
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
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75 Chs

Chapter 44: Lin Miaomiao, Qian Sanyi Apologize

Ye Bai smiled when he saw Lin Miaomiao happily walking towards him. She was walking in a funny but cute way; her steps were light and bouncy. He stood up to greet her, adjusting his backpack as he did so.

"Why are you waiting here? I told you to wait for me at the radio station," Lin Miaomiao said to Ye Bai, who was standing outside the building near the radio station.

"It's okay. I finished cleaning the broadcasting room. Here are your things," Ye Bai said, reaching into his backpack to retrieve Lin Miaomiao's bag. He handed it to her with a warm smile.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Ye Bai, feeling a bit shy. This was the first time they were together after Ye Bai told her his feelings. She hesitated for a moment before taking the bag, her fingers brushing against Ye Bai's as she did so.

Ye Bai noticed Lin Miaomiao's change in behavior and moved closer to her as they walked. "What's on your mind? Are you feeling shy around me?" he teased, nudging her playfully with his elbow.

Lin Miaomiao giggled and nudged him back, with her shoulder. "You! I'm just getting used to us being together," she said, playfully kicking his buttocks.

Ye Bai chuckled and dodged her playful kick. "Okay, let's not mess around. We shouldn't get caught by the teachers. Puppy love isn't allowed here."

Lin Miaomiao quickly put some distance between them, realizing the seriousness of the situation. "Then let's keep it between us for now. My mom also doesn't like puppy love." She glanced at Ye Bai.

Ye Bai noticed Lin Miaomiao's disappointment at the need for secrecy. "Don't worry, Miaomiao. We can still spend time together outside of school, and you're officially my girlfriend," he said, offering her reassurance.

"Hmph!" Lin Miaomiao replied before walking a bit faster. "You can go first. It's getting dark, and I need to get back to the dormitory." With that, she hurried off, leaving Ye Bai behind.

Ye Bai watched her go, his heart feeling light and happy. He knew he had to help Lin Miaomiao adjust to their relationship without changing her, and he was determined to do just that.


Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but blush, her heart fluttering at the thought of Ye Bai calling her his girlfriend. As she made her way to the dormitory, she spotted Jiang Tianhao sitting outside the building.

"Haozi, here again?" Lin Miaomiao asked, walking over to him.

Jiang Tianhao stood up, holding a paper bag. "Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to get inside," he replied, showing her the bag.

Bringing her snacks again? " Lin Miaomiao asked, peering into the bag. "I don't think it's a good idea. Don't light up the hopeless light," she advised.

"It's not light; it's a snack," Jiang Tianhao retorted.

Lin Miaomiao scratched her head, realizing Jiang Tianhao is not good at Literature, he didn't quite understand her meaning. She moved a bit closer to him and whispered, "Qian Sanyi played the hero to save her."

"And what does that have to do with me?" Jiang Tianhao asked, confused.

Disappointed, Lin Miaomiao didn't have the energy to explain further and began to walk away. But Jiang Tianhao quickly blocked her path.

"Who did he save? Deng Xiaoqi?" Jiang Tianhao asked eagerly.

Lin Miaomiao sighed and explained, "Qian Sanyi isn't the point. The point is, the snacks you've been giving her all this time, she's never eaten them."

Jiang Tianhao looked disheartened upon hearing this.

"Truth is, all the snacks you've given her over the past six months were not given any attention. They've all ended up in my stomach. I feel like I've been stealing your feelings for Xiaoqi," Lin Miaomiao confessed guiltily.

Jiang Tianhao pushed the bag toward Lin Miaomiao. "It's okay; I'll still give them to her even if she doesn't eat them."

Lin Miaomiao tapped his shoulder. "Listen, brother, you should let it go. If it were me—I mean most of the girls in our class— would choose Qian Sanyi."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Tianhao asked, looking confused.

