
Entity 0

This is the story of how Herobrine lost his mind. This is the story of how Entity 0 came to be. This is the story of how a human girl fell in love with Herobrine's sister. This is minecraft! Evelyn suddenly finds herself inside her favourite game accompanied only with her younger and slightly annoying sister Mina. But when Mina starts developing odd powers, Evelyn is faced with the danger of their situation. Why can't Mina remember who she is anymore, who are the strange children with glowing eyes who seem to be following them? Herabrine, the younger sister of Herobrine, works to free Minecraft of all glitches, including a small band of children causing chaos in her father, Notch's game. But when she meets Evelyn she begins to feel a dangerous amount of connection to her. Having already been abandon once can she come to terms with these feelings she has so long shut out, and in turn disobey her mission? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big thanks to Mossssss_art for the beautiful cover :D Go check them out on insta

MayaLilz · Video Games
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60 Chs

In which Hera meets the replacement

Some time ago

I stood at the door motionlessly, looking in through the window. My father sat on his throne watching a young boy playing at his feet. Once and awhile I'd see his face.


But not really. He was called Steve, or so I'd heard. Instead of white eyes his were blue. But otherwise he was the same, a perfect copy.

I watched as he got up and began to run small circles around Notch's throne. My father had a lightness in his face I had not seen.

Like he loved Steve.

Maybe Hero was right.

I leant a bit too far and fell into the door. Instantly my father looked up, he knew I was there.

"Come in Hera," he said coldly, the boy at his feet had disappeared.

I walked stiffly to his side and stood before him, tall and unwavering.

"What have I told you about standing by that door," he said.

"I'm sorry," I muttered.

"Don't you have other work to do." It wasn't a question.

"I finished," I said shortly, "I thought I'd come review with you."

Notch looked at me quizzically, and at last said "He must not see you,"

Steve, the new Hero, wasn't allowed to see me.

"But father-"

"You know the rules."

Steve was supposed to be what Hero wasn't. A perfect son.

"I'm not like Hero," I said strongly, "haven't I proved that yet?"

He didn't reply. My anger softened.

"Is there any news on Hero?" I said quietly. I hadn't heard from him.

The air around me became alive with tension.

"You've found him..?" I asked.

"No, but I've seen what he's done."

In front of my eyes an image was suspended. A village with its towers burning. My father watched my reaction.

"It couldn't have been him." I said finally, "Hero would never do that."

"He's unstable."

"I don't believe it," I said.

The image zoomed in and there he was. Hero looked older and harder then he did.

I leaned forward toward him, hands slightly outstretched as if I could bring him back. I felt tears at my eyes.

"You can fix it though can't you?"

Notch said nothing.

"We have to do something." I said, "you have to stop him."

"I will."

I stopped, looking at his face. Something horrible dawned on me.

"Your going to delete him!" I screamed.

"It's what has to be done." Notch said, "for the sake of this world."

"You can't! He's your son!" I said.

"Quiet Hera." He said shortly, "it's none of your concern now."

"He's my brother."

"What your seeing there, it isn't your brother anymore, he's corrupted now."

Maybe just for the briefest of seconds I saw a flicker of sadness in my fathers eyes.

"I can't believe this. Hero's still out there! He's still alive. You can't do this." I stammered.

"I will do what I must to protect us all," my father said, coldness back full volume. "Go back to your station Hera, leave me alone for the rest of the day."

"The nether will freeze over before you catch him," I screamed. I turned my back on him.
