
Entwined With the Villainous Guardian

***Completed*** It all started with revenge. And it was going to end with death. But fate intervened. A new chapter began... Viviana Mattias had only one passion—the destruction of the Kastello family. She wanted revenge for what that mafia family did to her. They took her every happiness and in turn, she took something valuable from them. She gave them a big blow. She knew they won’t recover and that marks the end of the Kastello family. She succeeded in her revenge. She wanted to perish before falling into the hands of the guardian of the Kastello family—Leander Kastello, the youngest of the Kastellos. True to the meaning of his name, he's a “lion man”. He is a beast, a savage to anyone who is against his family. And handsome, like the devil. But she was a moment late and had to face him. The encounter that she never prepared herself for, changed her life forever. ----- Leander Kastello is dangerous. He is lethal to anyone who hurts even a single hair of his family members. Anyone and everyone who even bothers to think badly about his family would have a taste of his bullets. Anyone…Everyone… Except, for that woman, whom he met on the ledge. That woman… He rushed to save her. And not just once. Why? What’s wrong with him? Why can’t he hurt her even when she stood in front of him, soaked in his brother’s blood? Why can’t he see her in danger? What does she have in her eyes that makes him do things he normally wouldn’t do? ------ After learning that the one who saved her is the guardian of the family she wishes to destroy, what will Vivian do? When she saw the little spark that she kindled in that well-defended family burning uncontrollably as she very much hoped for, why did she feel sad for the guy who only knew to protect? Why does her heart hurt to see him in pain? Will she let him burn in the fire as she originally hoped for? Or will she return the favor and become his guardian and lead him to safety? Hello guys, This book will be a slow burn. But there will be a lot of sweet moments and interactions between the leads right from the start. The female lead will hate the male lead in the beginning while the male lead tries to figure out his feelings towards her. They would want to not care for the other, but fate is stronger than their will. Hope you will enjoy the ride with me. Updates will be at least one chapter per day. And depending on the summoning pens, PSs, and GTs, mass releases will be scheduled. Please support this book. Kindly vote, comment and write reviews so that I will know where to improve. Thank you.

Golda · Urban
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392 Chs

Behind The Mask

Viviana forgot to even blink her eyes going through whatever that was. It took her some time for her to even realize that Leander was kissing her.


First, it was just a little nibble on her lips, and then it got a lot hotter, literally, as his lips hungrily grazed over her neck. She was feeling cold just a moment ago, but she was enveloped in warmth as his arms wrapped around her. It was not just warm. His body was hot; burning hot.

"Enough," she pushed his strong chest.

She was not going to let this escalate. Because once it crosses a certain limit, she knew she would be finished. She didn't know what was going on inside the mind of this unstable beast.

First, he came to kill her, then he saved her from jumping, then he killed one of his men for no apparent reason, then he stopped her from jumping, again, and then he saved her from that toxic river. As if that was not enough, he was nursing her back to health with the help of a doctor. He then tried to choke her and is now kissing her.

What is going on? How unstable is he? Does he have a split personality?

She could feel the chiseled muscles on his chest right through his shirt as she pushed him. He stopped kissing her. Rather than looking him in the face, her eyes ended up on his chest. Rather than telling him off, she entered her realm of thoughts.

She didn't know that someone who was devilishly handsome with supple skin could have a chest so hard like steel plates. It appeared that she does not have any knowledge about male anatomy considering that she was alive on this planet for more than twenty-eight years.

And she thought she was ready to die. She kind of regretted that decision. Maybe… just maybe she can at least pop her cherry before dying. That is not a big wish, right? Otherwise, who knows… She might end up as the vengeful virgin ghost haunting poor boys in the hallways of dormitories…

But sex with a man…Bleh! How can it be fun? It's impossible.

And just like that her odd wish to have sex disappeared. She never believed in the idea of "pleasure" through sex. It can't be a thing.


The pressure of her tearing neckline on her neck pulled her out of her thoughts. Her heart leaped out of her chest as she realized the danger she was in. Leander who somehow ended up kneeling on the bed, pounced on her like a lion.

"No!" she grabbed his collar and pulled him back. "No, stop!" she shouted. She knew shouting won't get her any help. Even those on the streets won't help her against Leander. No one would save her from Leander in his home.

But no, she was not willing to let him take her. Not him. She regretted sinking into her thoughts when she was in front of this unstable beast. She even was thinking about having sex.

Darn it!

She struggled to keep his lips away from her. But he was not relenting. Even attacking his wound didn't slow him down. Like a beast, he tried to sink his teeth into her shoulder. His hands were on her chest kneading them. He tore away the t-shirt revealing her olive skin and pushed her down.

"No, stop!" she screamed at him. But there was no sign of him slowing down.

"I do not consent to this! Stop raping me! Kastello, stop it!" She shouted as loud as she could. She couldn't shout anymore as her throat became dry and itching. She coughed.

She didn't know why she thought that would work though. This guy is a career criminal and an unstable beast. As if some words could stop him!

It was a last-ditch effort—a hail Mary!

Because if this doesn't work, she has to submit to him and let him do whatever he wants with her. She could fight, but she knew she can't win against his strength. She knew she'd be taken either way, but if she fights… He won't stop but she will end up like "that girl".

Those empty eyes were still imprinted in her mind. She'd rather grit her teeth and bear with whatever he does to her than end up like that girl.

But surprisingly, he stopped.

He got up and fixed his clothes. She even in her panic-stricken state tried to pull up the blanket to cover herself. But he was on it and she couldn't. She covered her chest with her hands fearing he might continue.

He was looking at her, frozen. He then cleared his throat. "You'll regret it," he said pointing his finger at her face. "Everything."

Regret what?

She wanted to ask. But she was not in the mood to engage in a back-and-forth with him when she is naked. She waited for him to get down. She was not safe until he leaves the room.

But he was not moving. With a smirk, he just observed her. And she did the same hoping that would make him back off. She observed every little expression on his face expecting the beast to pounce.

Throughout her life, she had cultivated the skill of learning what others think of their microaggressions. Everyone puts on a mask. And behind that mask lies their true nature. For most, the nature they hide is far more dangerous, immoral, and eviler than the mask they wear in their everyday life.

But for a very few… behind the mask would be inherent good. Sometimes good people hide their goodness to protect themselves from the evil others hide. As for Leander…

Her eyes met with his eyes. Those eyes…

Behind that arrogant façade, he seemed to be hiding fear so profound that he was confused. Her first impression of him after she oh-so-desperately tried to see the villainous monster he hides behind his mask of a brave guardian was that he was an unstable beast.

But right now, she only saw a scared little boy.

Just a little confused boy who needed a hug and maybe a word or two filled with love.

Uh, those eyes…

She averted her eyes. It can't be right. She vowed not to look at them again. She cannot see what he hides. She did not want to. It's enough that she sees the mask.

He is a villain! He is a beast who needs to be ended. He rapes women!

Yes, that is enough!

Covering her chest, she turned to the side and curled into a ball. He can leave whenever he pleases to. She will not let him manipulate her.

There was blood dripping from the needles in her hands. She pulled them out blindly. And that only made more blood ooze out. She didn't care. It didn't hurt much. She was frozen cold and shivering. She closed her eyes covering her shoulders with her long hair.

She heard Leander grunt and tensed up. He was not leaving and still was on top of her. Her heart pounded.

Please leave me alone!