"You didn't see his expression in front of our broadcasting manager. He's really cool, despite being scolded by him many times," Lin Miaomiao explained.

"What actually happened earlier?" Jiang Tianhao inquired.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't answer. She couldn't explain to him the situation with Deng Xiaoqi and Qian Sanyi in the broadcasting room. "I can't explain it to you. I need to go find Xiaoqi. Bye," she said hurriedly, leaving Jiang Tianhao to ponder the bag in his hands.


Ye Bai couldn't contain his happiness as he took out his phone and changed his wallpaper to a picture of him and Lin Miaomiao sitting on the bus together. With a smile, he headed to the bathroom to freshen up a bit.

Afterward, he remembered his promise to Lin Miaomiao to record the song, so he made his way to his recording station and started singing.


Early in the morning, Ye Bai buzzed with excitement as he went about his daily routine. Wu Qian, his mother, observed his unusually enthusiastic demeanor and couldn't help but sense that something was up.

"Ye Bai, why are you so happy today?" she inquired, catching him off guard.

Startled by his mother's question, Ye Bai replied, "I'm just in a good mood, looking forward to school. Okay, Mom, see you later," he said, giving her a quick hug before rushing off.

As Ye Bai rode away on his bike, Wu Qian couldn't help but smile to herself. "Hmm, that's the same look your father had when he was in love," she mused, watching her son disappear down the street.


Entering the room, Ye Bai spotted Lin Miaomiao dozing off, leaning towards Deng Xiaoqi. Deng Xiaoqi, who was examining herself in the mirror, noticing Ye Bai's arrival, nudged Lin Miaomiao. "Miaomiao, Ye Bai is here," she whispered.

Startled, Lin Miaomiao jolted awake and looked around, her eyes searching until they landed on Ye Bai, making his way towards her. "Xiaobai, come here; this is your seat," she beckoned, pointing to the seat behind her.

"Thanks, Miaomiao, for saving me a seat," Ye Bai said appreciatively as he settled in behind her, giving her a grateful smile.

"Of course," Lin Miaomiao replied with a thumbs-up, a small grin forming on her lips. Then her expression changed slightly, with a hint of guilt flashing in her eyes. "By the way, there's a meeting later in the broadcasting room. The teacher called all the members of the radio station club."

"Okay," Ye Bai nodded in acknowledgment.

Their interactions remained unchanged after the previous day's events, but if one looked closely, they could see a certain sparkle in both of their eyes when they conversed—a silent understanding between them.


After their class, the two of them walked to the broadcasting room. Lin Miaomiao was walking with her head down, lost in her thoughts.

"What happened, Miaomiao?" Ye Bai asked, noticing her somber demeanor.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at him and gave him a silly smile. "Qian Sanyi and I were reprimanded yesterday because of my mistake; that's why we need to apologize in front of all the members of the club."

Ye Bai understands now. "If something like this happens again, just tell me sooner rather than later," he whispered, scratching his nose thoughtfully. "I'm your boyfriend; tell me, and I'll help you."

Lin Miaomiao laughed softly at his offer and pushed him playfully. "Who's your boyfriend?" she nervously said, glancing around them. "Don't talk to me for now."

Ye Bai chuckled, and they continued on to the broadcasting room. As they entered, they were welcomed by the members of the club, and they both bowed respectfully to Teacher Yang. Lin Miaomiao stood beside Qian Sanyi in front of everyone.

Teacher Yang glanced at them sternly. "You two need to admit your fault in front of all the members about your big broadcasting mistake from yesterday."

Qian Sanyi stepped up, his expression earnest. "Dear manager and our members, hello everyone. Because of the broadcasting mistake yesterday, it had a negative impact on our club. I sincerely apologize for my mistake and the resulting consequences. I deeply regret it and am reflecting on myself," he said, bowing deeply to the members.

