
Entangled Souls: The Story of the Last Bloodline

Constance has no idea who she is and what her destiny entails. She grew up beaten and locked away. On the day of her 18th birthday, she freed herself. But, will she remain free?

Thegamingmomma · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Bambi - Mating Continued

I felt his cock push into my feverish pussy. I let out a loud moan into Constance's core as she purred back in response.

Dean wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me out of Constance's heat. I growled at him and watched Constance shimmy her body underneath me until her lips met my swollen bud.

She smiled sexily and whispered. "It's our turn to mark you, love, let us." I let out a soft whine as her tongue jetted out to my clit. I could feel Dean moving in and out of me, creating more friction than I could handle.

My body spasmed, but Dean held me still as he pumped into me harder and faster. Constance's tongue and teeth sucking my bud to the rhythm of his pounding.

He kissed my neck and caused my body to buck uncontrollably, she held me still by placing more pressure on my thighs. Their teeth pierce my skin at the same time, marking me as theirs. I felt a new power flow through me as I screamed my orgasm for the world to hear.

Dean filled me as my pussy clenched around his cock. I looked down at Constance as she continued to nip and suck. He slowly pulled out as she stuck her tongue in and a whole new orgasm hit me. My body shuddered and I screamed her name as I came undone on her lips.

She finally released me and I leaned down and kissed her, tasting ourselves on our lips. I hummed into her mouth and moved her closer to the pillows before I collapsed next to her.

I heard Dean move behind me, grabbing my hips and turning me around to face him. "We aren't done yet." He growled and took my mouth. I moaned as I felt Constance's hands wrap around my breasts.

She whispered to me, "we need to mark him, take control."