
Epic of Leviathan [REBOOT]

This is a Complete Re-Write of my original The Epic of Leviathan. You don't need to read the original one to read this. However, the story is going to be extremely different from the OG one. MC will have a different background and different powers. The CoverArt is provided by LordValmar and I really appreciate his help. This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owners ------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. I would have used the Neutral Evil tag if it was available, but it isn't. So, a fair warning, the MC will do pretty evil or Dark stuff. Don't complain in the Future. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude from the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. And finally, this is going to be a World Travel Fic... 1st World: My Hero Academia 2nd World: Yet to be Decided 3rd World: Yet to be Decided ------------------------------------------------- Thrust into a Fictional World, with no parents to support him. With enemies all around him, will he be able to survive, or will he be swept away? Will he be able to make a name for himself? Carve a place for himself in the cruel world or will he be remembered as nothing but a footnote in history? ------------------------------------------------- Discord Channel- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Round Two (II)

Rikiya stood up with trembling legs and spat another mouthful of blood before he dropped to one of his knees… Rikiya couldn't believe what was happening. Only a minute ago, the boy didn't know how to handle his power, but now all of a sudden, he could manipulate his Quirk…

If Rikiya didn't know better then he would have thought the boy's Quirk had awakened, but all of a sudden he remembered something Dr. Akunji had told him… Apparently, the boy's Quirk was so advanced that he already had complete access to his power… Previously, it was only a theory, but now Rikiya had all the proof.

The last blow he received from the boy was dangerous… He was certain that he was bleeding internally. He heard a loud thud and he looked up, only to find the boy standing at the edge of the hole…

Rikiya no longer dared to underestimate the boy… Underestimating the boy was the reason for his current state. His body started to bulge and get covered by darkness. He decided to use 80% of his power as he had no other choice. Reo also increased his size a bit to match the height of his enemy. 

Reo raised his foot and the next moment, he disappeared and appeared in front of Rikiya. Last time, he wasn't able to follow Reo's movements, and even though he managed to follow his movements, his body wasn't fast enough to dodge. He only managed to bring up his arm to barely block the punch aimed at his head.

Rikiya felt his knees buckle under the power… 'He is already this strong?' Rikiya thought in disbelief. The boy lacked any technique or form, but that did not matter since he could simply blow it away with pure strength. Rikiya saw the next punch coming from miles away, but he could only watch it coming and brace for impact as he was in no position to defend himself.

Rikiya felt his brain rattle inside his head as soon as the punch landed… He wouldn't be surprised if he gained a hemorrhage from that. Rikiya sailed through the air and broke through one of the columns before landing on his back… He could see the world swimming around him.

'At this rate, I would die… I need to go 100%' Rikiya decided inside his head but before he could do anything, a clawed hand grasped his neck and lifted him up in the air. "You don't look so good, Yotsubashi-sama" Reo mocked the man and punched him in the gut, knocking the air out of his lungs.

Rikiya immediately started to struggle and released 100% of his power… "What's this?" Reo asked in a mocking tone as he felt Rikiya become bulkier in his hand. "Is this 100% of your power?" Reo asked as the man continued to struggle. Reo pulled back his hand and punched him again… 

Rikiya felt a few of his ribs crack under the pressure and spat out another mouthful of blood. Reo pulled back his fist to punch him again, but stopped when he heard another voice….

"Let him go, or we will kill the two of them" A feminine voice threatened and Reo turned to find Mai and Ren on their knees with Chitose Kizuki and a few more people standing behind them. Mai and Ren were not in good shape… It was clear that the two of them had received a beating…

~~POV Reo~~

"I see… So, that's how it is" I mumbled under my breath and Rikiya looked completely outraged. Even though I was not happy with Ren and Mai at this moment, I didn't want them to die. They might have adopted me just for the sake of the order from their higher-ups, but they still cared about me as much as they could. "Fine!" I growled as I finally released Rikiya.

If I wanted, I could have attacked the woman, but I didn't know anything about her powers. I realized just how horribly ignorant I was and I decided to research about everyone if I didn't end up as a brainwashed mob…

"Chitose…" Rikiya wheezed out. "Let them go!" Rikiya ordered while glaring at the woman, much to my surprise. I was expecting him to gloat or hit me now that he had the chance, but instead, he was angry at his subordinate… Maybe he really cared about Metas, but I quickly shook my head. 

He might be pulling an act just for show…

"But-" Chitose tried to protest, but Rikiya cut her off before she could say anything.

"Release them right now!" Rikiya snapped and glared at her threateningly. "The two of them have nothing to do with this. This was a fight between me and him-" Rikiya pointed at me while he continued to glare at her. Chitose looked reluctant, but she finally released Ren and Mai. Then Rikiya finally turned toward me.

"I am not happy how this turned out… It should have been between me and you" Rikiya explained, looking sad and I realized that he was basically trying to apologize, without apologizing. "Let's just think nothing happened tonight and we walk away as we were. I won't force you again to join us and you will keep our existence a secret?" Rikiya suggested and I decided to think it over before answering.

It was obviously a shit deal from my perspective since he could annoy me all he wants, but I would have never joined the MLA. "Nothing happens to them. They don't get discriminated against. They don't get any shit. They don't take the blame. Promise me all that and I won't blow the whistle" I demanded and Rikiya agreed without missing a beat.

"They are respectable members of MLA, I would have never allowed something like that to happen" Rikiya assured me, but I simply snorted.

"I can see how much control you have over your forces" I said in a mocking tone and the woman wanted to say something, but Rikiya shut her up with a glare. "I hope you can keep your promise" I warned him threateningly, but he didn't even flinch. He either planned to keep his promise or he was not afraid of me.

"Let me arrange a vehicle for you" Rikiya called out and signaled one of the men standing behind Chitose. Ren and Mai were giving me weird looks, which was understandable. Within a minute, a car was here to take us back home and when I was about to walk past Chitose, I stopped and backhanded her, making her fly a couple of meters.

I glared at everyone around me, including Rikiya, daring them to attack me, but none of them were foolish enough to do so… "When she wakes up, tell her it was for hitting them and if something like this happens again, I will break every bone in her body" I threatened as I stepped into the lift, but the lift refused to move since it was overweight…


A/N: Guys please leave a review and give me stones to promote my work...