
Enthralled By Love

Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board. No time to think about what’s happening. It’s inevitable. An event you can’t control. A crazy, heart-stopping, roller-coaster ride that just has to take its course. Hazel was rejected by someone she loved and was told that he would be engaged to her deadly foe. In great despair, she went to a bar and met this handsome guy (Zac). They drank a lot and played games. Under the influence of alcohol, they got married. However when they came back to her senses, they decide to make things right, but it's hard to get a divorce now because she wants to use the dramatic yet genuine marriage to keep her proud in front of her deadly foe. Zac on the other hand was the future heir to one of the richest and prosperous families. Although he was endowed with an otherworldly handsomeness, he was known to be as cold as ice and had a natural dislike for women although they always craved after him like bees to a honey pot. But for some unknown reason, he finds something unique about Hazel which he can’t explain. Perhaps, it were her eyes which were limpid and pure like autumn water and sparkled like azure pools in the morning sunlight… Would it be possible that they fall in love with each other in the future? Take part in this amazing piece, and experience a story filled with various mysteries and incredible twists as she uncovers the mysteries surrounding Zac who decides to hide his identity and tremendous background in order to win her heart genuinely.

Silent_V1ctim · Urban
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853 Chs

The strongest love rival

Hazel waved her hand again. Although Zac was unpredictable, he was certainly not a bad person. When it came to sex, they benefited from each other. But when it came to money... "He gave his credit card to me. Only I can rob him. He can't rob me," Hazel said with a smile.

"What?" Mandy and Eva exclaimed at the same time.

"You are just roommates. Why did he give you his credit card?" Mandy frowned.

"It looks like he is interested in our Hazel," Eva said with a laugh.

Hazel hastily waved her hand and said, "You've got the wrong idea. When we dine in the same restaurant, we pay fifty-fifty. But since I'm buying all the food from the market now, of course he has to pay me. Also, his card's monthly limit is only 3,000, so he won't lose much even if I use all of it up."

"It's awesome that he gave you the card! There is no other handsome guy like him! Just let him be your boyfriend." Eva snickered.

Mandy rolled her eyes at Hazel, feeling very depressed. He was her prince charming. Should she be clear about who she was? She took the cup of lemon tea from the table, but just as she was about to take a sip, she decided to put it back down. 'Forget it. Don't drink any more. The more you drink, the worse you will feel,' she thought to herself.

"Hazel, show us the card."

Mandy tried her best to wear a smile on her face. A bank card could reveal a person's identity. If it turned out just a common card, she wouldn't struggle with it too much. She could just let Hazel have the card and let her have him. If the man did not have much money, then just like a laptop with limited memory, he would not improve even when installed an advanced software like her.

"What's so good about a card? You have your own," Hazel said hesitantly.

"That is my dream guy's card!" Mandy grabbed Hazel's arm and started shaking it. It was obvious that she was not going to stop until she got what she wanted. Hazel sighed and took Zac's credit card from the room.

Mandy took the card and looked at it carefully. The surface of the card was silver and black, and in the middle of it was a low-key, simple, and unique character. Just as she was about to turn over the card, Eva snatched it away. "Wow, this card is so unique. Can you get your name carved on a card? Is that a symbol of his last name? Where can I get one? I want to get one too!"

"You can look at it as custom tailoring. It must be commemorative edition. The character on it means prosperity and joy. It's a just a coincidence," Hazel said, pouting. That guy was so lucky. How come she wasn't lucky?

Mandy's eyes flashed. Other people wouldn't have a clue, but she knew better. Her father was the senior manager of a bank, and she was absolutely sure that this was not just an ordinary card, and the person who owned this card was not an ordinary person as well. She already knew that her prince was not some mediocre man, but... She looked at Hazel with a mysterious glimmer in her eyes. "If you are not interested in him, I will make a move," she said deliberately.

"It's really none of my business even if you kill him or something," Hazel replied directly with a lighthearted smile.

Mandy smiled with relief. She was just thinking too much. Hazel had always been in a daze since she was a child. She was not a very smart person. In fact, if she was trafficked, she would probably help the kidnapper.

She did not know how to lie at all.

It was already evening when Zac came back. Hazel had just finished having barbecue with her friends and had also just arrived home. She was just lying on the sofa while comfortably watching some TV.

Zac took a cold shower and sat beside her. His trousers were slightly open, and Hazel couldn't stop herself from peeping at him. She took a deep breath and her nose was filled with the light fragrance of his body wash and his seductive hormones.

All of a sudden, her face turned hot and her heartbeat got faster.

'Oh my God! Are you out of your mind?' she thought to herself.

She grabbed the juice on the table and took another deep breath to get herself back to normal.

Then, at that moment, a hand reached out to her and gently touched her face. "What's wrong? Why is your face so red?"

Hazel stopped breathing for a second.

'He has eyes as sharp as an eagle's, and nothing can get past him!' Hazel thought.

"I had barbecue this afternoon. Maybe I am sick," she stuttered.

"Do you need my help?" He put his hand on the back of the sofa and continued getting closer to her. Frightened, she hurriedly moved to the other side of the sofa. Then, she took his hand and said, "Don't even think about it!"

