
Entering God's tower

A salaryman who finds himself in an unexpected and dangerous situation after taking a different route home. Due to his curiosity, he is involved in a confrontation between gangs that ends up causing him an untimely death and reincarnates in a world very similar to his own with the only difference that in this world there are all kinds of races. and there is also a great tower, called the tower of God. And reincarnated in the body of a 16-year-old boy named Elliott, who lives in the depths of a dump. Chapters are usually between 1,000 and 1,500 words. This is my first time writing this type of novel, but I've always wanted to try, so any feedback is a big help! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Author's note: First of all! It's true that the beginning of the story and some parts resemble the novel Second Life Ranker since I based on this novel to start my novel, but the flow of the story will be completely different afterwards. So please be reassured and don't worry that the story will not be the same, and I warn you in advance that the first 30 chap may be very similar. That said enjoy the read]. the cover is not mine i took it from pinterest ------------------------------------------------

Junni_MC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

End [4]

After wandering through the forest for some time, Elliott wandered deeper into the woods, filled with monsters lurking within.

As he progressed, Elliott began to hear strange noises all around him. Branches crunched under his feet and leaves rustled in the breeze. But there seemed to be nothing, not even a shadow in the thicket, but he could feel and see all the monsters around him thanks to his sharp, sharp eyes that can see through any illusion.

Suddenly, something jumped out at him from the trees. It was a monster, big and hairy, with sharp claws and burning eyes. Elliott stood still without even drawing his sword.

The monster roared and advanced toward him fiercely, but Elliott simply snapped his fingers. He cast a basic ice spell, freezing the monster's legs in place. Then, he hit it with an electric shock, killing it quickly.

[You have killed a Shombratgre]

[You have gained 1000 karma points]

"I'm getting bored of this, I only find monsters all over the place, and where the hell are the damn climbers" Elliott spoke with pure boredom, of only facing monsters: "But the magic is really useful as expected in the novels and Manhwa I read."

He continue walking through the forest quietly and realized that there were many more monsters, lurking in every shadow, waiting for the right moment to attack. There were monsters with tentacles, monsters with scales, and monsters with wings. All of them were dangerous and deadly to normal climbers, but none of the monsters attacked as if they were afraid to face him.

Elliott, seeing that none of the monsters had the intention of attacking him, advanced calmly and began to gather arcane power in his hands. And he started walking towards the monsters with a big distorted smile on his face.

"You weak monstrous you will be my guinea pigs to practice my magic."

Two magic circles one blue and one gold appeared in Elliott's hands.

[You have defeated a blue wolf]

[You have obtained 1000 Karma points]


[You have defeated...]

[You have obtained...]


[You have obtained...]


[You have...]


After facing many monsters and putting into practice what Lilith had taught him, he realized that now with this change all the elements of the place followed him and treated him as if he was their king.

Elliott felt quite uncomfortable with this since it was the first time something like this had happened to him.

Maybe my transformation caused this'

Elliott thought since it was most likely.

Finally, after a long time walking in this forest, Elliott came to a part of the forest where a small tower stood, with its dark stone walls and its peak covered in mist. Elliott approached it excitedly, wondering what dangers awaited him inside.

"Looks like I stumbled upon something interesting in this forest I was already bored of just facing only monsters all the time."

[You were the first to find the Abandoned Tower of Morgrath].

[As you have been the first to discover this place you will be given additional Karma].

[You have obtained 9000 Karma points]

You have obtained 5000 additional Karma points]

[You have entered the Abandoned Tower of Morgrath.]

[Hidden mission/Abandoned Tower of Morgrath].

Content: Climb and complete all the floors of this tower.

Reward: Rewards will be awarded based on the number of floors passed.

|1, Floor: 1000 karma points|

|2, Floors: 3000 karma points|

|3, Flats: 5000 karma points|

|4, Floors: 10000 Karma points + additional reward|

|5, Floors:¿?|

When he entered the tower, he found himself in a circular room, lit by torches hanging from the walls. In the center of the room was a raised platform, and on it was a scroll with instructions written in gold ink.

