
Epic Of A Skeleton

I've dropped this novel and If you like the Idea and want to write about it I encourage you to so.

Dillon_Tanner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

The Beginning

Aurgh. "What happened" "where am I" Lewis rapid-fired questions like these hoping someone would answer but no answer came so he stopped and calmed him self down. And thought [what ever is going on I need to figure it out] and so he searched through his memory. and figured out he died. He was quite for a few seconds then he fully realized what that meant and stared to freak out and think thoughts like [What about my family my parents my brother] [What about them] He tried to calm himself down but he couldn't. after a few more seconds of panicking he heard a voice that said "calm down". And Lewis immediately calmed down.

Lewis wondered who this voice belonged two it didn't sound particularly male or female. Like the voice was reading his thoughts. The voice said it was the god of reincarnation and that it would give him a choice. The choice was to enter the regular reincarnation cycle and lose all your memories or go to the world of Metuis with your memories intact. So like any 11 year old he decided to go to the world of Metuis. He was excited as he blacked out. When he woke up he looked around and found out that he was in cave-like structure. Then he looked at himself and found out he was a skeleton! And he said "that little" before he could finish he heard the god of reincarnation say "try thinking the word system" and the god added "I know what your about to say" "trust me you don't want to say it". So Lewis forced himself to calm down and thought system, and a big big blue screen popped up and said.

{Name: Lewis}

{Race: Skeleton}

{Class: none}

{Rank 1}

{LVL 1}

{Heath: 500}

{Mana: 600}


STR 10

DEF 10

SPD 10

INT 10

VIT 10}

{Stat points: 10}



Temperature manipulation

Flesh absorption}

[Telekinesis and Temperature manipulation are self explanatory buts what's with Flesh absorption.] Lewis clicked on the skill Flesh absorption and a screen that said {Flesh absorption is a skill that lets the user absorb the flesh of the dead and add it to their body} [This kind of sounds like that one novel where someone is reincarnated into a living armor that can absorb metal and stuff like that] [I just realized I'm a skeleton why do I have Telekinesis and Temperature manipulation at least Flesh absorption kind of makes sense] [Well I better not dwell on it to much] [I have some stat points so what should I spend them on] [Sense I have ten and don't know what I want to be I will just add two to every stat] so now Lewis's stat's look like this.

{Heath: 510}

{Mana: 610}


STR 12

DEF 12

SPD 12

INT 12

VIT 12}

{Stat points: 0}

[Ok that looks good] Lewis thought as he went out to explore the cave like thing he was in. While Lewis was walking he picked up a few rocks with Telekinesis while changing the temperature of them to train his skills. he kept doing this until he ran into a zombie. the zombie didn't seem aggressive so Lewis walked up to it. It did nothing so Lewis tried to use flesh absorption but it didn't work so two thoughts came to Lewis. thought number one the skill doesn't count it as dead because it raised. thought number two he can't absorb zombie flesh. He picked the first one and picked up a few more rocks with Telekinesis backed up ten feet and used temperature manipulation to make the rocks as hot as he could And aimed at the zombie's head. The zombie suddenly rush at Lewis. But for some reason Lewis didn't get scared he calmly shot the zombie while moving backwards until all his rock's were gone. The zombie was still alive but barely so Lewis punched the zombie in the head and it's head flew off. Lewis was freaking out he didn't understand how he kept his cool it took him a few minutes to calm down and came to a conclusion it was Because he was a skeleton.

He went over to the zombie's body and use flesh absorption and it worked! A screen popped up and said {What do you want to absorb Body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg.] Lewis clicked body and a screen popped up and said {Rank 1 LVL 1 zombie (human) +2 DEF and VIT absorb Yes/No} Lewis clicked yes and the zombie's body formed on his. He figured out that he could absorb all the parts and he did. He also figured out that the legs gave him 1 SPD each and the arms 1 STR each. He then walked over to the head and tried to absorb it and a screen popped up and said pretty much the same thing the other ones said but it had damaged by its name. It gave 1 INT. Lewis noticed he gained a level and 6 stat points and spent two on INT And 1 on every thing else and now his status screen looked like

{Name: Lewis}

{Race: Skeleton}

{Class: none}

{Rank 1}

{LVL 2}

{Heath: 525}

{Mana: 620}


STR 15

DEF 15

SPD 15

INT 15

VIT 15}

{Stat points: 0}

Im sorry this is so short I will work on makeing chapters longer and more deatailed. please give me some advice for my next chapter I would really apriceate it

Dillon_Tannercreators' thoughts