Lin Miaomiao followed suit, her voice filled with remorse. "Dear Manager and Members, I want to extend my heartfelt apologies for the recent broadcasting mistake. I take full responsibility and deeply regret any inconvenience it may have caused. I am committed to learning from this experience," she said, bowing respectfully to all of the members.

Teacher Yan nodded in approval, then turned to Ye Bai. "Ye Bai, keep a close watch on these two so their mistake won't happen again. I'm leaving them in your hands."

Ye Bai nodded in acknowledgment. "You can count on me."

After the short meeting, the members dispersed, and Lin Miaomiao, Ye Bai, and Qian Sanyi walked back to their classrooms.

"You didn't mention you're also a member of the broadcasting club," Ye Bai said to Qian Sanyi.

"The principal recommended me; I didn't have a club, and he didn't want me to fully join the basketball club," Qian Sanyi explained.

"Unbelievable. You're the first man in Elite High School to make such a big mistake, and we only needed to apologize. Because of you, the teacher let us off easily," Lin Miaomiao chimed in.

"Small matter, don't mention it. You owe me big time this time," Qian Sanyi said to Lin Miaomiao.

"However much I owe you, I'll treat you to a meal," Lin Miaomiao said with a grin.

Ye Bai glanced at his watch. "There's still time. Let's grab a bite at the canteen," he suggested.


The three of them walked, with trays of food in their hands, to their seats. Qian Sanyi and Ye Bai sat down together, while Lin Miaomiao took the seat in front of them.

Excitedly, Lin Miaomiao picked up her chopsticks and started munching on her food. Ye Bai grabbed a chicken drumstick and placed it on Lin Miaomiao's plate. "Here, have some more," he offered.

Qian Sanyi observed their interaction. It wasn't new to him; they were always like that. He couldn't help but envy their closeness.

Suddenly, a teacher approached their table and looked at the trio sitting together. "Did you know the school prohibits sitting with students of the opposite gender? What are your names?"

"Teacher, my name is Ye Bai, and this is Qian Sanyi and Lin Miaomiao. We're in the same club, and we're just having a quick meeting while eating," Ye Bai explained.

The teacher was startled, recognizing the names of the top students in the school. The principal had made a slight exception for these students, and now there were two of them sitting together. "Oh, student Ye Bai and student Qian Sanyi having a meeting? Okay, don't mind it. Carry on," the teacher said with a flattering smile, then quickly walked away, intending to inform others not to disturb these students.

Lin Miaomiao watched the scene unfold before her eyes, her eyes widening. "So much favoritism! This is unfair. Are all of the teachers here flatterers? You just need to have good grades, and they'll listen to you."

Ye Bai shook his head. "Some teachers will give us preferential treatment as long as it doesn't go against their moral standards. Like now, I explained that we were having a meeting, and we're not doing anything that would disturb others."


When Deng Xiaoqi spotted the two of them approaching, she hurriedly ran over. "Miaomiao, there's an upcoming school Olympics. Teacher Tang just came and informed the class. We need to get ready for it."

Lin Miaomiao turned to Deng Xiaoqi, her arms crossed. "When will this take place?" she asked eagerly.

"Next month, the class is already brainstorming something unique and looking for players who will represent our class," Deng Xiaoqi explained.

At the mention of needing players, both Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi turned their eyes to Ye Bai, who was standing nearby, listening to their conversation.

"Good thing we have you, Xiaobai, here in our class," Lin Miaomiao said, tapping his shoulder lightly with a grin. "You've seen the boys in our class; most of them can't even lift a table on their own. We need to defeat that athletic student from the Natural Science class." Lin Miaomiao's competitive spirit was ignited.

Ye Bai simply surrendered to their enthusiasm.

Deng Xiaoqi, Lin Miaomiao, and the rest of the class held an emergency meeting to discuss their plans for the upcoming events. Meanwhile, Ye Bai found himself dozing off in his chair. Unbeknownst to him, he had been feeling unusually sleepy these past few days.