
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime & Comics
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Continuing the study of magic

Hello everyone. I got sick. Common cold.

This chapter, due out on Tuesday, but fate decided otherwise. (Irony)

Thanks for the support.

In general, here. Enjoy reading.


(Returning back to Lovel.)

As time passed, my body slowly stopped hurting and now I can move freely. Getting up from the ground and doing a light warm-up, I decided to go to the library so as not to waste time.

Why am I not mad at this scum, in the first place?

Why do I need it?

I am an adult reasonable person, although now I am a child, spiritually I am forty-six years old. No matter how the hormones of a young body act on me, I try to always keep myself under control and maintain my sanity.

A swordsman who is guided by emotions is an easy target, the main thing is to always be calm.

But who said that a calm swordsman cannot be vindictive?

Ooo. I remember this act of the bald scum well. He definitely wanted to kill me. I felt it.

And no matter how hard I try to put aside this desire for revenge, I still want to take the sword and finish off the bastard.

I am an ordinary person, I am not ideal and I feel hatred for my offenders, but I control myself and ... I have no sword.

But even if there was a sword, trying to kill the bastard would be the height of idiocy, for many reasons. It is not even worth mentioning my little power, I still do not really know magic and only understood how dark gray energy works. Even when let's say, I got stronger, I wouldn't kill him right away.


I have no normal equipment: sword, armor, shield. If I kill the bastard, the whole church will attack me, I will be like a stray dog ​​who is trying to survive and escape from the hungry homeless people. Also, I don't know the power of the church. Is there anyone among them who will single-handedly kill the dragon?

I have no idea.

And the most important reason is that there is information about me in the archives of the church and the kingdom, if someone finds out my identity, my family will also suffer. This is not what I want. Therefore, I will act gradually and carefully.

One day I will take my revenge. Ha-ha-ha.


I think so easily about murder, although, never, never killed people.

Has my perception of reality changed? Or am I too accustomed to the realities of this world?

Well, I initially understood that I would change over time, only my moral principles will remain unchanged. I will try very hard not to change them. I don't want to be a crazy beast.

Better not to think about it, time will decide for me.

Indulging in crazy thoughts, about revenge, its very process, and a little philosophy, I went to the library.

After greeting the librarian, I went back to the shelf with books on magic, took a few, sat down at the table as before, and began to read.

And, now, hours later I read the books, my brains are boiling, again.

Well, it's impossible, it's difficult to understand without knowing these symbols. One book was written normally, only a little bit, but then there were these symbols again.

Is it really so hard to write in normal human language? I do not understand what this sign is that looks like a male organ. I don't even want to know this.


As much as I resist, it is necessary. I will learn these symbols next time.

But it's still unpleasant. I am bad at linguistics, although I know 4 languages, or rather already 5 languages, but I spent an incredible amount of effort and time studying them.

Awful experience. But in life, they were useful to me.

And, no matter how I complain, the magic system here is built on these symbols. I could, of course, ignore the magic and focus only on swordsmanship, but that would be stupid. Only a true moron can throw the alleged trump card in the trash can. It is better to spend extra time and become stronger than to regret it later.

It's even fun for me to imagine that I'm running to fight a magician, only with the help of a sword, I will instantly turn into a baked chicken.

Generally. To reject magic simply because I am a swordsman is impractical, magicians have their own advantages, a swordsman has their own. Moreover, I strive to become stronger, how it will be, it makes no difference to me, the main thing is that this method does not harm my moral principles. It's the most important.

Now, about the magic system.

I found a rather interesting book, with a strange title, "Principles of Magic Modified for Everyday Home Use". It feels like a cookbook or a book for a young housewife. Whatever name it has, the content is beautiful.

In the book there was a theory about a new way of drawing up spells, since the author himself could not realize this theory, it remains unreliable, but to me, this theory seems strange and at the same time interesting. It can be seen that the author wanted to connect everything to create a better way to use magic.

The essence of the theory consisted in the double drawing up of the spells, that is, simultaneously, a spell is drawn up from modern words and formula from symbols, while a magic model is also compiled together with the formula. It is very difficult, very strange and very interesting.

The author of the book himself does not know how to implement this theory, but I know, so it is interesting to me.

It is quite simple in words, but difficult to apply, it is parallel thinking, not motor function, but a brain function.

The motor function is when you draw a square with one hand and a circle with the other.

This I already own, it is necessary when a swordsman wants to learn pair fencing. One sword for attacking another for defense or two swords are used for attacking with different techniques each.

I trained for this for a very long time, it took me a year to fully assimilate and another three years for the body to get used to it, to act mechanically. I didn't spare myself to achieve such results, even my mentor commended me for achieving such results so quickly.

No, I'm not a genius, I just put in a lot of effort. The human body is different for everyone, someone does not feel pain from birth, someone, on the contrary, has a body too sensitive. Some people will not be able to make parallel movements in their entire life. I am fortunate that I was able to achieve this in three years. In this life, it took me only seven months to do this, my experience from the past and an excellent body played a role in this.