"What did I think?" His dark eyes flickered in the light with a bewitching look.

"Nothing but filthy thoughts." Hazel looked away, trying to avoid getting eye-contact with him. With a cold and mischievous smile playing at the corners of his mouth, he slowly stood up from the sofa.

'What are you doing, lecher?' Hazel wondered.

The more Hazel thought about it, the more nervous she got. She almost jumped to her feet and tried to run away, but Zac didn't go to her. Instead, he went straight to the fridge and took out a box of ice cream. "I just wanted to help you with this," he said.

She took a deep breath, still petrified as Zac pointed at her temple with his index finger and said, "You think too much. But even if you wanted to do that, I still wouldn't want to because you feel like a dehydrated dry carrot when I touch you."

Her face became bright red as he spoke. When she noticed the cheeky grin on his face and realized that he was actually teasing her, she got angry, scooped out some ice cream, and wiped it on his face.

This guy was a neat freak, so she thought he would immediately run to the bathroom and take a shower. She absolutely did not expect him to fight back, but he scooped out some ice cream as well and smeared it all over her face.

'You want to declare war on me? Fine! I'm not afraid of you at all!' Zac thought.

Then, an ice cream battle started.

They ran all over the house while laughing until all of the ice cream in the fridge was gone.

Afterwards, Hazel lay on the floor, out of breath. Then, she licked the ice cream around her lips.

Seeing the flushed and naughty look on Hazel's face, Zac felt quite amused.

A deep, rumbling laughter came out of his throat, and pulled at her heartstrings, just like a dragonfly skimming its wings over the lake and spreading out ripples.

He was an extremely handsome man, and he became even more charming when he smiled. Whenever he smiled, his usually cold profile became gentle and bright.

It was no wonder that Mandy was so mesmerized by him. It was as if God made this man so incredibly good looking in order to tease women and make them fight with one another over him.

While she was still in a trance, Zac inched his face closer to hers until the tip of his nose was almost touching her nose. "Hazel, you obviously like looking at me," he said.

Upon hearing his words, Ethan felt her blood boil. She turned her head to the side and immediately sat up straight. It really was true that men always thought with the lower part of their body. "You sex maniac, if you can't hold it in any longer, go and find a woman outside. Stop wasting your time on me. There are a lot of girls who would willingly sacrifice their body to you," Hazel told Zac.

Zac frowned at her. He took a deep breath, feeling like he had just suffered an internal injury. He had not had sex for several years. No matter how beautiful the women outside were, he was not interested in them at all. He was a germaphobe, and all he wanted was to be a quiet sleeping beauty.

But Hazel was the exception. Maybe it was because she looked so different that he became excited the moment he first saw her. He became valiant and imposing, wanting to march forward the moment he could.

"You are my wife. Should you be pushing me away?"

"I don't want to be your wife. It's not proper to give myself up to you," Hazel said with a pout.

"You seem to be forgetting that you have already given your virginity to me." His voice was soft and teasing, like the humming of a cheetah as it plays with a lamb that he had already caught with his paws.

"It doesn't count." Hazel's face became bright red again.

"Then what counts?" With an aggressive look in his eyes, his long fingers caressed her pink cheeks gently, like the gentle flutter of a butterfly's wings.

Hazel licked her dry lips and quickly changed the topic. "Well, stop it. Come on, be serious! You now have a beautiful girl who is very fond of you. Move quickly and seize the opportunity as fast as you can," she said.

"Who are you talking about?" Zac said, his eyes darkening.

"Mandy!" Hazel exclaimed. Then, she smirked and continued, "I know that you are a little tempted by her, and the only reason you left suddenly and treat her coldly is that you want to play hard to get, right?"

Zac was rendered speechless. 'She really is different from any other woman, ' Zac thought. 'And other than that, her brain is also so unique.'

He frowned before putting on a sly smile and saying, "Are you jealous?"

"Of course not. I, as your temporary wife, am being very generous to you. I turn on green lights for you all the time. And not only can you pass the Peach Blossom Road unimpeded because of me, but I am also helping you at a critical moment," she replied.

Her carelessness somewhat annoyed Zac. He pursed his lips and squinted his eyes. Then, his face became serious and his voice became quite cold. "It's your business. I'm not interested in your friend. Stop bothering me!" He hated it when women teased him. If she dared to tease him, he would definitely punish her!

The fiendish look on his face told Hazel that he was not joking. At that moment, she felt a mixture of delight and a bit of worry.

What pleased her was how this cold guy was still calm even when another woman was flirting with him. It meant that he was not some kind of playboy.

But what worried her the most was the fact that Zac was apparently not interested in Mandy. If Mandy really tried to pursue him, then she could end up being caught between the two of them.

And as it turned out, the more concerned she was, the faster it all happened.

The next day, Mandy called her early in the morning. She had a ticket for Bella's autumn fashion show, and she wanted to give it to Hazel in exchange for helping her set up a dinner date with Zac.

To be honest, the last thing Hazel wanted was to get involved in this whole ordeal, but she really wanted to go to the show, so she had to throw all her reservations aside this time.

But there was one problem. If Zac found out that Mandy was the one who wanted to go on a date with him, Hazel was sure that he would refuse. She had to think of a way.

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