Elliott read the instructions carefully. He was to step onto the platform and utter an incantation to activate the magic of the tower when he said the incantation a set of stairs appeared.

He began to climb the steps of the tower and quickly reached the second floor. An empty room, with no windows or doors, greeted him. However, as he crossed the threshold, the room began to move and spin rapidly. Elliott tried to keep his balance but soon realized that the room was spinning faster and faster. Suddenly, it stopped, leaving him dizzy.

When he regained his balance, he realized that the room had changed. It was now filled with mirrors, all reflecting his distorted image. Elliott tried to move forward but found that the mirrors reflected everything backward. In addition, his mirror image began to take on a life of its own, attacking with invisible daggers.

"I'm going to deactivate my sense abilities and my eyes or it would be too easy to get past this floor."

Elliott deactivates all his abilities, so he can enjoy this tower a bit and finish it quickly.

After a while of fighting against his own illusions. I now found myself in a dark and endless corridor. Flickering torches lit their way, and a strong wind blew through the walls. Elliott advanced with amusement, waiting for what was next.

[You have passed the second floor.]

Finally, he reached the second floor, where he found himself in an endless maze. The walls seemed to move and change shape as he passed through, and the torch lights made everything more confusing. Elliott realized that he has to rely on his instinct to find his way out.

After hours of walking and solving riddles, Elliott found his way out of the maze.

[You have passed the second floor]

The third floor was a large room full of magical creatures, each one more dangerous than the last. Elliott had to use his swords to defeat these creatures, and with each victory refine his sword technique. Finally, he made it through the door to the third floor without any problems.

[You have cleared the third floor.]

The fourth floor was a garden full of poisonous plants and magical beasts. Elliott had to use his magical abilities to control the plants and defeat the beasts, advancing carefully so as not to step on the extremely poisonous leaves.

[You have passed the fourth floor]

Finally, Elliott reached the top floor.

A mysterious voice echoed in the room. "Very good, young climber. You have proven your worth by getting here. But you have not yet passed the final test."

Elliott flashed a big excited smile, wondering what else he has to face in that testing tower. He wondered if perhaps he has to fight a mythical beast, or if he has to prove his skill in some other kind of challenge.

But then, the room began to shake. The walls and floor shook, and Elliott held onto the wall to keep from falling. A strong wind began to blow, shaking his hair and clothes.

Suddenly, the floor opened up beneath his feet. Elliott screamed as he fell into the darkness, not knowing where the fall would take him. But then, suddenly, it stopped.

Elliott found himself in a completely different room, on what appeared to be the top floor of the test tower. There was a large table in the center of the room, with several strange objects scattered on it.

The mysterious voice echoed again in the room. "Welcome to the ultimate challenge, young climber. Here you must pass a test if you want to get out of this tower alive."

Elliott approached the table and discovered the objects there. There was an ancient book, a silver amulet, a rusty key, and several brightly colored potion bottles.

Suddenly, the room began to fill with fog. Elliott couldn't activate his ocular abilities as if something had blocked them he could barely see his hands in front of him, and wondered if he was about to face some kind of invisible monster.

But then, out of regret, the fog vanished. Elliott found himself in front of a large, dark mirror, in which he could see his own reflection. The mysterious voice echoed again in the room.

"The last test is the most difficult of all, young climber. You must face your own fears, doubts, and past, and prove that you have the courage and determination to climb God's Tower and become a supreme existence."

Elliott looked at his own reflection in the mirror, trying to understand what the voice meant. He knew he had had a difficult life, but how could he face himself?

Suddenly, his reflection began to change differently and took on a form of a small boy much like Elliott before he took the power of this body.

The mirror image began to change to a new landscape.

Elliott looked at the landscape and froze looking at the landscape that the mirror was showing.
