
Selection Day of New Student Council

Mandy was running as fast as she could. There are creatures with different images was following behind her. She felt strange, as if she knew them already but her own body was moving on its own running away from them. She realized some of the creatures were from the facility, which made her anxious for thinking she was back to that horrible place.

"I- Haa! Haa!... a dream… It was just a dream." Panting as she catches her breath while she check her surroundings. She closes her eyes as she calmed herself, covering her face with her palm.

She scanned where she was and realized she was in her bedroom. The last memory she had was the image of the Lake Noside. She had no idea how she managed to be here after that.

She caught a glimpse of the calendar which had a note in it. Right, she must prepare for the selection.

In order for her to proceed to plan, she must be selected as one of the council. As she recalls the uniform of the creature bump into recently, it seems the creature was part of the school from the logo on its uniform. She strongly believed that they have something to do with the symbol of the facility she was from.

If she possibly be one of the selected student council, she will have more access in most part of the campus, which will most likely help her to proceed to her search.

She was too occupied in her thought that she realized she already arrived in the council grounds which was located in the back of the Council Palace Building. Creatures with different species were already gathered with their casual looks for the event. It was obviously shows how excited they were to start the selection.

All of a sudden, a rumbling of the ground startled them, as a covered podium was rising from the side of the field. Mandy wondered how advance their technology must be here to show that off.

"Students, please proceed to the platform one by one and place your hand prints into the tablet." As soon as the voice was heard they lined up and followed the instruction. With each passing seconds waiting, it was Mandy's turn. As she neared the podium, she saw a tablet. A hand figure was blinking from it. She placed her hand inside the figure, as it scanned her hand. As it confirms the identity, it shows an "Access Granted". She walked towards the previous student she saw earlier entering a hallway.

It was too quiet as she proceeds to the end of the hallway. She expected that the other student will be in the end of the hallway but, she was greeted by a huge door. As soon as she was near in front of it, it opened. It was too dark to see what's inside. Mandy tried to enhance her vision but only walls were around her and the door behind vanished. Not even one student was inside. Confused by the situation, she enhanced her senses in her surroundings as she awaits the possibilities that might happen.

"Welcome, student Mandy Frost." She heard a voice, which also cued the lights of the room to light up. "The selection for this day was evaluated individually. Each student will be placed in different room and will be given a task. In which the task must be finished in a given time."

"This room was a specialized in simulating different task. It will show any situation, event, phenomenon and anything else. It was designed not to harm any student so it was safe. Though a figure will show a health percentage or a task percentage when engage in a situation. Once it reached 0 it will automatically stop and will guide you for the waiting room for the result. As the task starts, try to analyze the situation for completing the task. That will be all"

From what the voice stated, she could only grasp the words analyzing and completing the task. She scanned the walls, since nothing yet happened. For several seconds later, the room darkened which made her squint to adjust again vision. Until she realized the room was now different, as if she was transported in a different place. 'Let's just hope this ends well.' She convinced herself as she starts the task she was given.

It was almost an hour, when the door opened. The waiting room was occupied with student creatures finished the task. Mandy was scanning the place when she caught a glimpse of Cory, which also saw her and wave for her.

"How is it? It was tough right?" she asked.

"Yeah, I almost not finish it." She answered back scratching her head. It was a tough one since they must assist a situation that might happen in school and how they will handle it. Their choices was affecting the response of the objects or replicas on the room.

"Good thing that was already done. We should prepare for the second test, it will be hard this time since the Rulers will be handling it." Kate stated which made them look at her.

"What kind of test is it?" Cory asked.

"I've heard it will test our strength, since a council member must be strong enough to defend the school premise and themselves." Kate answered her directly.*Bzzt* a buzzer sounded which might be the signal which end the first task.

"That concludes the second task. For the second task, you will be entering a room field with weapons and other devises which will help you for the next task. Only one item can be picked, so choose wisely. After the allotted time for you to pick the item, each of your name will be called and enter the door which was protected by the school guardians. The further instruction will be given after you enter the door." Mumbles of students sounded inside, after the instruction. Clicking of opening door sounded as the back door opened. They never waited as single seconds, they poured into another room.

Just like the instruction, they saw different kinds of weapons and gadgets inside the room. Mandy noticed the counting down above the entrance door. She nodded at both Kate and Cory to bid farewell for now and proceed to the weaponry. Even though Mandy could hardly decide which item she will use, she made sure she will pick the item which is more comfortable for her. 'This will be it.' She looked carefully on the item for some defect, as she never see none she place it in her hip and walked out the weaponry room.

She approached Kath and Cory which are also done in picking. A clicking noise resound again as the door closes behind. Mandy could not help to looked at it as she saw students run for the closing door. 'Well, that was unexpected. So that's the counting down was for.' She noticed only few students left on the waiting room.

"Now that all of you have one item each, we will now commence the second task."