Oh. Something I plunged into memories and went far from the topic.

In the theory from the book, it is the brain that is involved, that is, the right and left hemispheres of the brain. For example, one hemisphere is responsible for drawing up a magic spell, the other for drawing up a magic formula and model.

It's simple ... in words.

In fact, this is almost impossible. Of course, some people can do this, but there are very few of them. I've never tried this. There will be a new experience.

It is difficult to develop this ability in oneself and many will give up at the beginning, those who continue may not achieve anything. This is an initially delusional idea.

But I just like her for her delusional. Everest, too, was conquered by crazy people. Here, I also found mine Everest and I will conquer it.

Wow. I kind of admitted I'm crazy, but okay. Let it be so.

I'll try to do that as soon as I learn these fucking symbols.

It will be difficult? Well, okay, It's impossible to get everything easily unless you're a damn hero with story armor.

Am I going to suffer? Right. But I'm used to it. I am, after all, an idiot who continued to train despite heart disease.

Will I be able to? So, I'll check it out. I will do my best.

Okay, that's all for later. I will think about this later, but now is the time to take apart the book "Fundamentals of Magic". Namely, in her, I realized what a moron I am and asked the question "Why did I start with a difficult one?".

The reason for my self-criticism is simple: I, without understanding the basics, got into complex magic. Seriously, I was stupid. The basics were the standard principles of using mana and building simple spells, but no, I wanted an adventure on my ass and decided to get acquainted with complex magic first. The book even analyzed and explained the ways to avoid and eliminate the attacks of simple magic.

If I had read this book beforehand, I would not have been on the verge of death, but then I would not have been able to figure out how to use dark gray energy so early.


It seems like a grown man (spiritually), but made such a naive mistake.

Well, it doesn't matter what happened. Well, it doesn't matter what happened. There is a saying: "Everything that happens, everything is for the best." Therefore, I'll just be more attentive in the future.

I'll go back to the topic of the book. The processes described, using mana with simple magic, are terribly easy. Even a child can do this, the main thing is imagination and mana.

The principle is simple. Used "words of power" to activate and imagination to take the final form, everything is easy and these gigantic formulas and complex models are unnecessary. Sumptuously.

The book contained about a hundred types of magic, but I liked one that seems familiar to me, I really feel that I saw it somewhere.

This is magic, this is "Magic strengthening". It is intended to strengthen the user's body with mana. The body will strengthen, both inside and out.

I just feel deja vu, really, know who used this magic.

And, no, it's not me.

I think it was used by one bald freak.

Why do I think so?


It will not be difficult for me to dodge the fireball, even the book says it is quite slow. Also in the book about this magic, "Magic strengthening", it was additionally indicated that when used with other magic, the other magic will intensify along with the body, but at the same time, the mana cost will increase. Well, this is logical.

Now, thanks to simple deductive methods, assume, that this bald bastard used this magic.

I'm 100% sure he did it.

AAAAAAAA. Just remembering that moment, I want to shove the sword up to his ass.


So. Calmness. I will do it one day. Need to come to terms for now and first learn magic and not only.

In addition to magic, there were certain terms in the book:

The area of ​​use of magic is the area in which the magician can create a magic circle.

Magic control is the user's ability to control their mana in a spell.

Mana control is the ability to control raw mana, that is, the ability to transform it into different forms.

The range of the magic. Here the name speaks for itself.

And there are tons of other similar terms.

In short. Every magician is limited by something. One creates magic faster, the other slower, and so on.

As for other books, for the most part, they are all of the same types and supplement only a little.

As I understand it, I have already almost got acquainted with the whole theory, it is time to put it into practice ... but for this, first you need to learn the symbols. Heck.

Well, now, my memory is much better than in the past, I'm sure I can handle it. But remembering what suffering I went through in the past to learn languages, I feel bad. It's like a psychological trauma.

Also, it looks like I should leave, the time is getting late, it is getting dark. Linger, here there is no sense either.

I'd rather try to get some sleep and learn to control the memories, otherwise, I will sleep badly again because of them.

Also, there is this bastard.

I need to meditate and try to calm the hormones of the young body, or when I see him, it will be difficult for me to restrain the desire to finish him off. This is a minus of a young growing body because I cannot control the hormonal process, I can only try to keep my emotions under control.

A child from 11-16 years old goes through a cruel process of growing up, changing: behavior, voice, views of the world. And, most importantly, what happens is a rebellious period, during this period the child turns into a powder keg, which can explode from one touch.

This is what I want to avoid. Therefore, I will have to do cycles of meditation, I do not want to change my character due to hormones.

Having made a decision that should help me during this terrible period, I put the books back on the shelves and, saying goodbye to the librarian, left.


I'm done with the magic system. Finally.

There was one person who suggested that I make a separate chapter for this, so as not to search in a heap of chapters. It will be in a simple and understandable version, probably.

I will do this and the rest of Volume 0 chapters when I recuperate.

Also, I will try to write further, but it depends on my condition.

If you have questions, ask, if you have suggestions, suggest. I'll consider everything.

Your support is very important.