
Enzo's Captive: Bound by Darkness

She was a flower whom he wanted to possess and he was her nightmare, the one haunting her every dream a beautiful young teenager who was living her bright shining life but it all turned dark when a certain mistake was committed, one mistake and her whole life turned upside down After fighting her fears for so long when she finally thought she succeeded it all tarnished the moment he came back for her after 10years a cruel mafia billionaire who set his eyes on a particular someone, when he thought he lost her and craved for her for years a miracle happened, this time he is set to end the cat and lion chase to finally make her his ---------------- "you think you could escape me?" he slowly took steps towards me while I step back, each step full of power and anger "It was funny how you could think about that" his voice dripping with mockness My back hit the wall, halting my steps as he came forward chuckling darkly, his dark bottomless eyes only looking at me, piercing each part of my body "but now Bella, now I won't ever let you go, the last time you succeeded but this time I will make sure that each part of yours will only bind with me" "you cannot own me, you never did nor you will" I shot back with the last courage I had, his hand slammed on the wall by my side making me flinch, his hot breath fanning on my face "you are mine and only mine and it is time I let everyone know who you belong to and mark every inch of your skin! I dare anyone to touch you and I will make sure to burn their whole life down" he yelled "And amore... I can promise you that"

Thekanggirl · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter -19, going back


It is already afternoon. The sun is about to set. Creating a orange and red hue in the sky. The sun slightly peaking out from the sea. The view from the balcony looks majestic. I smiled looking at the view

"You like it here?" Enzo whispered. He hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder as he breathed in my scent

"Yes. It's beautiful"

"Shall we move here?"

" What no" I replied giving him an 'astonished look'

"Why? You said you like it here" he said pouting. I giggled seeing him. He looked cute doing that.

"Yes but not to the point of moving in here. I want to but if you see something all time,everyday, the beauty doesn't feel the same. Eventually you get bored with it. Seeing the same thing again and again "

"But I won't ever get bored with Alora" he wishpered as he snuggled closer. Embracing me more tightly

"Everyday feels like a bliss with you. It feels so good to be with you" he whispered

I don't know what to say so I remained quiet. I placed my hand on his and tilted my head to the side to look at him

"Is there anything bothering you?" I asked concerned, frowning

He stared at the softness in my eyes. His eyes reflected concern

"I...I am scared that the moment we return to Italy, surrounded by other people, I will become the same old Enzo I was" he said, his eyes closed as he sighed

"My past still haunts me. I-I can hear their voices. The same voices screaming how much of a failure I am. How no one can love

me" he whispered as he dipped his head on my neck, breathing in my scent

I placed a hand on his arm and slowly broke the hug. I turned towards him fully. His eyes glistened with unshed tears. I cupped his one cheek and stroke my thumb. He leaned in on my touch. Closing his eye

"When you said sorry to me and asked for a chance, I was still reluctant to do so." I said honestly, "I didn't know if I could trust you. I didn't know if I could trust in the promise you made, about you changing for me. " I said. " But in the past few days you proved me wrong. I know these are small changes but I am glad you are true to your promise and it means a lot to me. I am sure nothing will happen after we go back. I will always be with you" I said smiling

He soon smiled as well. I can see my words gave him confidence and I am glad it did. He slowly nodded his head smiling

"And if you ever feel like sharing your past I am always here to hear it from you. I am your wife and I have all rights to know about you as much as you do about me" I said

He felt reluctant to answer. His face slightly paled. He looked down at his hand

"I....I don't know if I can. It's- it's too tragic-"

"It's fine. You can tell me when you are ready. But if you want me to understand you then you have to tell me everything about yourself." I said looking up at him. He looked at me and gave a close lip smile nodding. I smiled at him

I hope this understanding between us always remains. So that we never have to repeat the same past mistakes and I hope he always remains this gentle. I know he won't hurt me but his possessiveness runs so deep it sometimes scare me

He stared at the setting sky

"It's time" he whispered

I frowned looking at the direction of his sight "what's time-" my words got replaced with a small gasp

I stared at the sky which was getting filled with hundreds of lanterns.

