
Entanglement. a Naruto fanfic - semi SI

Naruto woke up with a start as a rush of memories flooded his brain. Memories of a guy named Navi and along it, came the knowledge of the future of the Shinobi world. He blinked, confused about his situation, and the amount of memories are giving him headache, Still confused, He decided to do the best action he could think of at the moment.. Which is to try falling back to sleep"that's cool and all but, I want to sleep y'know!." Semi-SI

NaviTheFrog · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

ch 7 - recovered. pt.2

The day transitioned to dusk and then to night, but Naruto still continues training. The reason? After the unknown shinobi's attack, it became apparent to him just how weak he currently is even against a no name Shinobi. He almost died and although he's not sure how he survived his encounter, he suspects that it must've been thanks to the anbu, he's determined to not let it happen a second time.

If it weren't for the chains that held the Shinobi up and restrained them until someone came to save him, he would've been captured or worse.

His appearance looked worse for wear as he continued sparring with two clones of himself using only hand to hand combat, creating another one once they 'poof'.

The scarf that is now part of his everyday attire was left on the sidelines among the trees as he didn't want to get it dirty.

He's covered with bruises and his blond locks are disheveled, some parts of his forehead are even covered by it. Sweat continues to pour from him, his shirt and shorts are full of tears from all the fighting.

*Poof* a pop was heard when Naruto destroyed one of the clones he was fighting. It was then followed by another shortly after.

Naruto skidded to a stop, breathing heavily. He looked around and saw that most of the clones he created are still doing the task he's assigned to them, but some are sleeping and even snoring loudly.

He just sighed and dispelled them without disturbing them. And although they're just clones, they still deserved resting as they all did their best and trained till exhaustion.

"You guys can dispel yourselves now!" He ordered the clones.

"Yeesss!, finally! See ya! bossu! " One of the clones shouted, They then promptly dispelled at the same time causing Naruto to recoil and hold his head. It's not unbearable, he just got surprised as he wasn't expecting them to stupidly pop simultaneously. The influx of memories also isn't that big of a deal to him considering that he took eighteen years worth of memories with very minimal problems.

Sighing, he walked to the nearest tree to try the surface sticking exercise. He started by putting one foot on the tree, putting adequate amount of chakra to make it cling to the surface, then another, he took a step and realized that he didn't need to hold a hand seal anymore, his chakra control is decent enough that he can perform the exercise now without even holding a hand seal.

" Oh ho ho! Would you look at that!" A wide smile appeared on his face and he slowly began walking up the tree. His walking turned into a full sprint but his feet still stuck to the trunk without problem.

He jumped on one of the thick branches and proceeded to hop from branch to branch, applying the sticking exercise so he wouldn't fall.

He continued doing it for a few minutes so he could get comfortable with it before he tries something more difficult.

He landed on a single branch and looked forward to the cluster of branches that was ahead of him. The branches are so close to each other and the gaps he needs to pass through are also barely large enough to pass through.

The layout of the branches reminded him of the game shows where the contestants need to pass through a wall with specific shapes that's moving towards them. The only difference here is that the wall he's going to pass through was still and he's the one that's gonna be moving towards it.

Another thing that's similar was a circus show with a lion that jumps through a flaming hoop.

He looked around before stretching his arms and legs, preparing to start jumping through branches again.

He focused his sights forward and started jumping through the branches carefully and quickly. As he neared the branches that he's gonna jump through, he sped up even more. All of his focus is now in the gap that's between them.

Seeing that his goal is only a few feet away, he launched himself forward, spinning clockwise in the air. There's not really a reason for the spin, he just wants to kind of show off…

His body fit through the gap easily but he felt his side grace a part of a branch. When his whole body is finally through, he does a backflip midair to land on his feet. He skidded a few feet before stopping completely.

" That was a nice attempt, I graced a branch though." He commented.

Yawning, he stretched his limbs once again before walking off towards his stuff.

' I'm not gonna try that again, maybe later. For now I just wanna head home'

He picked his scarf up and wrapped it around his neck, with both its ends in his back.

'time to go' he thought.

With that he began walking home, only now did he notice how late it's gotten.

He's so focused on training that he completely forgot the time. He looked up into the sky to see that the stars are not obstructed by clouds.

He noticed that his surroundings are so quiet and peaceful unlike when it's daytime where the streets are noisy and full of people.

He could hear crickets from a distance making chirping sounds. The streets are devoid of anything and he's the only one walking on it.

The peacefulness brought a small smile to his face that he didn't even notice.

He began humming a song that he recalled from Navi's memories, one that reminds him of calmness and silence.

His humming was interrupted by a voice on his side, coming from the sole store that's still open.

"Oh, is that you Naruto? I haven't seen you in a while! How have you been?"


That's the end of this part. I hope you enjoyed it, see you next time!

consider reviewing my friends!

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Comment your thoughts and questions. I'll try to answer them as best as I can In The next chapter.