
Entwined With the Villainous Guardian

***Completed*** It all started with revenge. And it was going to end with death. But fate intervened. A new chapter began... Viviana Mattias had only one passion—the destruction of the Kastello family. She wanted revenge for what that mafia family did to her. They took her every happiness and in turn, she took something valuable from them. She gave them a big blow. She knew they won’t recover and that marks the end of the Kastello family. She succeeded in her revenge. She wanted to perish before falling into the hands of the guardian of the Kastello family—Leander Kastello, the youngest of the Kastellos. True to the meaning of his name, he's a “lion man”. He is a beast, a savage to anyone who is against his family. And handsome, like the devil. But she was a moment late and had to face him. The encounter that she never prepared herself for, changed her life forever. ----- Leander Kastello is dangerous. He is lethal to anyone who hurts even a single hair of his family members. Anyone and everyone who even bothers to think badly about his family would have a taste of his bullets. Anyone…Everyone… Except, for that woman, whom he met on the ledge. That woman… He rushed to save her. And not just once. Why? What’s wrong with him? Why can’t he hurt her even when she stood in front of him, soaked in his brother’s blood? Why can’t he see her in danger? What does she have in her eyes that makes him do things he normally wouldn’t do? ------ After learning that the one who saved her is the guardian of the family she wishes to destroy, what will Vivian do? When she saw the little spark that she kindled in that well-defended family burning uncontrollably as she very much hoped for, why did she feel sad for the guy who only knew to protect? Why does her heart hurt to see him in pain? Will she let him burn in the fire as she originally hoped for? Or will she return the favor and become his guardian and lead him to safety? Hello guys, This book will be a slow burn. But there will be a lot of sweet moments and interactions between the leads right from the start. The female lead will hate the male lead in the beginning while the male lead tries to figure out his feelings towards her. They would want to not care for the other, but fate is stronger than their will. Hope you will enjoy the ride with me. Updates will be at least one chapter per day. And depending on the summoning pens, PSs, and GTs, mass releases will be scheduled. Please support this book. Kindly vote, comment and write reviews so that I will know where to improve. Thank you.

Golda · Urban
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392 Chs

His Turn

Leander's heartbeat started to race as he neared his mother's room. He fixed his suit and only then he noticed that he was not wearing his collar chain. His mother loved it when he wears collar chains. His favorite was the lion face ones that his mother gifted. He made it a habit to wear it whenever he visits his grandfather. He always greets his mother after talking to his grandfather.

But today, he forgot. He didn't have time to get ready because…he was sitting on his bed staring at that woman.

A sigh escaped his mouth.

"That woman…" he mumbled.

He checked his neck if he was wearing the gold chain his father gifted him. He was not wearing that either. He had forgotten his rings too. It's funny that he is not in the mood for wearing jewelry these past few days.

Well, the past couple of days, to be precise.

He took in a deep breath and knocked on the door of his mother's room. He listened for his mother's permission to enter.

"Have you found her?"

A slight frown formed on Leander's forehead as he heard his brother's restless voice. He opened the door and stepped in.

His mother was sitting on the foot of her bed and Evander was lying on her lap just wearing a purple silk robe. He lifted his head up out of impatience to look at Leander. Viola patted her eldest son's head and ran her fingers through his hair.

That calmed Evander considerably. Like a little boy, he hugged her leg and rested on her lap more comfortably. Leander walked to his mother to kiss and greet her.

"Have you found her?" Viola asked.

Leander stopped a meter away from his mother. His neck muscles stiffened as he tried hard to not show his emotions on his face. Maybe that pulled a muscle on his shoulder, his wound hurt. He winced, with a loud sharp inhale, placing his hand on his shoulder.

He side-eyed his mother hoping that she notices his pain.

Was he being childish? Yes.

He wanted his mother to notice his pain and caress his hair too just as she does for Evander. That shouldn't be too much to ask considering both of them were hurt by the same woman, right? And Evander has had his fill being needy and getting all the attention from his mother for days.

