
The Kings

"Hey Alex hurry up, we're gonna miss the bus."


"Dude,that nerdy ass of yours is in dire need of some exercise....come on we're almost there.."

Hi,I am Alexander Knight,grand name isn't it,but it's the only grand thing in me.The idiot who was lecturing me just now is my childhood friend Nathan Reed.Our parents were college friends and somehow ended up being neighbors when we were five and we just clicked.Apart from being a pervert and idiot he's not that bad of a company.

"....Hey Cinderella watcha dreaming, come on the bus is leaving.."

*eavesdrop*....this idiot..."Coming,hold on."

"Damn the girls in our class are hot."

*wisper*"...stop staring or you'll be beaten into a hot pulp."*wisper*

"Oi, you're no fun."*pouting*

Well our college has organised a tour of a company on which we have to prepare a report.We are going to The King's, which living upto its name rules the business world. It owns the largest number of shares in the market and is considered as the king in the IT world. It recently launched the most secure antivirus software which prevents hacking. Apart from that it'll be launching its new software K-2.0 next month which is meant to bring a new revolution. It's a dreamland for people like me but at the same time has snowball's chance in hell for survival due to the CEO whoose considered an incarnation of Satan.

I just wish that I won't become a treat to that Satan. It'll be best that we don't cross paths.

"Hey Alex let's go, we're here."

"Yup let's go."

....I wish...









Why God,why me what did I ever do to you....why me.....why am I even here in the first place...ugh....

.....confused..... let's rewind to where we left....*weeping*