
Preparation 1

"This match once again, Jennifer?" I asked, raising an inquiring eyebrow.

"The match, indeed. And...show her the outfits (turning to Jane). She must look amazing tomorrow for the match."

"I don't need a dress for a match." I said, "it is only a match, not a magnificent ball." and Jennifer laughed. She chuckled mockingly for a moment, let out a sigh, and then turned to face me while holding her head high. Do that mean to tell me that she is the queen over here?

"My daughter, you need to look gorgeous for the match. Tomorrow will bring the prince and king of Juce. Would you want the prince to be interested in my two stunning daughters?" She asked while beaming at me. Before moving my head away, I returned her gaze and scoffed at her.

"Jennifer, I have no interest in any prince. The prince of Juce is free to choose which of your daughters he likes. I have no interest.

I will simply choose a gown at random from my luggage. You shouldn't worry too much about me. Instead, worry for your daughters."

I hopped back on my bed.

Jennifer instructed the girl, "Janet, you can go." Before leaving the room, Janet bowed to the princess and the queen.

She rapidly went from having a smile on her face to having a grumpy one. The drama queen she is.

"My darling, what have you grown? Wings, indeed?"

I gave her a brief look before shrugging.

"Maybe. You are not my mother, so it probably isn't your business even if I grow tails." She responded to my words by giving me a wicked chuckle.

Even now, I continue to wonder what my father perceives in this woman. The first daughter of the duchess of Seminu might have been a more deserving match for him, for example.

This pretentious face is not deserving of that woman, nor is she as attractive. She perfectly embodies the traits of a bad stepmother. It's a good thing I escaped her trap before she completely transformed me into a maid.

"Oh absolutely. I am not your mother. I would have smacked you across the face if the creator had actually picked me to be your biological mother."

I laughed at her while averting my eyes.

"Good for you, I suppose. Your poor fortune was that the creator gave you two talentless kids." She glared at me this time when I responded, so I pretended to smile at her in the same way that she does.

Yes, her kids are like tin cans and lack any special abilities. They lack the ability to sing, dance, or do any other activity on their own. They only enjoy cooing over clothes, makeup, and shoes and taking care of the princes of other countries. So who is at fault here? Both of them exhibited no maternal traits.

"You are finished, you evil girl, if you say that once more." She drew her index finger and pointed a threat at my face.

"And you, wicked stepmother, what can you do? Geez! Will you lock me in the attic like you did years ago, or will you order the guards to come beat me like you did years ago? Jessica, go away and leave me alone. Don't you think you're too annoying? Act like the queen you are—you took my mother's place." I immediately yelled at her.

I simply can't stand it any longer. She is simply really nasty and irritating. She is nothing more than a witch undercover.

"Fine! Princess Alice, you can wear whatever you like. But listen, whether you like it or not, you are still in my care. Since I am Anopia's queen, I shall be the one to decide how your life is to be lived." With a glare at me, she said. I gave her another sneer while glaring back at her.

She then stormed out of the room, kicking the door hard against the wall.

"Annoying!" I mumbled.

The next day...


I yawned and dragged my legs away from the covers as I got out of bed. I stood up, still keeping my eyes shut. Oh, I'm so worn out. I slowly opened my eyes to discover friendly faces looking at me. Who...who? I looked at the maids who were lined up in front of me; among them was Janet.

"What on earth are you people doing here?" I asked in a perplexed tone. When did they arrive here? Was it when I had, my god! I embarrassedly put my hand over my mouth.

What's wrong with you, Alice? Did they watch me fart twice, sing a poem in my dream, and then fart again? I muttered to myself as I turned to face the four maids in front of me.

"Um, Janet, are you four here when I, uh, maybe do my thing?" I ask (nervously chuckling). I asked, raising my eyes to meet theirs.

Two of the maids flushed unexpectedly, and the final one made a small laugh.

"Oh!" I screamed. When I went about my business, they were all present. What a dunce I am—a princess. What the hell am I doing wrong? I struck my head twice while repeatedly berating myself.

"No! No! Princess. Avoid doing that. I was abruptly interrupted by Janet. "We're here to walk you to the bathroom, bathe you, and then get you ready for the game today."

I gave her a frown. Despite everything I told Mrs. Queen, she continued to plan my dress.

"Who sent you here, the queen?" When I asked a question, they all shook their heads.

"Princess, no. It was his Majesty."

Father, to me? I jumped up on the bed with haste as a smile spread across my face. If it's my father, I'll be happy to take the dress he's made for me. At least the Queen is not preparing it. Queen of deception.

"That's fantastic. Please show me the way to the restroom." I put in a demand.