
Chapter 3

We had previously talked about it for a while, when we actually had a few minutes to do so, I had already told Alice what Wesker planned to do once she arrived in Washington, that he would forcibly give her her powers back, that eventually his goal was to consume her DNA.

I personally thought that while it would be badass to have the powers that they may not be worth it as who knew the long term consequences and let's be honest, Alice was already a badass anyways.

And that takes us to now, me waking up from oblivion. I'm pretty sure we were flying but I figured I had to ask anyways just to make my presence known. "Where are we? Did we win?" I asked with a wheeze as I tried to sit up from my current position which I failed to do as Ada simply pushed be back down into her lap… huh the magical lap pillow from Ada, not expected but appreciated.

"I can say with confidence that we are ready when you are, Alex. Alice agreed, the powers aren't worth it and she wishes to be rid of them." While we were talking I saw the others moving in our direction.

"Well if y'all are ready, grab whatever you want from here and we will bounce." I only say that because there were boxes of weapons and Ammo and a few other things that may be useful in the future, basic tactical gear and such. It was only us back here and the pilots up front so we weren't disturbed. When they had everything they could carry I opened a portal and Alice, Jill and Luther quickly made haste through while Ada helped me through.

They looked at me weirdly as me and Ada came through the portal, it was clearly obvious that we had literally just exited a television screen and I think everyone was having small existential crisis about the meaning of life.

I just sighed, tried not to laugh at some of their looks. "Relax, I'm pretty sure everything is real somewhere and I just use the TV for visualization for when and where I want to appear, but yes here you lives are also part of a movie. Just as I'm sure this world is a movie somewhere else in the multiverse.

They still looked disturbed but at least they had a small explanation of how the world works and nobody became angry or violent so that's a plus.

Ok wow there are a lot of people in this house now. I mean it is a 3/2 room house but still four girls, a kid and two dudes might be a bit much.

Poor Luther got stuffed on the couch while Alice and Becky took one of the spare rooms and to conserve space Ada dragged me off to the master bedroom. I could see Rain and Luther looking at each other with sex eyes already but her and Jill were going to be bunking though. I had already checked her off the 'harem' list if such a thing existed. A shame that everyone who comes out isn't automatically loyal to me like in the other Fanfictions I read as that would make things amusing if slightly boring.


The next morning

"We are either going to need a bigger house eventually or multiple houses close by or something along those lines anyways." I told them when we reconvened for breakfast the next morning. I did have funds, even a few hundred of thousands of dollars from my family's estate but I wasn't overly rich or anything. Well off certainly though.

"Any quick fix ideas using my ability to make money? Preferably a way to make it seem legal some how? There are plenty of movies or shows that show piles of gold just laying around so that's one possibility somehow I just don't know how to do it legally for large volumes." This was the route I would prefer to do, though it would take dirty work and I mean that literally to open a realistic mine and actually 'mine' it while simply stealing the gold from other worlds like.. Pirates of the Caribbean or even Goonies or even The Mummy… whatever worked really.

The other option was to go to worlds like Stargate or any similar worlds with high technology and debo shit. Those were my two current best options as I was still thinking about the other potential option of finding a world that could actually grant me or us powers to survive in this messed up world.

"There is of course always the worlds with stupidly advanced technology that we can go to that are some what less dangerous? Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate… there is a long list really. Take some time to google some shit and we can see what works best maybe?" That was my current best idea, let them figure it out while I give input.

"Also it has to be realistic movies and TV shows, no Dragon Ball Z or Pokémon or anything like that. Though Halo is Animated and would work well enough, just depends." And with that I went back to my room and got to googling on my phone while I left them with the Laptop and tablet that I owned.

Next chapter