
Entangled With The Hot Delinquent

A world famous supermodel, Theresa Adams, popularly known as Tessa Adams had everything any celebrity could ask for. But all that changed when she got popular in the news for the wrong things, endangering her professional career. In an attempt to hide away from the paparazzi and journalists she goes undercover in a school for delinquents, not as a student but as a teaching assistant. And not as a girl but as a boy. Unfortunately, she stepped on the tails of the school's most Delinquent, Maddox Gunner the first day. What can go wrong?

AvisMens · Teen
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12 Chs

Suspension for Maddox

''He did what?!!''

I winced, not expecting Aunt Katie to react so angrily. I turned to Andrew and narrowed my eyes.

I shouldn't have listened to him. Aunt Katie didn't have to know everything that went on in the classroom or in this case outside the classroom.

Also, I was embarrassed by the entire situation. I wanted to prove myself to her, not run into her office each time I encountered a problem.

''It's no biggie. Honestly, I was expecting him to do a lot worse,'' I replied, shrugging.

Maddox's threat weighed heavily on my mind. The only way to stop him from hassling me was to stay well away from him. It wasn't going to be easy considering I had to see him everyday.

''Theresa,'' Alex, for the first time, acknowledged me by my real name.

Any negative emotion I was feeling towards him vanished instantly, ''Maddox attacked you. That is unacceptable. Suspension is the only way forward.'' He directed at Aunt Katie.

Aunt Katie propped her elbows against her desk and held her head in her hands, ''I think you're right, Alex. This boy has put this school through too much. I know he's suffered a lot but this...'' She didn't finish.

''Suffered from what?'' I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

''Maddox has had an unpleasant upbringing. His mother was an alcoholic and still is from what I'm told and his father is in prison for drug dealing.''

My heart sank and guilt washed over me.

Maybe I had been quick to judge him.

''Does he not have any other family?''

Aunt Katie'seyes lit up, ''Yes. Maddox has two younger siblings. They live with his grandparents.''

''Oh.'' I replied, not knowing what else to say. I felt slight relief in knowing that Maddox was not completely alone and did have some family.

''Has it been decided then?'' Alex chimed in, 'Maddox must be suspended.'


''No!'' I interrupted suddenly, surprising myself with my outburst.

Alex and Aunt Katie stared at me, in shock.

''I--uh--Does Maddox have to be suspended? It is kind of my fault that he reacted this way.''

''What do you mean?'' Aunt Katieasked.

''Last night,' I started, ''I did have a bit of an altercation with him. I told him to turn his music down and threatened to report his behaviour to you. I should have let it go. He was at home, not in school. Technically, he could do what he wanted. I overreacted.''

''Hmm. I see. I'm glad that you're taking your role seriously but you can't come down too hard on these kids.

They won't react to situations the same way you do. I will let Maddox off this time but if I hear he's been misbehaving again then I will no longer have a choice but to expel him.''

I heard Alex sigh beside me. He was clearly unhappy with the decision.

His reaction irked me and I wasn't sure why. I brushed off my thoughts, realising that Alex had more than likely been a witness to this kind of behavior from Maddox many times before.

I couldn't blame him for feeling frustrated at the decision.

''How was the remainder of your day?''

''Good.' I smiled, genuinely, 'It went by really fast and Alex helped me whenever I needed it.''

''I'm happy to hear that. Continue to do what you're doing and I'll be proud.''

''Thanks.'' I replied.

''You can head off home now. I know you've had a long day.''

I exited the office and proceeded to head out of the college.

The fresh air, which hit my skin when I pushed through the doors, was enough to break out a huge grin on my face.

I couldn't wait to go home and just lay on my bed. It had been a tiring day. Not as bad, ruling out the Maddox encounter, as I thought it would be but definitely exhausting.

One thing was for sure, I was feeling optimistic. I was finally beginning to think that I could pull this off.

''Where's my money?!'' I heard a male voice shout out in anger.

I stopped walking and hid behind a tree on the school grounds. Leaning forwards and adjusting myself against the tree allowed me to see through the iron gates.

I could see a large, bald man standing over another man. The face of the man under attack wasn't in my view but from his casual clothing and footwear I decided he was relatively young.

''I don't have it yet.'' The younger man replied.

I was struck with a sense of familiarity.

Have I heard this voice before?

''Wrong answer, buddy!'' The bald man spat out before punching the younger man directly on his face.

I held in a panicked scream and contemplated calling the police. This scuffle sounded a lot like a drug deal gone wrong. Should I risk getting involved?

''You son of a bitch!'' The boy growled before leaping onto the bald man.

He turned in my direction causing me to back away. I stayed put, safely hidden behind the bountiful tree, unable to move.

All I could hear was punches being thrown and yells of pain. I wasn't sure which guy the screams were coming from.

''I don't have your money and this,' I heard another smack, ' work on your ugly f*cking face that I have produced is a gentle reminder for you to leave me the f*ck alone.''

''You'll be sorry you did this, Maddox. When Ryan hears about this--''

Maddox chuckled, the sarcastic sound echoing in our empty surroundings,

''You tell Ryan that Maddox Gunner says,''

I knew what he was going to say before the words left his mouth. Please don't say it.

Please don't say it.

" Kiss my ass.''


I peeked again, just in time to watch Maddox walk away, leaving the injured man on the concrete ground.

My heart continued to race erratically.

Andrew was right, Maddox should be suspended.

Maddox Gunner was a lot more dangerous than I had initially given him credit for.