
Entwined Within Time and Fate

Captain of the lesser known Wisteria pirates, she and her crew are in search of the mythical Wishing Star. The Wishing Star, as its name implies, will grant any wish one’s heart desire. In myths and legends, and in stories far and wide, the Wishing Star is but a tragic tale. Any who wishes upon the Star will meet their fate, as a price is paid for with every wish granted… …But that does not stop the Wisteria crew, for better or for worse. Aspen, known as Aspen the Free-spirited, is the captain of these hysterical pirates. Or she was, until her ship happens upon the Wishing Star. What Aspen wishes for will launch her into a tangent of fates, one that even the God who granted her wish will be unable to answer. —

Hax_Thirteen · LGBT+
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Chapter 2: Upon a Wishing Star

"Mm…" A moan crept through the dimly lit room, otherwise known as the Captain's Cabin.

"Nn… Ha… ngn…" the moans continued. "W-wait… A… Aureli… a. Mm...!"

"Hm?" the wistful female hummed. Without regards to her captain's plea, she pushed onwards and showered her lover with passionate kisses.

Scurrying under their dressed body, the younger female's masterful hands gently groped onto the soft mounds of the older individual. She licked and kissed their slender neck, puffing a warm, moist breath as her hands slid towards their lower regions.

"Wait…" Aspen gasped but was silenced by another pair of heated lips. "Mm… ha… mm!"

Aurelia worked her hands, sliding her thin fingers in and out of Aspen's lower body. She pushed the girl's legs apart and continued her deep and powerful kiss, the speed of her fingers increasing by the second.

"Ah, hah...! Mm, ah, nn… mm...!"

Wet sounds muffled through the air, and Aspen tried her best to suppress her moans from leaking out into the open.

Aurelia's warm and sticky lips refused to part from Aspen's. She caressed her thigh and continued to barrage her dripping petal with swift, crafty thrusts.

When Aurelia lessened her speed, Aspen thought she could finally gasp a breath, but it was met with another onslaught of movement that sent her into a heavenly frenzy.

The captain could hardly breathe as she grips onto her lover's clothing for dear life.

"Hng..! Ahn, n! Mm… Ah! Hah! Mm...! Mnmm!"


Aurelia licked her lips in fulfillment and finally released her captain. Puffing in a lungful of air, she glowed as if feeling refreshed.

Aspen, on the other hand, was panting with her hair disheveled and clothing in a state of unrest.

Pushing her moist hair up and away from her face, Aurelia bent over and pecked Aspen on the nose before grabbing a towel to wipe off her own sweat.

Aspen was still dazed as she slowly sprouted from her position.

"Aurelia..." she whispered, a tad bit embarrassed as she picked up her belongings, "Uhm. Thank you…"

The young female wizard, whilst brushing back her hair, peeked at her girlfriend and playfully stuck out her tongue.

With a swift change in attitude, "Don't pile work upon yourself and stress over it alone," she lectured. A saddened smiled threatened to taint her worry-free facade. "That habit of yours never seem to falter," she murmured.

A pause.

"I'll go talk to Duke and Ruri."

Aspen nodded.

It was pure luck that they somehow gathered a wide variety of magic users. Duke specialized in water magic, and with Ruri's mastery in fire magic, the crew was able to get regular baths. Another member even specialized in healing magic. People onboard nicknamed her the Gunpowder Druid, as she was part of the offensive Gunner crew. She said she didn't exactly like it, but she once noted that it made her feel powerful, so Aspen was pretty sure she liked it.

Aurelia had already left to speak to the two specific members of the Gunner crew: Duke and Ruri.

Standing up, Aspen wobbled over to her chair and sunk into its soft cushions.

I like Aurelia's… softness… better, she opinionated to herself, of course, without the Quartermaster's knowledge.

After tracing their destination and reviewing old tales, Aspen sighed and exited her cabin. She hopes that this time, the folktales were true to their word.

Meeting up with Aurelia and the other two crew-mates, they planned a bathing schedule for each person and group.

Luke, Duke's younger brother, was crafty and bookish, albeit just as quiet as his brother. He came up with a formula for simple and effective soap using only the supplies on hand. He was also the other Sailing Master; his knowledge was far and vast, despite being a year younger than Ruri and Duke.

After everyone's cleanup and meal, made by the limited but talented Cooking crew, night had already fallen.

Seth, the member that completed the Gunner crew, and the Master Gunner was on duty this night, but there were other nocturnal volunteers who also stood on deck, such as Edwin who liked to watch the stars.

Aspen retired to her cabin and cozied up with Aurelia by her side, and another day on sea passed like any other; and soon, many more passed just like it.

Aspen was beginning to feel uneasy. She loved traveling with her companions, of course, but how long has she spent chasing the Wishing Star in hopes of fulfilling one meager wish?

The Wishing Star is said to grant any wish one's heart desired. Wealth, fortune, fame, and glory—anything broad to even the most specific detail.

She has been on this journey ever since she was a young and naive teen.

Shaking her head, Aspen crinkled her written work and fell back onto her chair.

"How long has it been?" she whispered, her voice raspy and edged.

Sixteen years.

It has been sixteen years since the start of the Wisteria pirates, and it had already been nineteen years since the yearning of her dreams bore fruit.

"Ahh~ I feel old~" Aspen whined. "I'll be...." she gasped. "I'll be... What if I become Aspen the Wiser?!"

Just like that, her worries were short lived. Well. After all, she had already promised herself: however long it takes her, however painful the journey, she would not give up on this twinkle of hope.

"The Wishing Star," she mused, repeating the tune of the tale of old.

"Aspen~ Go to sleep...!" Aurelia whimpered. "I'm missing your valuable warmth. Come here...!"

"Ah. Did my singing wake you from your slumber, my Sleeping Beauty?" Aspen crooned, dropping her current actions to join the Quartermaster and her comforting arms.

Another night had passed on sea, and the crew continued to strum the song of their journey for the Wishing Star.

Just as the sun began to peak above the horizon, loud shouts accompanied the roars of the waters.

*coughing up blood* I’ve never written R-18 content before. This author humbly apologizes for any dissatisfaction! groveling.png

Onto other matters… I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if the progression is a bit slower than I’d hoped.

Please share your thoughts and opinions. I would greatly appreciate it!

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