"Oh my god" I gasped. "I-its so beautiful"

"I am glad you like it" he whispered smiling

"Y-you did it?" I asked looking at him

"Yes. I knew you would like it"

"Thank you so much" I said smiling widely. My heart warmed looking at the scene

I can feel him staring at me intently

"W-why are you staring at me? Look at the beautiful view in the sky"

"But there is nothing more beautiful than my wife" he whispered, kissing my cheek

"You flirt" I said blushing. He chuckled

"Can I ask you something?" I asked looking up at him. Biting my lower lip

"Of course babygirl"

I played with my fingers nervously

" W-why me? Why do you love me? W-why did you not kill me 10years ago? We didn't even knew eachother at that time" He smirked

"Maybe that was for you. But I know everything about you. That day when I first saw you I felt a strange connection between us. I couldn't help but think about you again and again" he said kissing the back of both my hand.

"And when I saw you again after some days I just couldn't make myself to harm you. For the first time I felt awful to hurt someone. Even after all those years I never stopped loving you" he said

"Then what about now? Do you know everything about me?" I asked

"Try me" he replied confidently

"My favourite colour?"

"Pastel green and dark red" he replied instantly

"My favourite hobby?"

"Painting, reading romance books and watching murder mysteries and another one you watch those cartoons on your phone" he said

"Manhwa and webtoon" I said laughing

"Yeah that. Though I didn't expect you enjoying murder mysteries. I thought you hated it" he said

"I just love to decode mysteries. It's entertaining to guess who the murderer is and what if I need it in the future?" I said joking

"Don't worry I will help you then. Even if you kill me I will gladly give my life to you" he said making me gasp

"Hey don't say that" I said pouting. Hitting his chest. He laughed

"But I don't know much about Enzo" I said looking down on the floor

"You can ask me anything babygirl " he said lifting my chin up

"Your favourite colour?" I asked

"Green. Just like your eyes" he said looking at my eyes

I blushed as his tone softened. Staring at my eyes

"Um...You never told me your favourite hobby. So what is your favourite hobby?"

"Spending time with my wife" he replied instantly

"No. I mean...what you like to do the most when you are free?" I asked emberassed

"Fucking my wife"

I choked on my spit. Emberassed from his shamless reply. I looked somewhere else trying to hide the blush which coated my cheeks

He turned my head towards him gently by holding my chin between his thumb and index finger. My eyes stared at his gentle ones. He bite his lower lip staring at mine

"You are the most best thing that ever happened to me Sweatheart and you are my most favourite" he said gently and captured my lips


It was already late morning. I woke up groaning. My lower body feels so sore. We did it last night again. I couldn't say no to him when he pleaded me with puppy eyes

He gave me an Advil and placed my clothes on the bed when I woke up. I changed into my underwears after the shower and wore the clothes he placed for me on the bed

I wore a black top with short jeans. I dried my hair with the hair dryer and styled it into a ponytail. I applied moisturizer on both my face and body. I applied mashcara and a pink tint on my lips with a soft blush on my cheeks

Today is the day we are going back. It feels sad to leave this beautiful Place. But sadly our vacation ends here. I headed downstairs after tying my shoe lace. The luggages were already packed and kept downstairs

We had our breakfast at a diner near our hotel. It was beautiful. We sat on the balcony area of the diner, facing the sea. The soft breeze of wind, sounds of the sea and squealing of the birds, I will miss this all

The honeymoon wasn't so bad. We did mistakes, solved it and got together. I can't get away with the past nor can I change it but I can surely change the future, I can start it by understanding Enzo. Though sometimes his behaviour scares me but I have to try by giving him a chance.

I have to keep true to my promise as he is being true to his one

"Come" Enzo said as he extended his hand towards me which I took

Enzo's man already took the luggages and kept it inside the car which was headed towards the airport

I looked at the place one last time. Smiling to myself

"We can come here anytime you want" I heard Enzo say beside me. I nodded smiling brightly and stepped inside the car

The jet landed a few hours ago. We got inside the jet and settled down. Enzo buckled my seatbelt and after a few moments the plane took off

I stared outside the window unbuckling my belt once the plane settled on the sky. The last time I was in this plane I was feeling scared, sad and stressed. Compared to that time many things changed. The train of thoughts about how to survive with him is slowly fading away. His change gave me a ray of hope

I know I shouldn't get my expectations high. Anything can trigger him easily. I can't trust him fully but I want to try trusting him. Atleast from my end I want to do whatever I can do. Compared to last time, this journey is far better than that.

