
Entanglement. a Naruto fanfic - semi SI

Naruto woke up with a start as a rush of memories flooded his brain. Memories of a guy named Navi and along it, came the knowledge of the future of the Shinobi world. He blinked, confused about his situation, and the amount of memories are giving him headache, Still confused, He decided to do the best action he could think of at the moment.. Which is to try falling back to sleep"that's cool and all but, I want to sleep y'know!." Semi-SI

NaviTheFrog · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

ch 3 - their names pt.3

He got woken up by a ray of sunlight hitting his face through a small gap between the curtains,choosing to not wake up yet, he rolled to his right to avoid the sunlight but he fell off his bed causing his sleepiness to be knocked right out of him.

The expression on his face is exactly what one would assume from someone that got rudely woken up, his eyes are droopy, his hair was a mess and there's a huge frown plastered on his face.

He shifted his gaze to his useless alarm clock that didn't ring, And his eyes widened as he saw the time 6:47.

" Aaahh I'm gonna be late!!!!!" Moving quickly!, he made a run to the bathroom and took off his clothes.

Getting in the tub to shower, he didn't even bother checking if the shower was set to warm so when he turned the water on and it touched him "ooooh!?!" it sent a shiver through his body!.

He finished quickly and he then went to the sink and brushed his teeth. after brushing his teeth. Getting in his room again, he quickly changed his clothes and jumped out his window.

The moment he landed, He immediately ran as fast as he could to the academy not wanting to be late again.

Running through the streets of konoha, he didn't even bother listening to the mocking whispers of the civilians. He just ran like his life depends on it.

"Watch where you're going dumbass!" a civilian man shouted.

Pushing and shoving some civilians might not be the best action but it is completely necessary if he wants to arrive on time. He could've went the easier route by jumping through the buildings but he's still too disoriented and he didn't like the idea of him breaking a bone and wait for it to heal or go to the hospital which he doesn't like.

"Sorry!" He shouted back

He was now at the market, and the market like usual, was packed like sardines. He saw some things that seemed interesting but he decided not to pay attention to them.

In front of him, an obstacle appeared! Two men carrying some plywood across the street!. He calculated that if he continued moving the same speed he's currently going, he'd smash face first into the plywood and would not only embarrass him in front of many people but it would also slow him and cause him to be late. He scanned the surroundings while still running for some way to avoid them without waiting for them to pass.. and he saw none.if he went to the side, he would smash into some civilians that were shopping. He can't jump above them either because his tiny little legs wouldn't be able to jump that high. no he lied, he can jump above it but he wouldn't do it right now because like stated earlier, he's still too disoriented from the memories, he reckon it's about 5 feet high. The only way for him to avoid hitting it without jumping, was to slide below it.

He was closing in and his choice was reduced to sliding under it.

'Now or never!' he shouted in his mind, deciding that he'd do it.

He increased his speed even more and soon enough! The wood is nearly in front of him. The moment he saw the opportunity to slide, he bent his back leg and stopped the movement of both legs, causing his momentum to send him sliding forward! The moment he passed the plywood he rolled and stood up and continued his sprint!

"Woohoo!!!" he cheered, earning himself a few stares but he didn't care! All he cared about was he did an awesome slide under stunt! He didn't know if that's what it's actually called but it's still pretty awesome for him.

Even with a memory of an 18 year old guy, he still acts like a child, he knew it too and he guessed that he wouldn't change that. He saw what early adulthood was like through some of Navi's memories and it wasn't fun, he know that if he wanted to enjoy life, he needs to act like a kid sometimes. Though for him acting like a child is a normal thing because he IS still a child. A child with memories of an adult but still a child nonetheless.

After a few more minutes of running he finally saw it… the academy gate. He smiled. Though he was sweating and breathing heavily, he didn't care. All he cared about was that HE arrived at the academy on time!.

He got confused though because as he came closer to it, the gate appeared to be… closed.

His running slowed down to a jog and then to just walking as his expression morphs into that of pure annoyance.






that's what was written on the sign in front of the gate that Naruto saw. Looking absolutely miffed he looked behind him and asked one of the random people walking.

