
Entrering the woeld kings


Soni_97 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Young Zhao Mo

Morning. Just as the sky lit up, while the whole of Sun Feather City was still hidden in the darkness before dawn..._

_Sun Feather City, Zhao Family Clan_

A young man reacted on instinct, throwing off his warm and comfortable covers, jumping up from his bed and put his clothes on. All of this was done in less than one breath. At this time most of the family sect disciples and even some of the servants, were still sleeping.

The young man was thirteen years old, with a slim body and a childish face. He wasn't super handsome, but still good-looking. His eyes were especially clear and full of fighting spirit.

"AH where i am"

With a flash of memories flowing into his mind, he knew that in a novel that the Zhao clan had already read, so wait, what date is today

"I the second rank of the Martial Path."

It doesn't matter, I'll know when I get out

Upon his exit, he heard many people talking about how Zhao Feng had in one step defeated Zhao Kun

If it merges with the eye