I felt a hand running through my hair. I looked beside me and saw Enzo staring at me smiling. I gave him a small smile.

Suddenly he picked me up and placed me on his lap which earned a small gasp from me. He stroked my hair and placed my head on his hard chest. For some reason his embrace made me feel the most securest.

He pulled a blanket over me and gently rubbed my back. My eyes started to get heavier from all this warmth and gentleness



"She looks so beautiful when she sleeps" Enzo whispered to himself as he stared at her angelic sleeping form

Alora didn't even realised when she fell asleep reading comic books. Enzo lifted her bridal style and shifted her into a suite inside the plane. He placed her on the soft bed and draped the white duvet over her

His finger swooned over her soft cheeks as he stared at her with pure love in his eyes

"How much I want to protect you. To keep you out of others disgusting eyes"

"It makes my mood sour whenever I think about how other people will lay their disgusting eyes on you" he whispered as his expression turned dark

"But I promise they can never touch you. Hell they can't even get near you" he sneered lowly

"I will give them such pathetic death, that they will even remember it in their next life" he said as a twisted smirk graced his lips

"I promised you I will change, but only towards you, this doesn't apply for others" he said as he smirked wickedly

His mind was corrupted. His love for Alora runned so deep that if anyone dared to even look at her he would not hesitate to gauge their eyes out instantly

He kept staring at her and slowly fell asleep, surrounding her in his possesive hold


"Cara! Florina! I missed you all a lot" Alora exclaimed jumping in joy

The moment she saw them standing infront of the mansion waiting for their arrival, she immediately ran towards them and engulfed them into a hug

"We missed you too sweatheart, the house felt empty without you" Florina said gently stroking her back

Alora broke the hug smiling brightly

"Welcome back miss. I hope you had a safe journey" said Frodo

"Thank you Mr.Frodo" Alora replied

"I brought some gifts for you guys as well. I hope you will like it" She said smiling bright

"You didn't have to" said Cara. She was moved by her kindness. She has been working on this mansion for years. She also worked on other mansion as well but never a house master brought them gifts

Alora was the first to treat them with respect and always care about them. She always respected their work and admired them for it

"Cara" said Alora. She took her hand in her and looked at her gently

"You are the very first friend I made after coming into this mansion. You deserve it" said Alora

Cara looked at her with respect in her eyes. Her master is lucky to get such a wife who never discriminate with people. Even they are lucky to get such a house mistress

"Thank you lady" said Cara

Alora smiled

The servants took the luggage inside the mansion. Alora was helping florina in unpacking the luggages. She handed the gifts to Cara and told her to distribute some other gifts to the servants of the mansion as well

"You don't have to do it dear, you might be tired from the flight" said Florina

"It's fine. I am okay. I mostly slept through the whole flight" said Alora as she put the neat clothes inside the wardrobe

Florina stared at her smiling. She could feel the change in Alora

"So how was it? The honeymoon?" She asked looking at Alora

"I-I don't know" Alora replied looking down at her lap "it wasn't bad"

Florina frowned, even though she and her husband are loyal to Enzo but she knows that what he did to her was not right

She pushed the suitcase aside and sat beside her, she placed her hand on top of Alora's which was resting on her lap

"I know what he did to you was cruel and I am not telling you to forgive him as well" she said giving her a sad look. Alora just stared at her

"But I can see the changes that are happening because of you. Which I never saw before even after staying beside him for years. He was a really sweet boy Alora. Just like a normal child" said Florina

"He went through a lot of cruel fates which no one deserved to have. No children deserves to suffer like he did" she said as her expression turned more saddening but with hate

"What happened to him?" Asked Alora

"I can't tell you much but I can say his mother wasn't a very good person. She was a lovely women but after a few years of the young master's birth she started to indulge herself in alcohol. She used to abuse him whenever she felt his presence " said Florina. Alora's eye widened. She never thought one's parents can do that to their own child.

"His father never cared for him as well. He used to make him do all sorts of killing and torturing from a young age. He never knew what love is until he met you" said Florina as she looked at Alora's pale expression

"He will never hurt you. He would die if anything happens to you. You have no idea what he went through when you were gone. I am happy that finally he is changing because of you"

Alora failed to form words to say. She never expected something like this to happen. Her mind was full of thousands questions.

