


I finally made it out to my family after repeatedly pounding a wall nearby the lavatory to calm myself down. I steered clear of the so-called prince Luke's eyes. This man doesn't appeal to me, and I'm not sure if I ever will. I sat down and turned to face the field of combat. Has it started? I was about to sit down when I glanced at the gladiator. Is that...

I glanced at the man, who was also looking back at me, and my hands grasped the chair's arm. Without a doubt, he was the one. 

However, why was he there? How did he get there? I hurried to meet my father as tears began to fill up in my eyes. What is going on? That is a person! A person is primed to take on a beast.


Father gave me a stern look while grinning. He was aware that a person and a beast would battle. This is what? 

"What is wrong, my princess?" 

I gestured to the field while fighting back tears, but I have a feeling they won't hold back for long. Why was this attractive young man in the death field? I had dreamed about him. Now He's going to be killed. 

"Father, that...that is an actual human being in there." 

"I know." He nod his head in agreement. "He is my beast, my slave." 

Slave?! I widened my eyes in shock, stared at my father. 

"But father, he would get killed by the wild beast. He is a human being father." 

"My dear, trust me. He would survive. You just seat and watch the fun. And if he doesn't, (chuckled) it's just for fun."

"No..." I gasped. 

I heard clattering from the gates. The gates of hell. A huge lion walked out of the gate, running towards him. No!

"Alice?" Father raised his brows in question. Even Jennifer and her children were staring at me in question. "Sit." Father commanded.

⁵Staring at the lion, it looks like it had not eaten for a very long time, and there was it's lunch for the day. I turned my head to look at my father who was still smiling wholeheartedly, and the rest of the people who were cheering with all their mights. Do they really think this is an entertainment?

The lion pounced on him, but he guarded it's teeth with the chains on him. I clenched my fists nervously. I pray he gets out of there alive and well. 


Pushing the beast away with his strength, he suddenly pulled the chains around his hands, breaking it into pieces. The crowds gasped in surprise, seeing something really interesting. Ash turned his head to look at the woman who was staring at him worriedly, then turned away. Maybe it's time for he to wrestle with his life. He have to keep living. The lion charged against him again, and this time, he clinched to the head of the lion, pulling it down, and punching it's face over and over again. The lion growled, throwing him away. Ash stood up again, charged against the lion instead. He grabbed his mouth, widening it ferociously till he made sure to tear it off. Alice was praying, while the crowds were cheering in excitement. The lion stood again, ready to pounce on him. Ash grabbed the heavy broken chains rolling it around his hands, as they both charged against themselves, Ash jumped punching the lion right into his eyes, and silence filled the wild beast. Ash jumped down from the lion, as the crowds cheered in excitement. Alice sighed in relieve, sitting down on her chair. Ash turned his head again to look at the woman who sat down on the royal throne next to the king. That must be first princess. His heart actually skipped for the first princess of Anopia. 

Alice suddenly stood up on her feet in horror. 

"Watch out!" 

She screamed, but it was too late for Ash. He was been hit by something hard. He fell on the floor, then spat out blood. 

Alice quickly ran out of the cavea, towards the gates. The gates were shut close so she couldn't open it up, but had to clutch on it worriedly. That is Detox. Detox would kill him, he is demon himself. She had known him ever since she was little, and had seen so many people die in his hands. How on earth did her father make a demon like him battle with a helpless human?

"Your highness!" One of the soldiers bowed to her. 

"Get him out of there. Detox would kill him!!" She yelled at the soldiers in panic. They exchanged glances, then looked back at her. 

"We can't your highness. Order of his Majesty to keep him there with Detox." The soldier explained, still with his head bowed. 

"No!" Alice gasped, holding tight to the iron bars. 

Ash stood up on his feet, to meet a man twice his size. He was huge, a giant, and also muscular from his head to his feet. 

"You are doomed!" Detox spoke loudly, wanting to hit him with both of his huge hands, but Ash quickly backed off, as Detox hit the floor instead. 

Ash clenched tight to the heavy chains around his hand, then charged towards this giant, hitting his stomach, Detox staggered, but quickly held to his heels. He growled, pushing punching Ash away like a piece of trash. 

"No!!" Alice yelled. 

Ash legs were being dragged as Detox threw him hard to the floor. 

Ash coughed out blood again, trying to stand up on his feet. 

The cheering of the crowds made the people deaf to hear Alice screams. Even her father was preoccupied with the amazing battle between Ash and Detox. 

"No, no, no." Alice shook her head, trying to break the metal gates which led to the gladiator, but she couldn't. 

Detox grabbed Ash's hair, pulling him hard, then threw him off. 

Ash was bloodstained all over. He was bleeding over and seem pretty tired. 

"Get up! Get up, get up please. Detox is coming for you!" Alice yelled to the man who was very tired. He slowly opened his eyes to see the woman by the gates, asking him to get up and fight. The first princess of Anopia. She is there? Strangely, he began to regain back his strength. He slowly got up on his feet, ready to fight again. 

And a cheer released from the mouth of the crowds. They were obviously enjoying themselves to the fullest. This was an intense death wrestle and they all loved it. 

Ash wiped off the blood on his head with his hands, then clenched the chains tightly. 

"Oh you are acting all strong, aye? Come here and fight me. Come!" Detox was trying to provoke him, calling him towards himself. 

Ash grits on his teeth, charged towards the giant, and a boom! The giant, Detox fell on the floor dead. 

The crowds gasped, and turned silent, staring at Ash in wonder. Did he just kill a dangerous giant with a single blow? The king of Anopia grinned, and his visitors were extremely surprised. The powerful slave of Anopia is definitely not a human. Detox who had killed so many huge beasts and lived so many years without a Illness or another had just been killed by a blow. Ash is definitely not a human being. 

Ash turned around to look at Alice who was still by the gate. She had cooled down and now smiling widely at him, and for the first time, Ash's face lifts a smile. 

Four bodyguards walked into the field carrying heavy metals. The crowds wondered why the heavy chains on him were needed. He broke a heavy metal in just a second. He sure can break this chains on him three seconds. 

The chains were locked around his legs, hands and the other was on his neck. He was dragged towards the gate, still treated like a piece of rag. Getting to the metallic gate, he turned his head to look at Alice. Alice wanted to touch him, but she was interrupted by her sister's call. 


She turned to look at her sister, then back to look at Ash. But it was too late, Ash had been dragged away to his cell. Deborah had called her, after realizing that she wasn't seated. But to her surprise, she was found in this suffocating dark place. So low of the first daughter of the king of Anopia. She thinks she should be the first daughter and not this girl, who is just a year older than her.