It should be his turn now.

But he was disappointed to see his mother distracted by Evander. But he was not willing to give up. "It hasn't healed even a bit. It hurts so much… Mom, do you know any home remedies? The medicines are not working," Leander spoke in a slightly higher pitch to get his mother's attention.

He kneeled in front of his mother and tried to find an opportunity to rest his head on her lap. He always wanted to do it, but he never gets the chance. Today, he was in so much confusion and hurt, that he wanted to enjoy the gentle caress of his mother.

He needed some warmth and guidance, if possible.

"You wound? It isn't healed yet?" Viola raised her brows. She held out her hand to reach his head but then her eyes squinted with hatred. "That demon!" she gritted her teeth.

Leander watched with disappointment as his mother's hand that reached for his head now rested back on Evander's head. Her slender fingers were gently caressing the wavy short hair of his brother. He didn't know that his mother allowed Evander to lay on the bed with his slippers. And she didn't mind that he had smudged blood on their mother's impeccably white Egyptian cotton sheets.

She used to hate it when he gets near her without taking a bath after he plays outdoors.

"Your wound? It's just a small scratch on your shoulder! How long are you going to cry about it?" Evander scoffed and sat up. "At least your twigs and berries are~"

"Oh, Evan!" Viola covered her mouth with one of her hands and patted his head with the other. She didn't want her eldest to accidentally reveal that he has lost his ability to sire any children to Leander.

"But mom!" Evander gritted his teeth, and his eyes became red. "Is he here to brag? His suffering is nothing compared to what I am experiencing! I can't even pee! Mom, are you taking his side?" He looked at her like a boy being wronged.

It looked odd for Leander to see a grown man covered with thick curly hair acting childish, but he was always this way with their mother.

Leander stood up seeing his mother shaking her head with tears streaming down her cheeks. She hugged Evander closely. "My son, how can I not understand your pain?"

Leander clenched his hands to a ball. He panicked seeing the tears on his mother's face. He wanted to wipe the tears off her face, but as always, Evander got to do that before he could even take a step. Evander always has his turn with their mother. All he could do is watch.

'It's not my turn today either…'

"Mom, don't cry," Evander kissed her cheek and hugged her. "I know you understand me. I am sorry."

Viola nodded and kissed Evander's forehead. The scene looked so serene, so touching—the expression of love of a mother for her son. It would make anyone with a heart happy.

Anyone, except for Leander. He found a bitterness spreading from the corner of his heart. Every time he sees the love his mother has for Evander; he will have that bitter snake rear its ugly head from the deepest pits of his heart.

'One day, it will be my turn… And that day, I will be resting on my mother's lap, and she will be caressing my hair…'

He told himself. And as he told himself that, he imagined the warmth of his mother's hand as she caressed his hair. Sweetness spread in his heart. And the bitter snake slithered back inside the deepest part of his heart once more.

Hope—that is what keeps that bitter snake at bay. And he will keep on hoping.

"Leander!" Viola turned at Leander.

"Yes, mom," Leander looked at her with a smile.

"Your brother cannot rest until that demon is burnt to ashes," she said.

Leander was shocked to see the hatred shining in his mother's light brown eyes. Her cheeks were trembling, and she was sniffing to try and control her cry. He rarely sees his mother this emotionally. The last time she was this emotional was during their father's funeral.

His heart burned for his mother. And his blood warmed up. Guilt ruled his heart once more for lying to his family.

"She's dead," he said. "I just received the message. She jumped from a building and her body is taken to the mortuary. I'll confirm and~"

"I'm going with you!" Evander stood up and Viola held his hand. "I'm going to…" he gritted his teeth and grunted like a wounded dog. He was ready to tear up.

"I'll ask to bring the body here," Leander said. His eyes were red, and his hands were fisted to balls. If there was only one person in that room who cared to observe him, they would have seen how much pain he was in.

But no eyes were on him.