals keep alone and join the flock only during the mating season. Their height varies from 1.5 meters to 2 meters and their main weapon is claws.

"Don't worry if something happens, I and my squad will help you right away. But I'll say it anyway: Be careful. Don't risk your life. "

Quickly the blonde changed his mood, he again with a caring expression on his face. But…

[Tell me, who are we risking our lives for? I'd love to hear that.]

Only, no one cares about this question, especially the top, who came up with this.

" Okay. Let's hit the road. But first, everyone, take your gear. "

Approaching the boxes that the knights brought, they began to give us equipment. These were bows, quivers with arrows, leather armor, one-handed swords, and daggers. Of all this, only bows, quivers, and arrows were good, the rest left much to be desired. The leather armor was frayed and some had patches, the sword looked unreliable, the blade was sharpened, but with notches, with daggers a similar situation.

Of course, I would like better equipment, but I understand very well that I will not receive new equipment.

After standing in line and receiving the equipment, I immediately equipped it, put on my armor, fixed the scabbard with the sword, on the left side of the waist and fixed the dagger on the thigh on the right, fastened the quiver on the back near the right shoulder, and fastened the bow behind the back.

They also gave out rations, it's just bread and dried mushrooms, and a wineskin full of water.

When all the squires were ready, they took us into the forest, which was not far from the city. And after about fifteen minutes we reached it.

But we did not immediately enter the forest, they stopped us, it looks like Yerye again wants to say a few words.

"Right here, you should get out when you're done. Do not go far into the forest, try to be closer to the exit. You have time to hunt until the evening, if you do not arrive here at the specified time, the search group will go for you, don't worry. Everything. Get started. Wish you luck."

Having finished his speech, Yerye gave permission to enter the forest. I didn't waste time and ran straight away, the faster I start, the faster I finish. I also need to separate myself from the rest to testing the dark gray energy amplification in practice.

I have not yet had a chance to hit something to test the force of the blow, I only tested the force of the grip in the hand. And the results were good, at full strength, with all my strength, I can break the shaft of a spear or force a stone to crack with one hand. I can also lift calmly about seven hundred kilograms and jump about three meters in height. But all of this takes a lot of stamina, compared to the same normal actions.

Having run into the forest far enough, I slowed down.

The forest looks ordinary from nutria and a little thick, low grass, bushes of different berries, and the sun's rays passing through the foliage of different trees. This place is pleasant, it would be nice to walk here if there were fewer dangers than there are.

In such a forest, there is a desire to meet an elf or a beast girl, but no matter how sad it is, there are no other races in this world, only people.

Continuing on my way, enjoying the views and getting far enough from the entrance, I checked the area for the absence of other people and decided to find a tree of suitable width to test the force of my blow.

Why a tree?

Well, I don't think I can damage the stone with a blow, my bone will crack faster than a stone. Therefore, wood is a much better option, wood fibers will be able to absorb and reduce the force of impact, unlike stone, where the particles are connected more strongly.

Although the task consists in hunting, I came only to get rid of extra eyes, catching the beast is not a problem.

In fact, this will be my first hunt in both lives, in the past life I had hunter friends, but I myself did not want to do it. I didn't enjoy killing and hunting animals. If I want meat, I will buy it, I want fur clothes, I will also buy it, I saw no point in useless murder. But if I need to kill an animal for food or survival, I will do it instantly. I even worked in a slaughterhouse for a while to get the desire to kill.

Every swordsman must have the beginnings of the thirst for murder, if this is not the case, the sword will not be able to move sharply and mercilessly, at least it was so in antiquity, in modern times it is not necessary, only if you want to intimidate your opponent or look scary.

There are a lot of restrictions and rules imposed on modern fencing that cannot be crossed. Violation of them will lead to heavy fines or a trip to jail on an instant express. Also, a bunch of sword techniques is banned, there are so many of them that you get tired of memorizing, and at the same time, they are not very different from each other. But if you didn't remember them and accidentally used them, uuuuu, it's an instant fine, after another similar mistake and disqualification for several months or years. The rules were incredibly strict. It's even hard for me to remember how many times I was in court, but thank the gods' everything was in my favor, but I was fined about six times. I was rescued by my good lawyer, and the lack of solid evidence, after all, not one of my opponents was seriously injured, only to an acceptable extent and the technique was not fatal.

