
Entangled Souls: The Story of the Last Bloodline

Constance has no idea who she is and what her destiny entails. She grew up beaten and locked away. On the day of her 18th birthday, she freed herself. But, will she remain free?

Thegamingmomma · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


She knew before she opened her eyes that it was going to be a beautiful day. Constance had been waiting eagerly for her 18th birthday so that she could leave her step-father/Alphas territory. She was done being used as a maid to clean after everyone in the house. She wasn't a Gamma. She had Alpha in her blood.

She stayed as long as she could, for her mother. But, she could no longer stand being treated as though she were a freak in her own pack home.

Constance was beautiful. She wasn't your average shifter. She had long deep red hair that reached to the top of her round glutes. She wasn't skinny, she wasn't fat. She was thick enough to have a figure.

She was 5'3 and had Carmel-colored skin and bright blue eyes. She was born to a loving mother and father.

They were in awe when she was born because she had birthmarks on her body that looked like whispers of silver tattoos that flowed and swirled with her emotions.

When she wasn't doing what she was told she was getting beat by the step-loser that her mother had to marry.

When she was 10 years old her father was challenged by another man wanting to be the Alpha. The outcome was her father's death. The man wanted her mother and as new acting Alpha. She could not deny him even though her soulmate had been killed.

The new Alpha reigned with fear and hate. If you didn't do what he wanted when he wanted, he would beat you until you submitted to his will. Constance was always covered in bruises because she always defied him at every turn.

When she finally opened her eyes, she sighed in relief. Today was her 18th birthday and she was already packed to get out. She wasn't sure where she would go, she just knew that she wasn't staying here any longer.

"CONSTANCE, GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED AND MAKE BREAKFAST!" the Step-loser shouted while beating on the door.

"FUCKING MAKE IT YOURSELF ASS HOLE!" she yelled back defiantly.

He kicked the door in, enraged at her response. "What did you say to me you fucking freak!" he yelled as he slapped her across the face. Her head hit the backboard of the bed from the blow.

She stared up at him licking the blood from her split lip.

"I told you to make it yourself ass hole." She replied slowly, deliberately enunciating every word.

He grabbed her left bicep and picked her up from her bed forcefully revealing her naked body. Her tattoos were swirling across her skin in sync with her anger.

Instead of slapping her this time he threw her into her closet, her head hit the corner side of the closet door in the process.

"You will not speak to me that way, get dressed you poor excuse for a shifter, and make the packs breakfast." He growled at her.

She looked up at him from the floor of her closet. "No!" She spat at him.

He grabbed her hair on the top of her head and yanked her up off the floor. He placed a blade to her throat hard enough that a small scarlet line appeared. Looking her in the eyes he growled low and repeated himself. "Make the pack breakfast or you won't live past this day." He smirked evilly as he pressed the blade harder against her throat and breathed in the scent of her fear and blood.

She met his eyes and growled. "Your wish is my command, Alpha." her lips pursed as she slightly ground her teeth.

He lifted the blade from her neck and leaned into it, licking the blood. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she pushed him back grabbed his blade quickly and sliced the side of his face from forehead to chin.

She forgot everything and ran from the house. Ran from everything she knew. Once her feet hit the grass she shifted into her white tiger and headed east. She had no idea what was happening behind her. She didn't care. She knew she had to get out before he killed her.