Why? Why would someone do that to a child?


It was night time. Alora took a hot shower. It helps her to relax her muscles. She wore her nightwear consisting of a lace cami top and shorts. She brushed her wet hair and left it open for air drying. While applying lotion on her body her stomach grumbled for food

"I am hungry" she mumbled pouting

Enzo was busy in his office with some paperwork. He was in his office the whole time after lunch. She walked downstairs to the kitchen. The whole mansion felt empty. All the servants went to the servant quarter long ago

There were no sign of neither Cara or Florina. So she decided to make her own food

She took out a bread and went to take some sausages from the fridge. When she turned around a loud gasp escaped her lips. Enzo was standing right infront of her

"Holy! You scared me" she mumbled narrowing her eyes at him. Enzo smirked. " Sorry I came to make some coffee and saw a little kitten rummaging around the fridge. What are you doing?"

" Well this kitten is hungry and she needs food" she replied. He frowned. "Why didn't you ask Florina or Cara?" He asked. "I don't want to bother them at this time" she said.

"Kitten. This is your home. You can ask anything you want from them. No one will defy you " He said sternly. "It's okay. It's a little thing. I can do it myself " she said as she walked towards the kitchen island

Enzo raised an eyebrow but decided to leave the topic. "Okay" he mumbled. She mentally sighed and turned her back at him. His eyes lingered around her ass. He licked his lip after watching her sway her hips humming a song

He hugged her from behind and turned her around facing him swiftly. Alora's eyes widened from his sudden action. He inched closer to her face. His minty breath fanned on her. He softly brushed some hair strands out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. "You look beautiful" he murmured

Alora's cheeks turned pink. She unconsciously bite her bottom lips which she does often when she is nervous. His lips softly trailed down from her cheeks to her jaw, from her jaw to her neck. Her eyes closed as she shivered from the sensation

"Enzo..." She softly called. She tried to push him off but it was all in vain. He is a huge bear whereas she is a little rabbit.

"Enzo...I-I need to cook" she said softly pushing him but he didn't stop. He pushed her more into the counter. His hand slowly slipping inside her cami top. She quickly grabbed his hand as her eyes snapped open

"N-no we can't. We are in the k-kitchen" she said

"And why can't we?" He murmured softly as he kissed her collarbone

"W-what if someone sees us?" She said

"Then let them see. They also should know how much I love my wife" He said

He kissed her neck and her jaw. Leaving wet kisses all over. She bite her lips trying not to let out any weird sound. His hand slided down from her arm to her hand. He swiftly snatched the knife from her hand and pulled away

Alora's eyes shocked opened. She looked at him confused.

"You can take some rest little wife. I will serve you tonight" he said winking

Alora's face turned red from emberassment. She continuously hit Enzo's chest.

" You jerk!" She said glaring at him

Enzo laughed seeing his wife's cute anger expression. He put the knife down on the kitchen counter and catched both her arms in one hand. Stopping her anger fits. She still glared at him furrowing her eyesbrows

"You look so cute when you are angry" he said giving a peck on her forehead

He put his hand under her arms and made her sit on the kitchen island. She huffed and crossed her hand on her chest. He pecked her cheeks before turning to make something for his little wife

"Really? Do you know how to cook?" She asked eyeing the ingredients. "I don't know how to do the main course. But I am pretty good at making snacks and sandwiches" he said

Alora watched him the whole time he made the sandwiches. A smile formed on her lips seeing his efforts. "Ta-da your dish miss kitten." He said handing her the plate of sandwiches

Alora giggled. She took a bite and moaned in delight. She didn't knew the sandwich could be that good. She was prepared to praise him even if it tasted bad.

"How is it?" He asked. "It's so tasty. I love it!" she exclaimed taking another bite. Enzo smiled seeing her enjoying the food he made. It's the first time he made something for someone. "Thank you" she said giving a kiss on his cheek. Enzo blushed slightly. Alora smiled seeing his ear turn red.

All the time when Alora praises him or show small affections like this he tries hard to hide his blush but his ears betrays him everytime. It turns red whenever he blushes. This is something Alora found recently. That's why she sometimes teases him to enjoy seeing him blush

"Want some?" She asked politely. He smirked and opened his mouth, Alora fed him.