In short, it was such nonsense that it is difficult to imagine, it was necessary to act so carefully and gently that it didn't even look like a fight, an empty show. And yet it was popular, a lot of people liked it, especially those who didn't like the sight of blood and bodily injury, because they had protective suits. In general, I tried, worked, received huge amounts of money, everything is fine, but it was still unpleasant with such restrictions, but what can I do, such is a peaceful life.

In this life, my restrictions have been lifted, I can freely use everything I know, at any time a war may start or another situation will happen related to my survival. For example, even now, just walking in the woods, anything can attack me, my feelings are now as tense as much as possible. I don't want to step on a snake in the bushes or get bitten by a poisonous insect.

But still, this forest is strange, I have long since moved away from the entrance and wandered far enough, but I do not hear any sounds at all and do not smell the animals, only the sounds of birds.

"Hmm. Quiet place, it's a dangerous place. Better to leave. "

Having decided the further action, I immediately turned in the other direction, from where more sounds came from, and there were traces of animal habitation.

This is a simple rule of survival: If there are no traces of animals in the forest in a certain area and it is quiet, only birds are present, this means that you need to run very far from this place.

I'm not a stupid horror hero who is told that this is a dangerous place, but he, like an idiot, climbs into this place anyway. Here all the signs are screaming that it is dangerous.

But seriously, this place can be the lair of any animal, from a bear to a giant lizard. But I have not seen the marks on the trees that bears usually leave, so I have no idea what lives there or if it is dangerous. It is also worth noting that, depending on the strength of the animal, their territory differs in extent, I have walked enough and I can confidently say that what lives there has occupied a huge zone. And the best option and solution is: "Run far away in the hope that you were not noticed."

After running for about ten minutes and making sure that the place where I am is safe, I decided to postpone the search for the tree, anyway I will find it by accident, it always happens. You search, you try, then you lose hope and leave, then when you don't need it, what you were looking for appears, this is such a law of meanness.

This law has always worked not in my favor, and now, while I was walking, my senses began to warn me about a living being in the vicinity, while I was looking for a tree, I found ... a rabbit.

Yes ... Rabbit.

More precisely, a brown-horned rabbit.

That's right, the rabbit has a horn on its head.

At the moment I am looking at him, he is looking at me, we are separated by a distance of about seven meters.

This cute creature, with beady eyes and fluffy fur, his whole appearance speaks directly of harmlessness.

… At least, it should have been.

But this little creature is emitting a thirst to kill me.

"Lord! What the hell does a rabbit want to kill me for? Do I look so weak? "

I'm very surprised now. For the first time in two lives, a rabbit wants to kill me. Can this be considered a new experience?

While I was speculating about the reason the rabbit hated me, this little creature, with slow and gradual leaps, approached me.

"Hey. I already understood your intentions. Stop pretending. "

But to me didn't listen. The rabbit was getting closer anyway, he had already covered half the distance that separated us from the beginning. He is larger than a normal rabbit, in size, sort of like a bulldog.

And when the rabbit approached about two meters, he accelerated sharply and jumped, and I just kicked him while he was in flight.


One kick and the body of the rabbit falls to the ground, lies, and does not move.

"Is he dead !? Really!? It's all!? I just kicked him. "

It looks like when I hit him intending to push him away, I accidentally broke his neck. Well, not every day a rabbit attacks me with the intent to kill, I don't know how to act in such a situation. Although I did not feel danger from him, but he was so impudent, I thought he was capable of something.

"Could it be the female guarding the cubs?"

If it was a female and she has cubs, then it will sadden me.

Taking the corpse of a rabbit, which weighed about ten kilograms, I checked its gender and ...

"It's a male."

It's good that this is not a female. But that made things even weirder.

