
chapter one

At exactly ten post meridiem,a strange looking man walks along the road with hurried steps. He had blood at the corners of his lips,he looks to be limping. He turns back at every chance he gets. He's terrified. His face seems to be drained of blood. He begins to sob as he crosses the lonely street,he was too afraid to ask anyone for help,too afraid to talk to people. He tries as much as he can to steady his movement as he walks across the road. He hand absolutely nowhere to go but keeps walking. He had no father or mother, no family to call, he had nothing.

Daniel,a twenty one year old omega who had previously worked in a bar and lived with three roomates believed he had found the bone when he met randy a twenty four year old alpa, rich, handsome and eloquent. He couldn't believe it the day when the alpha told him "live with me". He didn't waste anytime to pack up and move in with his new boyfriend.he had lived peacefully with randy until three months ago when randys grandfather the chairman and owner of a multi-million dollar company name randy's cousin as president of the company. On that night he had come home drunk. daniel who had been waiting for his boyfriend all right rushed to hold the falling man close to .

Pow.The first punch landed across his face.he was completely stupefied. What had just happened? He didn't have enough time to process anytine when his back landed on the cold floor. The man on top of him moved his lips closer to his neck and bit him harshly.

"aahhh..stop..r..andy..stop" he tried a much as he could to push the drunk man away from him but an omega is no match for an alpha. Daniel was fining it too hard to process anything. What was going on? Why did randy have to use this much force on him? They had made love countless of times. They had done it everywhere,even at randys's office.

"randy..stop..calm down and talk to me" the man above him continued to ignore his cries as he continues to ravage the man under his body. He tore his clothes and tugged at his pants until they were off. He entered his body without any lubrication or protection. The man above continued to forcefully penetrate daniel,it was like he had lost his mind. Who was this monster?where did he take randy to?

"uuuggghhh…I hate him!i hate them all!" daniel had no idea who randy was talking about. His head was completely muddled, he felt dizzy and blacked out. When he had woken up the next morning he was still lying on the cold floor with traces of blood and semen, he tried to get up but couldn't he felt really sore . he turned towards the left and could see randy in a daze. He wanted to say something to him but randy beat him to it.

"I'm sorry"he sounded sincere but refused to look at who he had just apologized to. "I was mad…I shouldn't have done what I did" this time he looked at daniel but this time those warm eyes that had attracted daniel to him had turned cold. From that day,daniel was reapetedly abused both physically and verbally by randy.

Today he had had enough,he coulsnt report to the police,first,he was an omega and second randy came from a very powerful and influencial family in the city . he didn't dare to go to the pilice station.

Srrrrr .the sound of tires screeching brought daniel back to the land of reality. The car door opens and a young man in an uniform comes out of the car.he seems to be a driver. "hey!you…watch the road I almost killed…"before he could finish speaking the back door opens and a sturdy looking alphone comes out of the car.

"whats going on alfred"he asked the driver while looking closekyb at daniel

"mr lucian…this boy suddenly appeared on the road" the driver spoke with utmost respect.

"I'm really sorry…i..ll just..ge..t hoing…' daniel said trying to cower away from the mans gaze.

"stop!" the man shouted authoritatively, somehow it made daniel rooted to the same spot. Maybe because the man was an alpha. A dominant alpha.