He saw a lady holding a basket full of vegetables." Excuse me, do you know why the academy is closed?" He asked politely.

The lady looked at him and answered quickly " it's Saturday" before walking away.

Meanwhile Naruto just stood there with a deer in headlights expression. The lady's words echoing through his head like a shout in a cave. 'it's Saturday - it's Saturday - it's Saturday'

"IT'S-FUCKIN-SATURDAY!" He said in a hushed tone while palming his face with both hands and pulling on it hard due to frustration. His previous high energy seems to leave him completely.

' FUCKING MEMORIES! *INHALE* *EXHale* calm yourself. Just breathe *inhale* *exhale* haaaaah' finally calming down, he finished with a sigh and then thought of what he should do now.

He turned around and said, " I might as well just explore. This is annoying."

He looked around and saw the playground, the same playground where he first heard the parents tell their children to not get near him. He stares at it for a few seconds before shrugging and walking towards it. Completely forgetting his plans to explore. And though he shrugged the feeling of loneliness and sadness that he felt the moment he saw the playground. He knows it's there, he didn't have any options but to shrug it off anyways so he just let it be.

He then sat on one of the benches under a tree and looked up towards the sky, the morning clouds looking absolutely beautiful.


" I'm still sleepy, I want to sleep" He grumbled under his breath.

He looks around to see if someone is nearby and found no one. ' this silence is both pleasing and sombering at the same time.' he thought, the current silence and bareness of the playground reminding him of how lonely he is even with Navi's memories.

'i already know the reason for their cautiousness and hatred towards me but… this loneliness is nearly unbearable.' Navi's memories should've altered his way of feeling his own emotions such as sadness and depression but, I just can't help it…

The whispers that he heard when they thought they were out of earshot.

The sneers and the shouts he endured.

And their pure and utter hatred towards him that they didn't even bother trying to hide. Those were just too hard to complete ignore, no matter how much his previous self tried.

'i also know that those memories should've made me more mature and resistant towards those feelings but I can't seem to figure out (why?)... Is it because the memories haven't fully been Incorporated to mine? No that can't be it. The memories of Navi gifted me knowledge, ability to speak and understand complicated words and it also gave me… memories of having a family that I couldn't and wouldn't have…' while he was deep in thought, he didn't notice a single drop of tears that formed on the corner of his right eye. Those memories seem to be the last straw, and all his bottled up emotions up until yesterday were released. He only noticed it when it slid down his cheek. It quickly became followed by multiple more and soon both eyes were slowly streaming down tears on both his cheeks.

'am I… crying?' he raised a hand towards his right cheek and felt the cold tears caused by the sadness he was feeling

' why am I Crying? Navi's memories should've stopped me from being affected so why.' He wondered

' Oh,I know. My own memories. The ones that still remembers those feelings are now coming up to the surface because more of Navi's memories have been absorbed.' he concluded, tears still continuously streaming down his face.

'This sucks! this sucks! I hate this! I hate this feeling!' he cried in his mind. His previous child-like mind, before he got Navi's memories, made itself visible for moments before he vigorously started wiping the tears with his shirt. And though he was rambling and shouting in his mind, his body didn't give any outward reaction and he just sits there with tears on his eyes while looking towards the clouds

'I don't want to feel like this again! I should've been over this by now!' he continuedn looking towards the sky and just let the tears flow.

Closing his eyes while leaning his back on the bench, he slowly let himself drift to sleep.

It was a stupid idea to sleep in a playground that would be full of parents and children that hates you but, he really couldn't care less right now. And even if there's someone stupid enough to try and do something to him, the ANBU would just them them either way.

' I'm sure the ANBU would report my little episode just now to the hokage,haaah.' those were his thoughts before he completely fell asleep

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and blinked a couple times to allow it to adjust to the lighting. It was already nearing noon. He noted.

He stood up and stretched before looking around. There's a few parents and children at the park now but it seems that no one took it upon themselves to bother him.'although I wish they did. Haah' he thought with a sigh

He walked a few steps before he felt his stomach grumble and he remembered that he still hasn't eaten anything since last night.

*Sigh* " I'm just gonna go home and cook something."


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