Horned rabbits are not territorial and skittish creatures they, live in a safe and abundant vegetation place, they run away at any sign of danger and enter into battle only if cornered.

[Do I look so weak that the rabbit decided to get rid of me?]

Ugh. How it hurts self-esteem.

Taking the corpse of a rabbit by the ears, I put it on my shoulder and went on looking for prey.

Walking through the woods again, trying to avoid snakes, I found what I was not looking for. Tree. More precisely, an oak tree, with a dark punishment and a giant crown.

"Hah. Well, I thought so. Whenever I look for one thing, I find something completely different. What is the curse on me? "

Or maybe not a curse, just my luck is bipolar.

Well, there is still no point in getting upset. The necessary tree has been found and its trunk is huge, probably it will take five people to grab it.

But the most important thing, being near an oak tree, is to check the area for the presence of wild boars, these animals love acorns and can put you on a canine tooth if you are not careful.

After looking around, for some time and checking the area for traces and the absence of signs of the beast's territory, I was convinced of complete safety.

"Well, well, it's time to start checking."


Immediately, a wave of energy ran through my body, muscles tensed and strength increased dramatically.

"Haa ~ Wonderful feeling. "Enhancing" as always sumptuously "

I called this ability "Enhancing" simply because it is. I have long passed "this" period of my life when you consider yourself the main character. I don't want to call this ability like "Great Power of the God of War" or "The Power of a Hundred Thousand Giants".

Ugh. I got goosebumps from these chuni names.

"Well, let's start."

Taking a stance, I tense the muscles of my right arm as much as possible and hit.

* Bam *

Rang out the sound of hitting the woods and ….

" Ai-ai-ai. Bitch. Painfully. Fuck. "

... and obscene language.

"Damn, it hurts, I didn't expect this."

Gripping my sore hand, I immediately turned off the "Enhancing".

I didn't think strength equals defense. When I hit, I hurt both the tree and a little bit of my hand.

"Fucking physics."

It's good that the recoil was partially absorbed by the defense, and I did not break my arm with such a blow.

"Damn, my hand is still shaking."

It looks like my arm was covered after a painful shock.

Will have to wait a while until the trembling in my hand subsides. To protect me, I, again enhancing my body, jumped onto the oak tree. Climbing the oak tree, I decided to eat and rest for a while.

After a while, having had a bite to eat and ascertaining the normal functionality of my hand, I examined the area and then went down to the place of impact.

"Hmm. This blow can split and crush a human skull. "

There was a mark from a fist on the tree, the bark crumbled from the blow, and the imprint remained on the wood, it caved in, and cracks spread through it. This will kill the person instantly.

With all this, I am still young and will not soon reach the limit. To have this kind of strength at thirteen is amazing. Soon my body will begin to develop dramatically, at this moment I will become even stronger. Sumptuously.

After looking at the imprint from the blow for a while, I went on to hunt.

One rabbit is not enough. I'm sure that most, will take away these greedy bastards and give me only the head. Therefore, it is better to catch more and hope for a normal division of prey.

With this motivation, I went on to hunt.

After a while, I caught four more rabbits and two partridges. And this time the rabbits did not attack me, they ran away.

They were all killed by one arrow, but blood still flows from the wounds, this is not good, it is difficult to cleanse.

"Damn, I should have asked for a rope."

Looking at the corpses on which the blood congeals, I thought:

[Should I go further hunting or not?]

It seems that there is enough, but there is still time. I can bring more.

And while I was thinking about it, I heard a knock. This knock sounded like something heavy fell to the ground.

"Hmm? It looks like the answer has been settled: it's time to leave. "

Taking the corpses, I immediately ran in the direction of the exit from the forest.

And as I ran, I continued to hear this knock.

"Troll? Most likely."

The thing that was making a sound was about twenty meters away from me and was moving fast enough, but the stomp that I heard is an echo and I can't figure out where it is exactly. And I don't want to check, even the sense of danger warns me not to go there.

Perhaps this creature was attracted by the smell of blood. Forest trolls have a keen nose.

