
Entwined Soul

Entwined Soul, written by Johnson Ezekiel. S, is a story of two souls who struggles for love, hatred, jealousy, wickedness and lessons filled novel you wouldn't miss to read. Find out in this piece.

Johnson_Ezekiel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter One

The Angel I met.


I just finished speaking with my father, Mr. Amos on the phone, after telling him I had been called to serve my nation. From the other end, I could hear the abrupt tone of his joyful voice. I needed no soothsayer to tell me how my father felt at that moment when I told him the good news.

"Congratulations. We are proud of you, Edwin. Go and make your country proud too." he whispered the last statement as I hung up the call.

I made a U-turn to my right, my eyes flagged over the environment, and rested on the wonderful hibiscus flowers, the nice cars parked in an appropriate order, the green-white-green that beautify the edification of the buildings all wrapped over my mind.

Little had I adjusted my eyes, my attention quickly jolted by a beautiful young fair angel approaching from behind the scene just as she amicably hopped out of the white-tinted alluring Benz. Well fitted into her printed blue native garment, looking lovely and sweet.

I paused like a gentle-man and briskly pushed my infinite note pad into my backpack, my left palm stuck inside my empty pocket. Who is this charming queen and many more floated on my head. What a beautiful creature I've seen today?

I gazed straight into her soft melting eyes, the smile that lit up on her lips made her to exposed her shiny gap-teeth like the risen of a morning star to the world as my heart begin to dance in melodious tune.

"Excuse me, please." I whispered to her.

"Beautiful angel, how are you doing?" I asked when she walked abruptly to me, placed a file on her left arm and smiling happily.

"I'm doing well, handsome!" She replied as she stopped. The way she replied to my statement sounded like we'd known each other for ages. It was very nice to speak to an elegant queen like this for the first time in my life.

"I am glad to know that you're doing well. I am very sure you must be an angel on earth because your beauty speaks for you. No man that is born of a woman will set eyes on your beauty and resist you. I just tell you the truth, my dear." I uttered it with a sweet-coated tongue.

"Oh! Please stop it, I am blushing already. This means a lot to me, because you made my day with your nice words. I am glad to meet a great personality like you and I say have a nice day!" She said and hurried out of my presence.

With an attempt to stop her, at least ask for her name but it fell on deaf ears as she had already made her way into the NYSC Administration Office.

Why would she just walk away just like that without even considering knowing me, or did I not look nice to her? No, I am not sure because she complimented my good personality. That's by the way, I reasoned and walked down to the roadside, flagged down a vehicle which drove me to my apartment.

I got home so soon and could not stop thinking about this beautiful girl who in a moment captured my heart. I really wished I could catch you elsewhere and that day I will never let you go until I get to know you. Tay had noticed my sudden change of mood and confronted me that evening.

While, I laid my head on the soft, pink pillow to take a little rest. Tay, flung the door opened and walked up to me. The way he stood staring at me in the first place made me to understand that this dude is up to something until he finally speaks out his mind.

"Edwin, it seems you've won a free ticket to fly abroad or is it still the NYSC call to serve your nation that is making you grin from ear to ear, I've been watching you, tell me what is it?" Tay inquired.

I smiled gently, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"I met an angel today after I received my NYSC Letter. She is not just an angel, but a beautiful angel on earth." I told Tay. He looked at me eyeballs to eyeballs and laughed out loud.

"I am surprised to see you talk this way. You of all people that don't like to mingle with girls. So, tell me what happened?" I saw in his eyes that he was very interested to know more about my encounter with the elegant queen.

"Well, the truth is that, before I could ask for her name and contact, she had already walked into the Adm. Office. I wish to set my eyes on her another day. But, I think maybe she has a close relationship with the Administrator due to the way I heard them discussed." I explained.

"That's great. Then, you need to find out from the Administrator if you truly want to see her again because I see love in the air already." Tay said as we burst into laughter.

Even as the evening was as stormy, and filled with calmness, every creature had gone to their resting place. Hardly could I rest my head on the pillow. Many thoughts filled my mind and the image of this beautiful angel filled my imagination.


To be continued.
