
Eons of Evolution: I Am God

God descended on the most ancient barbaric earth and primeval seas. He is the beginning of everything, he created wisdom and life, he is the Creator of all living beings. In the passage of time, stories turn into epics, epics become myths, and finally myths are buried in the years. God alone is eternal. Fanfic/Translation

Damon_Gray · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 15 The Place Of Origin

In the temple, Sally obediently stood in front of a huge mythical screw shell embedded in the wall, gazing at the strange creatures inside through its shining surface. She held a golden cup-shaped flower pot in her arms, seemingly fond of its fragrant contents. Rico had tasked her with taking care of the flower, and so she held it close, inhaling its scent.

Suddenly, the flowers in the pot began to move, and the golden cup shattered, revealing a gaping, blood-red mouth which bit Sally, causing her to cry out in pain. This was the true nature of the flower, a strange life form that existed between animals and plants. Despite the sharp teeth that were now dangerously close to her face, Sally did not move, seemingly unaware of any danger. Only her previously still green eyes flickered and rolled like glass marbles as they fell upon the flower pot.

The darkness grew, and a terrible shadow appeared behind Sally. The mythical breath of life stood at the top of the food chain and now loomed over her. The ferocious, dripping flower recoiled in fear and did not dare to move again. It was clear that this momster was the most bizarre and frightening creature on the planet.

This was the Sun Cup Flower, created by Rico through random fusion and transformation of a creature called Gu Cup, found at the bottom of the sea. Rico intended to create more such plants and plant them on the island to see which ones could survive and eventually thrive, thus adding some variety to the otherwise monotonous scenery. However, these plants could only grow on the island of the Divine city. Without them, they could not resist the power of radiation. In this era, only the ocean was a paradise for life, and the miracle of the Sanye people was unique to them alone, not shared by other forms of life.

Meanwhile, deep in the temple, Ledley knelt before the gods and recounted what had happened after the return of his two sons and two daughters. They had brought gifts and showed him how much they loved him, even if he had to play down their praise in front of them. Ledley acknowledged the merit of their accomplishments outside and was pleased to hear how the people of the God-given city spread news of their deeds and adventures.

The children's achievements made him happier than his own great accomplishments.

"Yesel built a city that was not much smaller than the God-given city. It is said that there is also a tower-shaped building in the city that rose directly from the sea bottom, reaching a height of 100 meters."

"Yesel has also developed a currency which I plan to improve upon, making it usable not only in the city of Yesel but throughout the kingdom of Hiinsa."

"Ens is also very benevolent towards his people, and as a result, many are willing to join him. The city he built is only slightly inferior to Yesel's."

"I was concerned that they might become arrogant and lose their way after acquiring power." Ledley face broke into a smile. "But now it seems that the children are much better than I had anticipated," he remarked.

Ledley continue to converse while Rico listened silently without uttering a word. It was unclear whether he had fallen asleep or if his consciousness had flown into the far reaches of the starry sea.

While in the temple, Ledley behaved differently from when he was outside. In the Divine city, he was the king of wisdom, domineering, indifferent, and decisive. In the temple, however, he was the eldest son of God, showing his joys, sorrows, and delight without reservation, like a child.

Finally, the chatter drew to a close, and Ledley gazed up at the god's shadow, his eyes revealing his longing. "Great Ricozo God!" he exclaimed. "I can finally stand before you and proudly proclaim that Ledley has established a great nation, and I have created the world's first intelligent civilization, just as you had envisioned."

At this point, Ledley tone shifted, becoming increasingly animated, as if the desires and aspirations that had been buried in his heart for many years were on the verge of being realized.

"But!" Ledley exclaimed, "This is not enough. It is far from enough. I will not only create a great civilization but also fulfill my promise to you." At this moment, Rico shadow in the hall finally stirred upon hearing this sentence, and his consciousness seemed to return to this world from another space. Rico eyes fell on Ledley, shaking his head and laughing.

Ledley knelt down and raised his head, laughing as well. "That's my oath to God. How can I forget it?"

Yesel and his siblings stood in the Wisdom Palace and waited for a long time until the King of Wisdom finally entered the hall escorted by his bodyguards. Yesel observed his father carefully. The former great King of Wisdom was no longer young, much older than a few years ago. Although he was still tall and majestic, he had become frailer.

He took the crown and scepter, stepped up to the throne, and sat down. "You are all here," he announced. Yesel and the others immediately knelt down and greeted the King of Wisdom. Ledley raised his hand to let them stand up, looked at them one by one, and then laughed. "Very good! You all did a great job. The city of Ens is well built, and I've heard that many nobles are planning to leave the Divine city to join you."

"Yesel I must visit the stone tower you built in Yesel if there is a chance, to see if it is really as high and exquisite as they say."

"And..." he paused, a smile appearing on his face.

After saying this, Ledley expression finally became serious. "I asked you to come here today for one thing. God has given us the ocean and the earth. We have now entered the ocean, but we have still not found the continent. God has given us everything, and we must meet his expectations."

The King of Wisdom's eyes drifted into memory and meditation. He seemed to return to the coast that echoed the sound of waves many years ago. There God came from the universe beyond time and space, bringing the miracle of wisdom and life. In the distance, the undulating earth stretched to the end of the sky, he had crawled out of the warm sea, and came to God.

"That's where I was born, and the place where God descended. We must find it there and then build a city there, where we originated. Which one of you is willing to look for our land and place of origin?"

Yesel had long been interested in this matter. "Great King of Wisdom, where is the legendary boundless land?"

Ens added, "Great King of Wisdom, are we not in too much of a hurry? After all, the Kingdom of Hiinsa has just been established, and our territory has barely stabilized. Is it really necessary to look for this motherland now?"

Ledley did not force them to do what they do not wish, nor did he disclose the continent's location. He simply stated, "If any of you want to, you can come with me."

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