
Entangled Souls: The Story of the Last Bloodline

Constance has no idea who she is and what her destiny entails. She grew up beaten and locked away. On the day of her 18th birthday, she freed herself. But, will she remain free?

Thegamingmomma · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Bambi - The Beginning

I felt her thumb graze my breast and I let out a soft moan. I placed my hands on top of hers as she slowly traced her thumb over my nipple. I moaned louder, this time eliciting the attention of Dean. He sauntered into the room and locked the door behind him. I looked at him intently, my eyes finding his.

As he walked closer I could see his eyes shift from green to the black of his wolf's. His arousal was eminent underneath the sweat pants he had put on.

I felt Constance's breath hitch in my ear as she watched Dean drop his pants. Fisting his hard cock with his right hand.

I took this moment to turn in her arms and kiss her hard on the lips. Slowly moving her back to the bed. I laid her down softly as I unzipped her dress. Sliding it down her body as I kissed down her neck toward her collar bone. I stopped and nipped at the top of her supple breast, the soft skin turned pink as she let out a soft moan.

"Let him touch her while you're pleasing her. The power is for you both." Angel whispered in my mind. I could feel her close to the surface.

I did as she told me to. As I finished kissing my way down her body, I reached her clit. I nipped it gently through her soaked underwear. I hummed in approval as I ripped it off of her.

I beckoned Dean over at that moment. I watched him pump his hard dick, it felt right that he watched us. I watched more as he reached under her back to unclasp her bra, and took her right breast into his mouth, while I sucked on her wet bud.