
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Actors behind the scenes 1

Manor Baret. The office of the head of the estate.

At the table, by the fireplace, near the window, a handsome-looking man was sitting and concentrating, writing something on paper.

After a few seconds, he finished and sat back in his chair, looking exhausted.

"AAAA, I'm so tired. Damn awful documents, I'll be so crazy soon. "

While the man was complaining, the butler, who had been busy arranging documents all this time, handed him a cup of tea.

The butler looked like a thin, intelligent gentleman with short black hair and blue-gray eyes. He was dressed in black trousers and a white shirt with ruffles on the sleeves and collar, also on the nose were glasses with large lenses.

"Lord Gerl, you've done a great job, take a break."

After serving the drink, the butler began to bring and put the documents on the table in a more diligent manner.

After taking a few sips of the drink, Gerl inhaled several times and relaxed in his chair.

"I want to rest myself, but I have to finish faster and start training Seon myself. Who else but a father can teach him the beauty of fencing? "

"It seems to me that the only thing you want is only to free yourself from the duties of a lord and plunge into training while taking with you the young lord Seon."

"Ugh. You know me so well that it gets scary. "

"This is my duty as your butler and for so many years of our acquaintance, your habits are easy to recognize."

"That's right, Rosh, you have served me since childhood. By the way, is your son still studying? "

"Yes, he is still learning etiquette and also decided to learn to fence, he will only start working on the estate next year. Also, lord, don't try to translate the topic. You are hoping to be idle more, although recently you had such a determination to finish work faster. "

'Tts. I really wanted to have fun right now.' (This is how I mean whisper.)

"I hear everything, lord. I understand your desire to sit back and have fun but finish the job for today and you can do whatever you want. "

Roche adjusted his glasses and the light reflected from them made him look very imposing.

"Ugh. Damn you, bloody savages, they give me so much work to do. I want to take my sword and go and slaughter these vile barbarians. "

Gerl, with hate on his face, clenched his hand into a fist that even the veins were visible.

"Indeed, these barbarians have become more active lately, but the kingdom has already sent support, the church too. Their destruction is only a matter of time. "

"Yeah. But I also want to be there and slaughter those lousy pigs. "

"It's impossible. We need to stabilize the economy and trade, which was disrupted by the raids of the barbarians and the arrival of refugees. "

With that, Roche pointed to two stacks of papers neatly folded on the table.

"God, I'm tired of these papers. ... Exactly. What if I train in the office during a break? It's a great idea. "

With excitement on his face, Gerl got up from his chair and was about to begin his ingenious plan.



"Mistress Rosalie told me to prevent your stupid antics and convey her words to you. I quote: "If this idiot decides to do stupid things instead of useful work, even if he doesn't even think about sleeping in our room. Let me know about his stupid antics if he does. "

"HOW CRUEL! Maybe you can keep everything a secret from her? And all will be well."

At first, Gerl was surprised by such harsh conditions, but quickly came up with an alternative and hoped for the help of his friend. ... Only Roche, with a sullen face with a little sweat on it, said the words that broke Gerl's plans:

"Lord, the mistress had already foreseen this and warned me. I quote: "Also, Rosh, if he comes up with an idea that sounds silly, and you decide to participate in it, expect me to say a few words to your wife, after which you will suffer. So please don't disappoint me. Oh, and also, if you decide to hide something, you know, I have a lot of ears in the estate. "

Gerl had no choice but to cheer up his sullen friend by tapping lightly on his shoulder. Also, at this moment, he reasoned where this gentle and caring maiden had gone, allowing him a lot, which he knew. Now he has a feeling that he is living with a "fox" controlling his every step.

After a short silence and drinking more tea, Gerl continued to sort and fill in the papers. And after a while, the stacks decreased, and he was able to take a break again.

"What a horror it is. Why can't these damn traders sort out their route differences myself, why should I? Why Lovel became a magician, it would be better if he helped me with the documents. He tried so hard to help his father. "

Relaxing in his chair, Gerl looked up at the ceiling and remembered the help that his son had given him.

"Indeed, the young lord Lovel was of great help, but you are mistaken, the young lord did it only for the sake of sparring with you. And as for the merchants, the better and safer the route is, the more stable the economy will be, so you need to give an order to clear the way from all nasty things. "

Taking one of the sheets on the table, Roche hands it to Gerl. On paper, there were requests for more lucrative trade routes and complaints about monsters.

"And what did the old routes displease them? And monsters, they are everywhere, there should be no problems. The convoy is also allocated to them, what are they not happy with? …SO. STOP. I mean, only helped for the sake of sparring? "

Immersed in the study of the issue of merchants, Gerl did not pay attention to the first part of the conversation and only dawned on him.


"Because of the dragon, wyverns and drakes began to gather in the mountains of Silence, so the mountain trolls lost part of their territory and were forced to change their habitat. And it so happened that there are many rocks and mountain caves near the trade routes, so now there are many trolls. "

Rosh himself did not like the whole situation, now the city's economy is being pressured by both mountain trolls and barbarians with raids on settlements near the waters. He has no choice but to sigh and hope for the royal troops.

"AAAAAAAA. I AM ALREADY TIRED OF THESE PROBLEMS. WHY WON'T THESE BEINGS JUST DIE? ... And Roche, don't change the subject. What did you say there about my son? I mean, just for the sake of sparring? Didn't he enjoy the training process? "

At first, Gerl, clutching his head, complained of problems, but after a second, remembering his son, he calmed down and asked in a serious voice.

"Everything is as I said, the young lord, unlike Wa, does not enjoy training, he strives for strength. Therefore, He always challenged you to battle, striving to win. Really, you, did not notice his aspirations, to force you to eat the earth? "

This time Roche allowed himself to say too much, because his master had already plunged into despondency and lay down on the table, having stopped moving.

'How so, really those wonderful moments spent together. The time when we were covered in sweat and fought, torturing ourselves to the last drop of fluid in our body. Was it all a lie? '

"Lord, stop acting out the drama. Even if your goals were initially different without training, the young lord could not have become stronger. "

After these words, Gerl came to life again and returned to the original relaxed position with a joyful face.

"Hahaha. Really. Without training, he would not have gotten stronger. Training is the greatness of the world. "

"Only you think so, for the rest it is only a way to become stronger or more beautiful."

Narrowing his eyes, Gerl looked at Roche and said:

"You said something about "eating land. "

"What are you speaking about?"

"You said that not long ago."

"I do not understand what are you talking about."

After that, for a while, they looked into each other's eyes, but soon Gerl got tired of it and he began to drink the cooled tea, looking at the ceiling. At that moment, there were hints of sadness in his eyes.

"Do you miss young lord Lovel?"

The silence and melancholy atmosphere in the office were broken by Roche.

"Is it so noticeable? But it's true. As a father, I will worry about a son who is far away. "

"With his abilities, the young lord will cope with many things and will quickly become stronger. I believe that he will achieve a lot."

"Haha. Right. Still, he comes from the Baret family, so instead of being sad, I'd rather finish the job and teach the rest of the children."

"Perfect attitude lord, let's try."

After that, Roche and Gerl completely immersed themselves in the work with the desire to finish it as soon as possible.