
Ensnaring Darkness (BL)

When desires are kept bottled up, they become fiercer, longing to be fulfilled. Julien, a closeted gay fantasized of a romantic affair with his CEO, the ice-cold, domineering, and devilishly handsome Knox Von Dietrich. But that's all there is to it -a fantasy. Knox wouldn't want him. Heartbroken, Julien turns to an unlikely help and found his beliefs spiraling out of control as an odd app issued tasks for him to complete, all the while unraveling secrets and desire so dark that threatens to consume him. Julien is about to discover a whole new world filled with danger and excitement. Will he survive?

MsTabbyCat · Fantasy
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21 Chs

In which he feels anxious

Julien spent the weekend with his anxiety mounting. He tossed and turned in his bed as thoughts of his secret cast havoc in his already weary mind. His sexual preference had always been what he kept well-hidden and feared the most.

A long time ago, he tried to come out to his family but just touching into the topic made his father, Gregory Alderean lost his appetite. The sharp gaze from his old man seemed to cut like a knife into his heart. His mother, Jesse just laughed it off and tactfully veered the topic in a different direction. Her knowing and concerned gaze told Julien that she might have known it all along but she remained silent. His sister, Genevieve took it lightly as a passing topic but never dwelt on it. Julien knew then that coming out to his family would be disastrous and the consequences would hurt and scar him for life. So he remained in the closet and tried to be the man his family thought he was.

His desires remained buried in the darkest corners of his mind, never to be brought to light. Somehow, he had come into terms with it. He'll carry his secret to his death but one stupid mistake rattled his carefully woven mask.

What if Knox told the others? What if the other employees already know? What if they're secretly talking about me now? Julien couldn't control the negative thoughts that took root in his heart. After all, it was already there and for a long time, despite keeping it he had nurtured the fear to grow.

Cold sweat trickled down his back as he stepped out the elevator. The office was bustling with activity. The chatter was lively and some, who he'd known for a long time even greeted him on his way to his office. All along, his heartbeat raced erratically in his chest and his legs felt as heavy as lead.

He saw a group of employees crowding on one side with their heads bowed down and his heart skipped a beat. Trembling, he froze in the middle of the way. He was sure one of them glanced his way. Or was he being too paranoid?

"Good morning little Julien!" A loud, booming voice cut through the office bustle.

Greetings from the employees followed. Julien collected himself and turned towards the speaker, the enigmatic Daemon Von Dietrich, his direct supervisor and cousin of the CEO.

"Good morning Sir."

"You look tired already? It's just Monday!" Daemon joked and steered him to their office. As Daemon's assistant and secretary, they share an office.

Julien laughed, which came out dry and forced.

"Cheer up! We got a Townhouse meeting today."

Julien's whole body froze and he paled. He forgot it was the Townhouse today! A quarterly meeting of regular employees where their performance is evaluated and miscellaneous topics are covered. What if Knox decided to use him as an example of violating the rule of using company resources and by doing so revealed his secret? The negative thoughts grew like vines and invaded every corner of his mind.

"You don't look so good. Are you sick Julien?" Daemon asked in worry.

He shook his head and wiped the sweat in his forehead. "It's just a little stomach ache. I'll take some medicine."

Daemon nodded. "Okay then. Hurry up to the clinic and follow to the meeting hall. The Townhouse will start soon."

Julien made a quick trip to the men's lavatory instead of the clinic. He splashed cold water into his face and chastised the negative thoughts in his mind.

Don't be ridiculous, the CEO will not do something as petty as revealing my secret to the crowd! He was known to be nonchalant and strict with the rules. His only focus was the smooth operation in the company! He did say before that he was going to be lenient with me! Act like it didn't happen at all!

Julien straightened his suit and took a deep breath. He followed everyone to the hall and took a seat behind Daemon. In a raised platform, he spotted Knox and Riley and other employees preparing for the assembly. Despite his pep talk, the nervousness ate out his calm facade. His palms started to sweat.

The lights dimmed and the chatters died down until silence remained. Julien wanted to bolt out the hall already as the large screen monitor lit up. Knox stepped in the middle of the raised platform, exuding an aura that rattled everyone's core. His sharp gaze roamed into the crowd and each one felt nervous about their performance evaluation for the quarter.

Knox was cold and direct with his words. He seldom gave a bad review of an employee's performance. Julien could only recall one time and that was when Knox's former assistant was caught having sex in his office in what's supposed to be a weekend project. Knox just came back from his business trip in the Philippines and decided to head back to the office to check on the project of his team but was surprised by the scene in his office instead.

After that, on the Townhouse assembly, he'd reiterated that sexual acts of any kind and romantic relationship inside the company will not be tolerated. The previous assistant lost his job and also faced a lawsuit from Von Dietrich corporation. There were rumors that his small family business also went bankrupt shortly after.

Everyone knew then that Knox values proprietary the most and the employees don't even dare to speak of lewd jokes even by themselves.

"Good morning. Starting this quarter, a ranking will be posted."

Julien held his breath when he heard the word "ranking". No, no, it can't be! He wouldn't!

His mind erupted with anxiety and all rational thoughts flew away. Unconsciously, he had sprung up from his seat, fists clenched.

He said he will be lenient!

His action gathered the attention of most of the crowd but Julien was too out of it to care.

"This is unfair!" He shouted.

Would really appreciate it, if you can tell me what you think of the story. Thank you!

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