
Entwined Soul

Entwined Soul, written by Johnson Ezekiel. S, is a story of two souls who struggles for love, hatred, jealousy, wickedness and lessons filled novel you wouldn't miss to read. Find out in this piece.

Johnson_Ezekiel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter Five

My mother stood still, with a surprised look written all over her face when she saw me walk into the sitting room.

"You didn't inform us that you were coming. I hope all is well with you." Mum inquired as I sank my ass to the sofa, a pale expression on my face. Mum must have read my mind through the look on my face.

Mum studied Philosophy; she understands and reads people's minds through her psychological mind; mum is a very different breed from dad, who pursued business and studied Accounting in college.

Dad does not have time to dictate or study people's minds; the only time he has is for himself, which he uses to dominate and birth business strategists, ideas, and how to make billions and trillions of naira. Dad is very good at mathematics; his mind is full of calculations. Dad is a busy businessman, well-known and recognized by both the private sector and the top governmental organizations.

Trying hard to hide my feelings from her, I replied, "Mum, I am okay." But, still surprised, she probed to know what happened.

"I know too well that you're not fine deep down inside your heart. At least for no other reason, you are not supposed to be sad. This is the time you're supposed to be rejoicing that you have been called to serve your nation. Stop being a beautiful pretender, okay?" Mum teased as the words rolled off her tongue.

Without being told, I know she has studied my mind already and she knows that I am sad inside. I could remember a certain time when I committed an offense and promised never to tell my parents, but when Mom came back, only the look she saw on my face told her that I was hiding something from her. I was scared inside my heart. I had to tell her the whole truth and let my mind rest.

You can not play hide and seek with my mum, because you will just be wasting your precious time. That is the bitter truth about my mother, because her own knowledge of philosophy is a gift from God.

"Mum, you're right. I am sad inside of me and I know this is the time I am supposed to be rejoicing over my victory to serve my nation. I know my onions very well. Serving my nation will not be a problem as I already have the knowledge and wisdom from God. My problem is my dad." When I finally spoke out what was on my mind, my mum smiled and said,

"I knew it. You can not hide anything from me as far as I am concerned. What is it, my son? " She asked, because she deserved to know too, and when I poured out my mind to her and the girl I've fallen in love with, she asked.

"I think you need to ask your dad that question; why will he not allow you to marry from the military home?" and hear what he would say. Mum advised and, as the evening approached, Dad got back from his business appointment.

We both sat in the sitting room chatting and exploring our knowledge of ideas, then I brought the matter to the table.

"Father, I respect you so much and I want you to be sincere with me while I ask you this question." With a surprise look, he asked me to go ahead.

"Tell me what happened that triggered you to develop a hatred for the military." I asked. Dad became mute for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief and began,

"Well, if you want to know the reason, I am going to tell you." He replied and began,

"Back then, in the 90's, my parents had a large farmland at the back of our compound where they usually planted all kinds of vegetation. We had a neighbor, one sergeant, Benson, who was then serving in the military. One fateful day, his wife went to my parent's farmland and harvested their crops. My parents were angry and questioned why she did such a thing without informing them, but the response they received in return blew off their minds. She flared up and rained insults on my parents. Worse come to worse, with her devilish mind, she boiled hot water and poured it on the plant. Instantly, the plants all became weak and died.

My parents reported the issue to the King. The King summoned her before the people and questioned her. She made a fatal accusation against my parents, claiming innocence, and that the farmland belongs to them. After much consideration and investigation to know who was the owner of the farmland, Sergeant Benson, as we all know, got back from his primary assignment where he went to keep peace and justice. His wife told him what happened. Without requesting to know the truth, he carried his gun and shot at my parents. I lost my parents to the cold hands of death. My parents were killed at the same time and on the same day. What an irony of reality! " Dad narrated his tale while warm tears cascaded down his eyes in a rivulet.

My father had always told me that his parents were killed in a bad situation, but I had no idea why. I felt very sorry and wondered why people could be this wicked and heartless.

"Dad, please accept my sympathy." I know how traumatic it is to lose two beautiful souls in a day. " I consoled him.

"But, dad, I think you need to forgive them and let go of the hurt and damage they have caused you in the past. You're alive today to tell the story. Please find a space in your heart and forgive them. Do not let that be the reason you do not want me to marry my soulmate. " I tried to gladden his mind.

"My words will always be final. If you want to marry her, go ahead, but count me out of it and do not say I didn't tell you. Not when I am still alive." His angry voice bit inside my both ears as his face turned red like a volcano about to explode in the air. He stood up and stormed out of the sitting room.

If my dad isn't in support of my union, then who will? The thought of giving up crossed my mind, but after a few days, I find myself loving Juliet even more. Then, I realized that this thing called love is true and powerful. The devil is only battling hard to make things difficult for me. But, as time progresses, I will surely overcome the devil.


To be continued