I accelerated and kept running until I noticed a figure of a man right in my path. This was one of the guys in my squire group. He carried several partridges and a rabbit.

"Hey, guy. Run. There the troll goes. "

I'm not a cruel person to shove my pursuer onto an innocent child.

"Eh? What?"

Looks like he didn't hear me.

Standing in front of the guy and grabbing his shoulder, I repeated:

"There is a troll. Goes here by the smell of blood. If you want to live: Run. If you don't believe me, stay here and become a snack. Got it? Well, I ran. "

After warning the guy, I ran again. The stomp grew louder as I lingered.

[I did my best, the rest is up to him.]

And in fact, my warnings were not in vain. The guy caught up with me, and we ran together.

[Is he keeping up with me? Well, good.]

After some time of running, the stomp still did not stop, it became even more accelerated, but we also reached the exit during this time.

"Follow me. There."

Having got out of the forest, I immediately assessed the situation, coordinated across the terrain, and immediately turned and ran towards the camp.

Approaching the camp I began to hear noises and smell smoke. As soon as I reached it, I immediately, without slowing down, got to Yerye, who was sitting by the fire, and tempered the blade of a knife in the fire.

"The head of the detachment. Let me report. "

"Hmm? Have you come already? So early?"

When he saw me, he was surprised.

" I've finished. But now is not about that. "

Putting down the loot, I pointed in the direction of the forest.

"There goes a troll."


Hearing about the troll, his previously surprised face, from my arrival and the sight of the prey, instantly became serious.

"It's true? How far is he? "

"I did not see him, I only heard the stomping that followed me."

I can still hear him, even with noise in the camp.

Yerye, after my words, pondered and began to look at the forest with his sharp gaze. After looking for a few seconds, his eyes narrowed. He turned abruptly and shouted:

"EVERYTHING. Quickly, on alert.! Prey coming to us. "

After his thunderous cry, everyone jumped up and, after fiddling for a second, took up combat positions with bows.

[Wow. Here, this is efficiency! They are well prepared.]

The stomp was getting closer, the place was engulfed in silence, only the bonfire crackled.

A few seconds later, the one who created this sound came out of the forest. It was a creature with brownish-green skin covered with fur in some places, a thick, sturdy build, an ugly muzzle, and about five meters in height.

As soon as the troll came out of the trees, Yerye shouted with a smile:


[What? Eat the heart?]

As soon as the order was given, many arrows flew into the creature.


The creature wounded by the arrows howled and ran at those who dared to wound it.


Immediately, a bunch of fireballs flew at the troll.


It burned in flames and howled.


Again, many arrows flew at the troll, but this time the troll could not get close.

After that, the attack continued, magic alternated with arrows until the creature fell and died.

It was an incredible scene.

And it was on her that the day came to an end. When the appointed time came, some of the squires returned, but the rest went to look for the knights. While they were looking for the children, the body of the troll was chopped to pieces. And when the evening drew to a close, everyone was found alive. Then we went back to Henet and divided the booty. I got two rabbits and a partridge.

On such a note, a day full of incredible events ended.


Few explanations:

Dark gray energy was originally conceived as "Energy of the Limit", that is, it is the force of the cells of the body, which takes the human body beyond the limit, is activated with a strong push.

It's like in anime or movies when the hero was almost defeated, he sharply becomes stronger, here is a similar principle.

All living beings have this energy and it is simply located in every cell of the body.

The human body is incredible, if you remove the restraint that is in the brain, even a weakling can become stronger, but will suffer from the recoil.

When a person is on the verge of death, he can truly turn off the limiter and become stronger.

The hero learned to stimulate energy, making a kind of lifting the restraint, reaching the limit of the body, but not crossing it.

Why is energy chaotic?

When an intercellular exchange occurs, this energy passes from one cell to another, along with substances, so it looks chaotic. Trying to move this energy is the same as trying to move a cell.

This energy is spent when used, but with a physical exchange, saturation or rest, it will be restored.


If you have questions, ask, if you have suggestions, suggest. I'll consider everything.

Your support is important. (stones are just an increase in the rating, comments and reviews are also support.)