"Mm...it is good" he said. "But it's tastier" he said as he got close to her. He held her throat in a light grip and brought his lip closer to her face. Alora stared at him not knowing what he was doing. He licked the corner of her lips which had some cheese. She shivered. He smirked seeing his effect on her

After she finished her meal she kept the plate on the kitchen island. Enzo handed her a tissue with which she wiped her mouth clean

"You are so beautiful my kitten" he said brushing her front hair with his hand.

"do you know when you look the most beautiful?" He asked. She gulped and shaked her head sideways in a 'no'

" When I fuck you hard" he whispered in her ear and squeezed her throat lightly. "You look so fucking sexy when you moan my name when I enter inside you. You take me so well" he whispered biting her earlob.

"The way when you look at me with those innocent eyes when I give you pleasure " he whispered. Alora's eyes closed as he whispered in her ear. Her body slowly shaking as she breathed heavily. His tongue slide down to her neck from her earlob. He nip at her neck

"E-enzo" she breathed out. Suddenly he pulled away.

Her eyes shot open and looked at Enzo confused. He smirked. "What? You want more?" He cooed innocently. Alora's face turned bright red from embarrassment. He did it again. She pushed Enzo and got off the island. She started to walk away angrily.

"You know you only need to ask. I am all yours" he said as he held her hand and pulled her towards him. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her more closer. "Only I can give you that pleasure babygirl" he mumbled dipping his head in her neck.

"You are a dumb bear" she said. He chuckled

He ran the tip of his nose on her neck and pulled away placing a soft kiss on her exposed shoulder. He smiled seeing her huffing from anger

He took the plate and started to wash it. "I can do it" she insisted. "Nope .You can't" he said

"You don't let me do any work" she complained pouting. Crossing her arm over her chest. He placed a soft kiss on her pouty lip. " Because you are my little queen and queen don't work. She orders" he said smiling brightly

Alora blushed. She handed him a towel to wipe his hand. She took the plate and kept it on the kitchen cabinet. "Let's go" he said extending his hand.

She nodded and was about to leave the kitchen when she saw the towel Enzo used fell. "Oh wait" she said

She bent down to pick it up which gave Enzo a perfect view of her ass .He licked his dry lips. His eyes darkened. He smirked and smacked her butt

"Oww" she shrieked. "What was that?" She asked rubbing her butt

"Sorry kitten" he apologized as he gently rubbed the spot but suddenly

"Owie" she squealed. "What's your problem?" She asked with a pout. Glaring at him. He did it again. He smacked her butt again. "Sorry kitten. You have a nice ass. It's hard to resist" he said in a fake surrender .Her face turned red like cherry. She stomped her feet angrily and left the kitchen

He followed behind. "Sorry little one" he apologized and tried to held her hand but she ignored it and stomped towards the living room. He held her arm and swiftly turned her towards him. He picked her up on his shoulder before she could yell at him. "Put me down. What are you doing?" She protested

"Sorry little kitten. Can't do" he said . Alora narrowed her eyes at him. She hit his back continuously. He smacked her butt again.

"Ughh" she groaned. " Do that again and I will not mind to spank you right here right now. Though I am enjoying it" He said with a smirk. Alora rolled her eyes at his remark.

He took her to the living room and placed her on the couch. She took a cushion and threw it on Enzo which hit his face. "Hey!" He said

"That's for smacking my butt" she said angrily, sticking her tongue out. She threw another one at him. "Uh-uh" Enzo said and tackled her down on the couch. He started to tickle her.

Alora's laugh echoed through the whole the mansion.

"S-stop" she said in-between her laughs. Enzo tickled her feet which made her laugh further.


Florina entered the mansion after checking the garden. She frowned when she heard the sound of someone's laugh. The only voice that echoed in this mansion were the screams of people whom Enzo tortured mercilessly to death

She followed the sound and reached the living room. Her steps halted. A smile tugged on her lips when she saw Alora laughing uncontrollably as Enzo tickled her. She laughed more when he started to tickle her foot. Seeing them like this made her feel good. She was glad that the honeymoon got both of them closer to each other.

'Maybe he will change and try to act better. Maybe he can actually act like a human and everything will be alright'....she thought

But.....will he?