
Entwined To Be With The Ruthless Billionaire

"Wait!” She nearly screamed. “Let me make a phone call. I’m allowed to make a phone call, aren’t I?” The officer’s smile widened, "And who, if I might ask, do you intend to call?” She asked, although she had a good guess who that person was. “My uncle. William Taylor.” Emma replied with a smirk. This was the first time she would ever boldly and somewhat proudly mentioned her wicked uncle’s name. The female officer’s face slowly opened wide in a smile. Then, she began to chuckle and every police officer in the station began to laugh as well. Within seconds, the whole station was reverberating in laughter. “Wh… what is… what is going on? What is so funny?” There could not have been a more confusing expression on Emma’s face. She felt stupid and left out at the same time. What was happening? “Oh baby girl.” One of the officers finally responded. “Just an hour before you woke up, your uncle William Taylor was here to file a theft and kidnap case against you. Apparently, you were being a spoiled, rebellious brat and were trying to prove a point. You stole a car, invited poor Caroline out, got drunk together and ran into the pole that turned the sole heir of a multi-billion company into mashed potatoes.” Emma’s mouth opened wide. She closed it and swallowed hard. She sighed as tears streamed down her face. In the wake of that tragedy, Emma Taylor's life takes a dark turn when her uncle's betrayal lands her in the clutches of billionaire Daniel Stone. With her father's company hanging by a thread, Emma becomes a pawn in Daniel's game of power and deception. Was this going to be the end of her?

ogunsuyigrace87 · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs


"The way you keep acting and questioning me, seems really suspicious! Like you are urgently in need of getting something out of me!" Evan added. At that moment, his eyes seemed brutish. They seemed to be piercing through Daniel's hard mind. 

"Oh, no. I just want to be your friend. Nothing more. I find you intriguing, so those questions are conceived from my harmless curiosity." Daniel denied. 

"Trust me, I mean no harm." Daniel added, sharply. Evan burst into laughter. 

"Why are you laughing this hard?" Daniel inquired, surprisingly. 

"I was just teasing you. I know you mean no harm. You just want to know me better and check whether you can count on me for protection or not, right?" Evan inquired with a knowing look. 

"Ha, yes! You got it right." Daniel told him. 

"It is okay. I will you. Bring your ear closer." Evan instructed Daniel.